Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Workout Wednesday

After my run on Monday, I sent my running coach an email.  The subject line was:  "Ok, now I will trust you."

You see, all summer I have been a complete and total skeptic.  Each week I would go to run club and do the prescribed work out, getting my *ss kicked in the process.  Then I'd drive home and think - "how am I going to do a sub-2 hour half." 

There was whole lot of self doubt and truth be told, mental berating going on.  This should come to no surprise to those who know me well.  I am my own worst enemy.

But the last couple of weeks, something has shifted.  Every workout hasn't been sunshine and rainbows, but I can tell I am getting stronger.  My body recovers faster.  I am hitting my paces on tempo runs and speed work.

I had my best run in months on Monday morning.  I did a 7 mile run:  2 mile warm up, 3 miles @ half marathon pace, 2 mile cool down.  I was aiming to run those 3 miles at a 9 min pace.  Instead, I ran them in 8:38, 8:46, and 8:38.  The best thing is that pace actually felt sustainable

My confidence is shifting and I am starting to really believe I will run a sub-2 hour half.  In the event I don't, at least I know I gave it my all trying to accomplish that goal!!

Are you training for anything these days?  I had a 10k in mid-September, a 10 mile race in late-September, and the half in early October.  I am debating a 25k trail run in late October, but trail running intimidates me! 


  1. I'm so impressed. I'm not a runner, but I've still never finished a mile faster than 11 min. Way to go!

  2. That is so awesome! I think (w/out the hip issues I've been having) I could sustain 3-4 miles at around a 9:15-9:30 pace these days which is huge for me. I have definitely become a stronger runner over the summer. Hopefully, I'll be back on track soon, so that I can keep up with you on the 25th!

  3. Hooray! That's awesome!

    I'm training for a 5K on Thanksgiving :) I'm at the very, very beginning stages and right now, all I want to do is beat my time from when I walked it a few years ago (around 50 minutes).

  4. You are definitely going to get that sub two hour half!! I can feel it :) Are you and Amber planning on running together?

  5. That is awesome!
    In just one month of training for my half I have seen a difference.
    You will do great next month!!!

  6. Great work, LIsa! You're right on track to hit your goal! I think confidence plays such a HUGE part in races, and it sounds like you've got it!

  7. I am impressed! Your training coach must be helping you out! I hope your events go well for you!

  8. You are awesome! I'm so glad that the running coach is working out - sounds to me like you have a sub 2 hour half in the bag (which, does that mean a half done in under 2 hours?).
    I'm not "training" for anything, per se, but I am working on my fitness and health overall. You know what I'm talking about. :)

  9. YAY Lisa! So glad all your hard work is paying off! I know you can run a sub 2 hour half! You are doing so well and these cooler fall temps are going to make you fly because you wont have the humidity!!!

  10. That is so exciting, Lisa! SPeed work does take a while to pay off, but eventually, it does.

  11. That feeling of getting stronger is awesome! It's so encouraging to realize you are making progress. Good luck with the rest of your training! It sounds like you are well on track for your sub-2-hour.

    I am currently training for my first 10K on Oct. 10. I'm using Ease Into 10K, which I'm really liking so far. It's challenging, but manageable.

  12. You're going to be surprised at how fast your legs move on race day. Look at that 4:22 marathon time you got without even training to do a fast time!

    I am feeling guilty about missing my track workout this morning so might go for 4 miles after work and try to do the middle 2 at 9:00 pace. A sub-2 hour half still feels really unattainable to me but I have 4 weeks left to train hard!

  13. No, I am not training for anything ... but I kind of wish I was. I don't have time right now, but once I am done my Masters Degree, I plan on starting a training program.

  14. Very cool. A plan, with sustained effort, that gets properly executed, is actually going to work. That's the kind of thing I can get behind! Well done.

  15. Yay, I definitely think you could do it! The point is you are putting in a big effort and that is what is important.
    -Kelly the kindergarten teacher :) haha

  16. Holy Moly! That's FAST Lisa! I can sustain that pace. FOR 3 miles! Total! You did it in addition to the other miles. That's awesome. You are getting faster, you are training and you are not running junk miles. I think you are nearly ready to meet your goal!

    What you were saying the other day about 12 miles not seeming so bad any more is good. I guess part of the training is also mental, but it sounds like you have both conquered!

    I have a half in 10 days. I am not ready. Ha! I can do it, but mentally I am not prepared. Whew. At least the weather is better though! That makes a world of difference!

  17. Congratulations! I am indeed impressed! I'm not training for anything -- but I really should be!

  18. How you started that email cracked me up! I'm glad things are starting to fall into place for you now - you're such a dedicated runner!
