Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Music, Books, Miles, and Looks of October

Whoa.  I am recapping October.  What?  I know I saw that time flies by every month, but it just seems to keep going faster instead of slowing down...  I really wish that would change!  Remember when you were a child and Christmas seemed to take forever to get here?  Now I feel like I will blink and it will be Christmas Eve.  I must be getting old....


Gravel Lines by Amy Seeley - I love Amy Seeley.  She is a really unknown artist, but I love her voice.  All of her music is wonderful, so if you like the sound of this, check her out.  As a piano-lover, I love how most of her music features her and the piano. 


Betweeen spending a lot of time on airplanes and being laid up sick at the end of the month, I got a lot of reading done this month!

The Scent of Rain and Lightning by Nancy Pickard  - I would highly recommend this book.  It grabbed me from the get go and I had a hard time putting it down!  I love books like that.  I suppose you could say it is a bit of a mystery, but it doesn't read like your typical mystery.  Check it out.

Two Kisses for Maddy:  A Memoir of Loss and Love by Matt Logelin:  Lauren lent this to me on our marathon/half-marathon trip.  I have read Matt's blog since the early days after he lost his wife (27 hours after his daughter was born).  I knew his heart-breaking story, and I thought I could hold it together while reading this.  So not the case.  I cried a lot.  On an airplane.  Which was mortifying, but oh well.  It is what it is.  So check this one out, too, but don't read it in public...

Falling Together by Marisa de los Santos:  I loved de los Santos first two books, Love Walked In and Belong To Me, so I was thrilled to find she had released a 3rd book.  Unfortunately this one did not live up my expectations.  It was good, but not great... 

Every Last One by Anna Quindlen:  This was another amazing book that I had the hardest time putting down.  I have read other books by Quindlen and I just love her writing style.  This book deals with a pretty devastating topic, but it was so well done in my opinion. 

Husband and Wife by Leah Stewart:  After reading "The Myth of You and Me", which I reviewed over 3 years ago here, I was excited to read this book as her last book was so beautifully written.  This book was beautifully written as well, but I did not care for it as much, mostly because I vehemently disagreed with the decisions the main character made when she faced infidelity in her marriage.  And that sort of ruined the book for me.


Aside from my huge half-marathon PR, which I am still very proud of, this was not a great running month for me.  I once again got hit by a really nasty sinus infection that laid me up for the last part of the month, and settled into my chest, making running out of the question. 

Next month will be a better month. 


Excuse the lack of a hair style in this photo - it was taken at the end of a long day at work.  The weather turned colder for a week in October, which meant I could pull out a warmer coat.  This is the coat I purchased when the Ambers were visiting in August.  I absolutely love it.  I also love the outfit I am wearing under it, which is a plaid dress with black tights.  I actually like these cooler temps because I like wearing tights and coats and such.  I just don't want to deal with snow anytime soon!


  1. You did do a lot of reading! Considering that fact that you're always on the go, I'm even more impressed.

    Love the coat. My favourite part of fall is the sweaters and coats that come along with it!

  2. I've always been afraid of reading Two Kisses for Maddie!

  3. I generally don't like cold weather and I hate the snow but I LOVE outerwear! I'm so excited to get out my coats, scarves, and boots. It's like getting new clothes all over again!

  4. I'm impressed by the number of books you read! Wow! And I love the coat! It's been awhile since you bought one, right? Chuckles!
    Hope your sinuses clear up by the big weekend coming!

  5. I am trying to find the book "the scent of rain and lightning" after you girls were talking about it on the trip. Did you pass Two Kisses for Maddy to Amber? I wonder if Lauren will let me borrow it? :)

  6. Thanks for sharing the books; I finally wrote down the ones you have suggested to me! Can't wait to pick them up them up from the library, hopefully this weekend.

  7. That coat looks great on you!! I also love wearing dresses and tights but got a run in the one pair of tights I own the other day! I've been meaning to go out and buy some new ones but haven't gotten around to it yet.

  8. Beautiful coat. I love the color. You read so much, probably because you were in airports and on planes! I thought to myself, "Oh, it's October 1st today" and then realized it was November! Yikes! Talk about time flying!!!!

  9. I have to say I agree with Gracie's comment: I'm afraid to read that book! Heart-breaking books like that affect me so deeply. But I'm glad you loved Scent of Rain so much since it's our #twookclub pick. I can't wait to start reading it!

  10. Yea that's a lot of books! Enjoy the cold weather, I sure am. Great October!

  11. Beautiful music and I like your coat a lot. I will have to go download her album.

  12. Wow you did do an awesome amount of reading this month! :) I need to work on my reading right now big time. I may check out a couple of these books especially Two Kisses for Maddy- what a heart breaking story!

  13. I love that song, thanks for sharing! I listened to The Scent of Rain and Lightening on audiobook about a year ago and got completely hooked too. It was one of the books that had me sitting in my car in the driveway listening to just one more chapter! :)
    Oh and I am seriously coveting your coat!

  14. I really enjoyed that song. I've never heard anything bu her. Definitely going to have to check her music out.

    I haven't read anything, which sort of makes me sad. Must get back on the book reading bandwagon.

    Hooray for new coats!

  15. I'm envious you get to wear a cost. Heck, I'm jealous you get to wear jeans! It was 90 today here! But its supposed to cool off this week!

    Thanks for the book recommendations! I'm looming for a new read :-)

  16. You got some serious reading done in October. I am impressed. I was so behind on work that I didn't indulge in my usual novel or magazine plane reading on my trip to Fort Worth and just read a thirteenth-century chronicle that I had assigned to one of my classes.... I hope that November is a much better month for you health-wise!

  17. That's a beautiful song! You would not appreciate my small coat collection. I have one black peacoat and one camel color jacket in addition to a few rain/snow jackets (sporty looking). I was just thinking the other day that it's about time I replaced my black one (or at least got a fun newer version), but it's not a necessity here so I probably won't unless I come across a great deal. I'm enjoying the scent of rain and lightning so far.

  18. Very pretty song - thanks for sharing! I love hearing new (to me) artists :-)

  19. I have been slacking on my reading! I need to hit up the library! I will be sure to look for some of the books you suggested!

  20. I love these recaps. You did read a lot this month! I had Two Kisses on my shelf, but I just was too busy and had too many books to read this month so I never got to it and had to give it back. I will remember not to read it in public!

    I love that coat! You know I was thinking about you and coats the other day. I don't think 16 is that many really. I must have at least 12.
