Thursday, September 1, 2011

Music, Books, Miles, and Looks of August


Keep Breathing by Ingrid Michaelson - I adore Ingrid Michaelson's voice - and how amazing she sounds live - as evidenced by this live video.  This is off an older album of hers which I recently purchased.  She has a hauntingly beautiful voice.

Jolene performed by Zac Brown Band - Love this song.  Ray Lamontagne sings it as well, but I love the harmonies in Zac Brown Band's cover of it.  It's beautiful. 

Best Love Song by T-Pain featuring Chris Brown - Yep, another hip hop song for you.  What can I say, it's good running music.  Bonus points for the fact that there is a key change at the end of the song.  I love songs with key changes because I don't think just anyone can do a key change. 


The Sandalwood Tree by Elle Newmark - This was the August blogger book club book.  It got off to a bit of a slow start but I actually really liked it.  It was set in India and told the story of 2 woman who lived there in different times. 

The Last Time I Saw Paris by Lynn Sheene - Same title as a book I read last month, totally different author/story.  It was set during WWII and the main character was involved with the resistance.  It was pretty good, but not great. 

Definitely a slow reading month for me - mostly because I was so gosh darn busy!


It was a good running month for me - I ran exactly 100 miles.  Woo hoo!  I am really happy with that!  I feel like I am getting stronger and maybe a tish fasher. 

I also biked 45.5 miles - which doesn't include my commuter biking, which is probably around 20 miles a month I think?  So I maybe biked a total of 60 miles this month which isn't bad!  I am really thinking about getting a road bike next year.  Then I could bike to and from run club as there is a bike path I could take to the location where we meet.  And then I really would VERY RARELY have to drive.  :)


You can't see the outfit clearly, but this is one of my favorite summer outfits.  And it's apparently my "fair outfit", as I wore the exactly same thing last year when we had our blogger meet up last August.  It's a simple jean skirt and ATL top.  Easy, comfortable, and perfect for summer in my opinion.  Also that bag?  Totally my favorite bag.  It was made IN Paris afterall!


Phew, what a month!  I blinked and it was over...  I want September to go by more slowly, but I am gone the first 3 weekends... And then Kyria visits...  so yah, it will probably fly by as well!!


  1. I am in complete agreement about Ingrid Michaelson! Congrats on the great running and biking month! I also hope September goes a little bit more slowly because I have a ton of things I need to do....

  2. August flew by for me too! I hope September slows down a bit!

  3. Awesome month! August went by sooo fast for me too.
    Love the songs, once again : )

  4. OMG I love that you posted about the key change!! I specifically have that song last in my running list because I need that extra oompf to get up the hill to my apt :) Totally made my day!!

  5. I agree-August went by way too fast! If you're looking for a good book about Paris (and literature) check out The Paris Wife. I loved it!

  6. Summer months always go by too swiftly! And the years, too! Forty years ago today I became a "Mom" for the first time! Wow, talk about life whizzing by! I think September will fly by, too!

  7. I can't believe summer is over! This year has seriously flown by.

    I just started reading Sarah's Key and love it so far!

  8. Love the Zac Brown Band!

    August FLEW BY for me. Was definitely the busiest month of the summer so far!

  9. Thanks for the music! I adore Ingrid Michaelson. I was surprised about the "T Pain" posting! But then you said you use it for your running music, and then that made a little more sense ;)

    Way to go about all the running & biking! Nice work. Road biking is a blast! You really appreciate it as a running, for how much distance you can cover in short period of time!

  10. You have been busy!
    I laughed at the comment about the key change. Spoken like a true musician!!

  11. Love that version of Jolene!! I also love that bag, I may need to take a trip to Paris and get one ;)

  12. I love those songs. Igrid Michaelson is amazing. I hope September goes by slowly too. I have so many people I want to see before moving.

  13. I love Zac Brown Band too- and I actually somehow had not heard this song by them before, so yay :)

    August was so quick for me too, I didn't even know it was Sept 1st til I went to write the date in one of my students notebooks today while tutoring and I was like WHOA it's September!!! crazy!

  14. I love that your bag is from Paris!

  15. I always love your music picks. I really, REALLY can't believe that you are already doing another M, B, M & L post! I guess that means August flew by for me too!

    September will definitely go back fast as well, as I already have all the weekends booked up. Crazy! I was trying to figure out a weekend to hang out with a friend of mine, and we can't meet until the 15th of October! Darn.

    I can't wait for MY weekend (what you keep calling it!!) It will be very fun and I am so glad I can come earlier than expected!

  16. You know my love for Ingrid Michaelson - it's so funny you picked that song because one of the first times I heard it it made me think of how I would be if something happened to Ben, and now I FORCE myself to think about that everytime I hear it. Isn't that horrible and morbid?!

    Wahoo for 100 miles! You are amazing!

  17. that is awesome with you plugging in 100 miles of running. You are going to rock your half!

  18. What a great month for exercise! And I am JUST being introduced to Ingrid for the first time... and liking her lots and lots :)

  19. I love you bag!

    Also, I'm intrigued by this new book of the same name.

  20. I hadn't heard any of those songs before (well I heard "Jolene", but not that version). Thanks for sharing!
