Thursday, November 3, 2011

Wine and Love v17

Greetings and Happy Thursday everyone!  It's almost the weekend!  Woo hip!  This post theme was thought up & is hosted by the lovely Nora!  Go tell her hi - she rocks!

- I don't know what my deal is, but I have been feeling extremely tired lately.  Maybe my body is catching up on consecutive months of sleep deprivation?
- I feel like I no longer have an immune system.  I have been sick so much in the last 6 weeks (and have been on 3 rounds of antibiotics).  It's ridiculous.  I better get a couple of months of good health after being so sick for so long!

- Despite the fact that I coughed up a storm during my Chicago office visit, it apparently went very well, as the reps asked if I can come back on a quarterly basis.  This makes me very happy because a) it means they think I am competent and trust me to talk to their clients (which is very important) and b) I have lots of family and friends in the Chicago-area, so traveling to this city on a regular basis is a VERY good thing. 
- Saturday night is Julia Child night!!!  24 people will be attending this year and I am super duper excited.  I'll tell you more about it in tomorrow's French Friday post!!
- The weather has been absolutely gorgeous here lately.  I think this is the nicest fall that I can remember in a very, very long time.  I am savoring these beautiful fall days while they last as I know winter is just around the corner.
- My family will be in Minneapolis for Thanksgiving and there is talk of me possibly hosting dinner on Friday night!  I am really excited about this - it will give me an excuse to use both of the leaves of my huge dining room table.  See, I knew it was a good decision to buy that table!

What are your wine & love of the week?

And P.S. today I will be guest posting about tips for a first half marathon on my friend Heidi's blog.  Stop over later today and wish her luck - she runs her first half on Sunday!!!


  1. Hope you are feeling better soon. I've been super tired lately too but I can't even blame it on being busy, I say it has something to do with the changing seasons and being dark early and late!

  2. It has been a really lovely autumn so far, hasn't it? I hope the snow stays away for another few weeks. I'm hoping to come up to the cities for a talk next Friday and do some shopping if I'm mostly caught up and if I don't have to drive in inclement weather.
    Wine: Because I was at a conference last week, I am behind on everything, especially grading and have spent about 4 hours every day since Sunday grading papers or exams on top of everything else.
    Love: Candy corn. Having a kind and generous spouse who has done the cooking and after-dinner clean-up 3 nights in a row this week while I have been doing the above-mentioned grading.

  3. Wine: I cannot get back into my workout schedule. No matter how hard I try I just can't get myself up and to the gym in the morning.

    Love: Leftover Halloween candy ;)

  4. Can't wait for the Juila child preview! so excited. I second the glorious fall observation. My October runs were such a blessing!

  5. I hear you on the sleepy thing. I blame weather, sickness, generaly busy-ness and hibernation instincts. I've started getting in bed at 9pm, lights out at 10pm for me and that's huge as I used to be a big night owl!

    I can't wait for Julia Child night! Maybe one of these years I can come into town for it :)

  6. Our "Fall" has been pretty nice here, too. Usually, our temps are in the 80s but they've been in the low 60s at night/in the morning and in the 70s during the day. It feels so GOOD! :)

    I hope you can catch up on sleep soon! I've been feeling extra tired, too, and waking up is really hard. Maybe the time change? I'm always like this during the time change.

  7. Oooh you're so lucky you'll get to go to Chicago more! You know how much I love that town! I'm glad your visit went well, but I'm not surprised you totally rocked it :D Feel better soon!

  8. That's exciting about your Chicago review! I know you love that city! We can't wait for this weekend and to see your home for the first time in addition to being with family once more! These times can't happen enough! Looking forward to your post tomorrow!

  9. More trips to Chicago? I'll take 'em! And I'll even agree to share you with your family and other friends in the area, cuz I can be nice like that. =)

  10. We had a gorgeous fall too and I'm sad to see it go. Though I'll admit to being a *little* excited for the first snowfall! I just wish it would wait until after our trip down to Seattle and back next week!

  11. I always get extra tired/down at this time of year. Hope you feel better soon!

  12. That's awesome that the Chicago office loved you! My fingers are crossed that means you get to go there more often :)

    I really hope you feel better soon! This cold needs to leave you alone for a while!

    Have fun this weekend!

  13. Believe it or not, we've actually had a RELATIVELY nice fall too... minus the huge storm last weekend... probably the people who still don't have power now may disagree with me!

    I have also been tired and sick lately and I'm personally over it. I was better for a little while but now I think I'm getting another cold. Seriously!? So frustrating.

    Great job on your Chicago trip and very exciting that you'll be back there a lot. I love that city!

  14. I know what you mean about being tired. I was having such good sleeps for a few weeks, and then the last couple nights have been BRUTAL.

  15. Your immune system and sleepiness are telling you to slow down, I hope you are listening!!
    As you know, I completely agree about Fall here, it is gorgeous!

  16. Woo hip to more visits to the Chicago area! That is fantastic.

    Very exciting that you may be hosting Thanksgiving dinner. Does this mean an excuse to break out the fiesta?

  17. Hosting Thanksgiving! That is awesome! Now that you have have the space, it is great becuase not only does it mean you get to be the hostess, but you don't have to travel! Lucky duck!

    The autumn has been very nice. We actually just got our first snow today! But otherwise its been unseasonably warm.
