Thursday, September 8, 2011

Traveling Fool!

This week marks the start of a sort of busy travel season for me.  I haven't been on a plane since my DC trip in April, and aside from the occasional weekend at the cabin & that spa weekend, I have hunkered down and stayed put, to some extent. That's about to change, though! 

It starts tomorrow with a road trip to visit Nora, a blogger-turned-real-life best friend.  I visited her in St. Louis is January and now I am visiting her in her driveable-distance-away-home that she shares with her fiance, Knight.  I also got to meet Knight when I was in the Lou in January, and he is just wonderful.  I can't wait to get to know him even better.  Last time I visited Nora, we spent an evening paging through Rachel Ray magazines; I imagine we'll do that this time, too, but we will also get to page through wedding magazines as Nora is getting married in the fall of 2012!  So exciting!  In addition to spending lots of quality time with Nora and Knight, I also get to meet Nilsa, her husband, and their adorable son Gavin!  

The following week, I am going on a business trip to Charlotte, NC.  I was able to pick out my travel dates, so I chose to do my office visit Thursday-Friday so I could stay for the weekend and spend some time with Charbelle.  We've been reading each others' blogs for about 2 years, I think?  We met in person for the first time this spring when we ran the DC Cherry Blossom Race together.  We are actually doing another race together - this time we are doing a 10k through the uptown area of Charlotte.  I am excited to run with her!  She has a fabulous weekend planned - can't wait for some girl time!  Charbelle loves to shop and I need help in that area as I get a bit ADD when shopping so need someone who can steer me in the right direction/point out things that would look good on my body type.  Charbelle is so good at that sort of thing!

After those 2 trips, I take a little break and will play hostess to Kyria.  She's coming to run a 10 mile race with me.  I can't wait to show her around Minneapolis!  We'll probably do some of the same things I did with the Ambers in August. 

Then the last week of September, I go to Austin & Dallas for work.  No fun pictures to post for that trip.  Besides working, I am hoping to maybe see my high school boyfriend that lives in Dallas - he is the only boyfriend I am still good friends with (I don't really believe in being good friends w/ exes...)!  It's going to be a packed trip, but hopefully I can at least get a drink with him.

Next up is my half marathon trip to Victoria, BC with Lauren, Amber, and Leigh!  Amber and I ran the marathon with Lauren last year (well, technically, we ran it behind her, she is speedy!), and Leigh is joining us this year!  I am flying into Seattle, Lauren is picking me up and then we are taking the ferry form Port Angeles, WA to Victoria, BC where we will meet up with Amber and Leigh.  Lauren is doing the full, the rest of us are doing the half.  I am hoping to continue to do a destination race each year like this.  I don't think we will be able to meet up in 2012 as I have multiple weddings, but hopefully we can resume our destination races in 2013!

Besides these trips, I also have work trips to Omaha and Nashville, and possibly LA/San Fran/Seattle.

So needless to say, I will be busy.  And I will be racking up the miles.   I am hoping to get as many work trips done before I start studying for the next CFA exam...  We'll see how many trips I can pack in between now and January 1st! 

Do you have any trips planned for the fall?  Do you travel for work?  This is the first job I've had that involves travel!

Psst.... Be sure to come back tomorrow - I'm kicking off a new post series that I am SUPER DUPER excited about.  :) 


  1. You are traveling so much!!! You are going to have so much fun! :)
    Don't forget about a trip to the most exciting city in Iowa! Hehe! And, Winter Rumpus! You really are a traveling fool, you jet setter! :)

  2. Oh, so much travel! You are almost making me dizzy with your itinerary. I might stay overnight in the cities for the 10 mile race later this month -- I haven't decided yet but I need to soon. And I have a weekend in Chicago for the marathon in October and a conference in Ft. Worth later that month. We're staying here for Thanksgiving, though, so November will be a quiet month.

  3. Holy craziness! It sounds like you have a busy couple of months planned. Tack on holiday weekends in between all of those and you are set for the rest of the year!

    I am super busy for the next couple months too! This weekend, going to visit a friend in KC, next weekend half marathon, weekend after is "MY" weekend in your fair city, then I meet up with my Dad to go to the "highest point in MO", then Columbus day, another trip to see friends and then another Half Marathon. That takes me to the end of October! WHEW!

    So, I feel your pain/pleasure. Miles here we come! (PS does your company pay the tickets and you get reimbursed? Because if so, it pays to get a airline sponsored credit card.)

  4. Wow! So much travel! But that's awesome : )
    I'm going to Chicago in October for my first marathon (and it's the first time I will have gone to Chicago- I'm so excited!) and I may be going to San Diego in November for vacation.

  5. Wow that IS a lot of travel! I'm so jealous that you're going to Austin! If you need any recommendations for food or things to do, let me know!

  6. You have some busy months coming up! That's fun that you get to travel for work though. I get to go to another town 3 hours away which is not exciting at all!

    I am excited for our weekend away! It's coming up quickly

  7. Your forgot your trip to Chicago in October! Wow, I'm tired just listening to your schedule but it sounds like fun! Enjoy every trip - bon voyage! Say Hi to Brian for me! ;!

  8. You are SO BUSY! That's nuts! I have a pretty quiet September, then our marathon trip in October then a quiet October and then mine and Eric's Orlando trip in November and then I'm quiet on the traveling front probably until the wedding next year. I wish I could travel more but it's so darn expensive to fly in Canada :(

    I got to travel for work twice this year and really enjoyed it! Especially the weekend I got to spend with Anais!

    I'm excited you get to hang out with Nora this weekend and I can't wait to see you again in only a month!!

  9. Wow, you are one busy lady! I don't do nearly enough traveling...I really should plan a little trip this fall.

  10. You don't know how excited I am to meet you this weekend! You know how sometimes you get a feeling about people (for better or worse). Well, I get that feeling (for the better) about you - cannot wait to hug the real Lisa!

    Our travel plans involve Gavin's first plane trip out to Boston (and then road trip up to Maine) for a family gathering. We're excited to take him on a plane!

  11. You're coming to Charlotte??? That's fantastic! I hope you have a wonderful time there. How long have I been begging you to come to the south now? Uptown is a really nice place to run/race. There will be some hills I'm sure, but overall it's a lot of fun. Charlotte is only about 2.5 hours from where I'm at in Raleigh.

  12. Wow, you have a lot of traveling to do! I'm not doing ANY traveling for a long while. Probably not until my cruise in May? Traveling is expensive! I need to go on some work-related trips, ha. ;)

    Have SO MUCH FUN with Nora this weekend!

  13. Yikes, this sounds fun but a little stressful. I love to travel but I have to split it up a bit or I get overwhelmed, especially during the school year. Clearly I don't travel for work but that's probably for the better as I feel terrible when I'm on planes and it would be hard for me to recover and attend meetings haha.

    Any chance you'll still come to Boston?

  14. SO SO SO EXCITED that I get to see you in like 26 hours =) I have a list as long as my arm of stuff to do before you get here but I'm just so excited!!!!!!!!! (Is that enough exclamation points?)

    See you SOON!


  15. Wow -- are you ever racking up the miles! Will you have time to blog? I sure hope so! They all sound great - how fun to spend time with Nor!

    As for me, nothing major -- saving it all for France, though we'll do Rick's Vegas trade show in December and maybe a weekend this fall to see my friend in Canada. That's plenty for me, between lake trips most weekends!

  16. I always wanted a job that required travel. But I never wanted a job that required travel, if that makes sense. ;) Nashville is sooooo much fun! I love it there.

  17. You ARE a traveling fool! Give yourself some down time on those nights when you're home so you don't get burned out but otherwise I hope you have lots of fabulous times and that this helps rack up your frequent flier miles!

  18. I don't travel for work, but I do have some upcoming trips. I am going to Vegas next weekend, and then San Fransisco in November.

  19. You are a traveling fool! I think you need to hav a job involves traveling -- since you love it so much and know so many people around the country.

    Not that traveling for work is as fun as pleasure travel -- it's still a good pace for you, I can imagine!

    Sounds like you have a busy few months coming up! Enjoy seeing everyone!

    PS -- I love that you consider April "being a long time" since you've been on an airplane ;)

  20. Seriously, Lisa, you are SO BUSY for the next - oh - year! Crazy. But I love travel. Before the manfriend, I was traveling all the time. It's so fun that you get to see so many blogging friends. It's nice to have connections around the country of people you know you can call on if you need recommendations, a place to stay or just want to visit them.

    North Carolina is a state I've been REALLY wanting to visit. I kind of have this idea that I would love to live there. I don't know why... I guess the people seem super nice and the place looks gorgeous in the photos I see. Can't WAIT to see you. PS - I'm going to bring some of my fav GF goodies to Victoria.
