Thursday, August 25, 2011

Wine and Love v14

Another week of wine and love, where I air my grievances and the things that are making me very happy!

- Sleep.  Lately I have been sleeping horribly.  I either struggle to fall asleep or struggle to stay asleep.  I am averaging around 7 hours a night and it's just not enough for me. 
- Furniture assembly. If you are on twitter, you KNOW how much I did NOT enjoy assembling that furniture.
-  I am very lucky to have a very busy life and a full social calendar, but it's sort of been a bit too much lately.  Like in the month of August, I had 2 free week nights.  TWO.  And one of those 'free' nights was spent in a car, driving up to my parents cabin.  It's been a fun month, but it's been exhausting.  A corollary of this is that I feel like I have to apologize when I have to say no to something because I am busy or just plain need a night to myself.

- Tonight, Canada Amber flies in and tomorrow Iowa Amber arrives for the weekend!!  Our group is smaller than originally planned due to some things that came up for the others, but I am SUPER DUPER excited to host these 2.  We have lots of fun plans, which include wedding dress shopping (for Canada Amber), a grilled dinner at my house, the state fair, watching "One Day" (which we've all read), and biking around Minneapolis!  I am sure I will have pictures to share and stories to tell next week!
- As much as I hated assembling my furniture, I love the actual furniture.  My place is starting to look more put together!  Everything was sort of in limbo until I got the couch - now I can start making decisions about what to do with the rest of my living room/den area/etc.
- I have tomorrow off!  I haven't had a day off since the weekend of the 4th so I am due for this!  I can't wait to spend the day with the Ambers!

Have a wonderful weekend!  I am sure I will be back with a recap next week!


  1. Have a fun packed enjoyable weekend with your friends! Sounds like you have lots planned!
    I hate it when one can't sleep deeply and restfully - makes such a difference when you sleep well! Hang in there!

  2. Big hugs to Canada Amber and Iowa Amber from me. I hope you girls have nothing but an amazing time :) It sounds like it will be super fun and I'm so bummed I can't be there. Fingers crossed we can make a January meet-up happen! And please introduce the girls to sweet martha's cookies please?

    I so feel you on the sleep + calendar thing. I can handle a few week night plans but busy weekends back to back is what really gets me all worn down. Here's hoping there is a break somehow for us soon...

  3. Hope you girls have a great weekend!!

  4. Yay for the Ambers coming to visit :) I hope you guys have fun and let me know how One Day is because I want to see it.

    Also, I hear you on sleep and too many social events. I think the summer is a time of LOTS of social events so hopefully that will calm down for you as the fall comes around.

  5. I hope your sleep issue is a short lived interference. Have a fun weekend. The weather should be perfect for walking and enjoying the fair.

  6. Have fun hanging with the Ambers! Again, totally jealous you get to hang with the canada amber. I really want to meet her one day.

  7. I hope you girls have a fabulous weekend!

  8. Have so, so, so much fun! It will be such a fantastic weekend. I cannot wait to hear all about it.

    I have been sleeping like crap too. Not cool.

  9. Hahaha, the comments here are so cute! I love how we're the Ambers!
    Of course you know I am so so so excited to spend the weekend with you and Amber! You're the best for hosting us!

  10. NEVER feel guilty for (a) having a full life and (b) taking a night for yourself. Seriously. Just make a mental note of the no's and be sure to catch them the next time you're in a position to make plans. It's amazing how forgiving people can be. =)

  11. Is it wrong for me to invite myself over to the next blogger weekend? Because I think I just did. ;) I hope you girls have a FABULOUS weekend and can't wait to read/see all about it!

  12. i hear ya on the sleep thing. i didnt have time for coffee this morning and now am on my 2nd can of pop to try to stay awake.

  13. I agree with Stephany. Meeeee tooo on the next weekend! You guys are going to have a blast. I am excited FOR you! Running, food, bikes and sightseeing! Perfect weekend. I know you are super busy but this winter when you are bored out of your skull you will look back on these days with much fondness. Enjoy!

    My wine and love go hand in hand. My love: MrL is coming to see me this weekend. THE WINE (and there will be a lot of it if this happens): Hurricane Irene is headed for Boston. WTH! So he may not make it after all. Sob.


    Also, I did not realize you were THAT busy this summer. That is seriously nutso. You NEED to take some time for yourself in the fall. Promise OK?

  15. Yay for the arrival of the Ambers! Y'all are going to have a blast!

    I have not been getting enough sleep later either, which is why I haven't made a group run yet this week. I just can't get up at 4:30 and function until after 6pm on the 5-6 hours of sleep. I've been sleeping that extra 60-90 minutes and still feel like I'm not getting quite enough most nights.

  16. I love that you're calling them Canada and Iowa Amber! :) Take lots of pics and have a fabulous time!!! Looking forward to our video chat (as long as we have power!)

  17. I'm glad you're getting settled and looking forward to a good time with wonderful friends! Sounds pretty perfect to me!

  18. You guys are going to have so much fun together! I wish I could magically teleport myself there so I could join you guys, but I guess I'll just have to make the next one. :)

  19. So excited for you and the Ambers! You are going to have so much fun :-)

  20. I can't wait to see all the pics. I know you ladies are going to have a blast. I'm already picturing it...the grilling on the porch and biking around Minneapolis. Wish I could be there! Hope the wedding dress search for Amber goes well!

  21. I've already heard from Nor that you've mentioned wedding dress shopping and I think that's FABULOUS! You are an inspiration. It is an experience every bride should have. I'm telling ya, once the ceremony/reception venues are confirmed, it's gonna be crazy fun planning!

    Congrats on "building" your condo - isn't it fun seeing it all come together? (and very curious, I am to see what you've done)
