Wednesday, August 31, 2011

It Was the Best of Times...

Hey everyone!  I am finally getting around to writing a quick post.  My internet has been down for days (cable, too).  Thank God for my iPhone.  I would be lost without it!  The internet has been fixed, but I won't trust it until it works consistently for a cuople of days. 

Anyways, I had an amazing weekend with Amber and Amber!  I am not even going to try to do it justice since Canadian Amber did an amazing job recapping each day with photos!  You can read about it here:

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3

Seriously - go check out those posts.  She got some amazing photos.

I wasn't as good about documenting the weekend in photos, so in true Lisa style, you get a bullet-pointed version of highlights:
  • Dress shopping!  It was really fun to watch Amber try on the wedding dresses - and find THE ONE.  It was a very special experience to be there with her. 
  • Outerwear  Yep, surprise, surprise, I bought another coat.   Isaw it across the street and jay walked to check it out.  I know, I know.  I have a lot of coats.  But it's cold here a lot.  And this one is plum.  I will post a picture of it some other time.  The funny thing is that Iowa Amber misunderstood me when I said I have 16 jackets - she thought I had 60!  Ufda.  Now that would be a problem.  ;)
  • Running  I got to do 2 runs with Canadian Amber - one easy'ish but hot run on Fri and one long run on Saturday.  It was great to catch up while running!
  • Biking  We explored the city on bikes on Sunday and the girls loved the Nice Ride program as much as I did.  We spent about 80 minutes biking in total, so got a nice little workout it!
  • Linguistics  Turns out Canadian Amber pronounces quite a few words differently.  Like drama.  And pasta.  And chafing.  She should probably do a vlog about this.  I would, but the sound of my voice is akin to nails on the chalkboard for me....
  • Validation  I think one of the best things about this weekend was that they totally agreed that my neighborhood is  It's nice to see the city through someone else's eyes.  I didn't need their validation, but it's nice to have important people in your life tell you, "We get why you live here and why you are so happy."
I will leave you with one photo that I stole from Amber.  :)

So in summary, it really was the best of times.  The worst of times was the saying good bye part.  I find myself wishing I lived closer to a long list of people I've met through the blogging community!  That said, I know these good byes are really 'see you laters'!  The girls, and others I've met, are truly life-long friends.


  1. So glad you all had such a good time! And I truly love it every time you use the phrase "the" Ha!

  2. So sweet! :) I'm so glad you girls had such a fun weekend! Can't wait til you come to Boston so I can write these kind of posts haha

  3. Yay for blogging friendships that lead to excellent weekends of hanging out!

  4. This looks like a super fun weekend and hey, 16 jackets? Barely the essentials in my opinion! ;-)

  5. I've been waiting for this post and truly enjoyed all the pictures your friend took - looked and sounded like you had a wonderful weekend!

  6. I read all of Amber's posts. It sounds like you guys had a great time! I agree that it's important that the people you care about understand why you love something.. if that makes any sense. It must have been awesome to show them around your city!

  7. What a great weekend! You planned well. And, the weather was perfect, too!

  8. It was great fun reading about your weekend, sounded maaarvelous!!I can't wait to see your place someday.

  9. Haha too funny that you think Amber pronounces things differently. I wonder if you think the same about me.

    Ps- I am with on the jacket thing...I have a lot's addicting :)

  10. I love that you had such a fun weekend. I loved being kept in the loop through twitter and text messages. The pictures were fantastic, I love that you jaywalked to buy a coat, and you are right, the friendships made through blogging are def. lifelong.

  11. I miss you :(

    This weekend was by far the best one of my summer. I had so much fun and I can't believe how quickly it went by! Hard to believe we were hanging out in person just a few days ago and now we're back to our normal emailing/whatsapping/blog commenting!

    OH, and we SO have to test out how Leigh says things in October :) I'm going to have to download that Miriam Webster app Iowa Amber had!

  12. You really do live in a wonderful location! I'm glad you had so much fun this past weekend.

    P.S. Here's to your new plum coat!

  13. LOL, every time I think about Amber and the way she pronounces those words I laugh. So funny! We had so many great conversations and laughs over the weekend, it will definitely be remembered and treasured forever!

  14. I am trying to figure out how Amber says those words. Does she say Pah-stah like "ahnt"? or like Ant? Hmm... perplexing.

    I am glad you guys had a good time! I think that once you get to know ALL ABOUT someone on the internet, it is easy after that!

    I love that picture! Who did you guys keep getting to take photos of all of you? Someone is a brave person.

  15. I was waiting for Amber to say something funny with her Canadian accent, but I honestly didn't notice anything--darn it! :-)
    I guess breakfast wasn't long enough!

  16. It looks like you guys had so much fun together! I'm a little jealous I wasn't able to magically teleport there and join you guys!

  17. I agree, Amber needs to do a Vlog. She does have an accent and says certain words differently than I do.

  18. You live in a cold place! Coats are a smart purchase, as you'll get lots of wear out of them!

    So glad you had fun! :)

  19. That is awesome that you got to be with Amber when she found THE dress!!!! How exciting!
