Monday, March 12, 2012

Last Weekend...

Happy Monday, everyone!  I hope you all had a great weekend.  Mine was busy, but wonderful.  The highlight of the weekend was attending the baby showers of 2 good college friends who are due a week apart in May!  One was a morning brunch shower, the other was an evening dinner shower.  Both were so well planned and it was so much fun to get together with girls that I don't see often enough.  We are far-flung now as one lives in Manhattan, one lives in Chicago, and another lives in Fargo, ND.  I miss the days of us all living closer, but being far apart makes me appreciate the time together even more.

Besides attending those showers, I packed in a lot of studying, took advantage of the beautiful weather and ran outside on Saturday and Sunday, and made a new recipe, which I will likely share with you at some point.  So all in all, a fun, productive weekend!

How was your weekend?  Do you live close to your college friends or are you far-flung like my group?


  1. I have a good mix of friends here and friends far away, but a lot of my family is far so we always end up traveling for any baby/wedding family-related stuff.

    Haha, how do you always know several people due at once and always within like a week or two? Crazy!

    Happy Monday! (Ugh)

  2. Sounds like a great weekend! I like the idea of a brunch shower! I'm not sure if either of mine this month will be brunch but one starts at 11:30 am so it's possible!

    My college friends are definitely in the far flung group (but I can't complain because almost ALL my high school friends live in Boston). My college friends live in NY, Cincinnati, Chicago and Washington DC... at least we are all on the east coast/mid west? haha. The guys are even more far flung and one is in Seattle and another in Florida- I basically only see them at weddings now. My best college friend (Katie- mentioned often on the blog) lives "near" me but it's still almost an hour away- she lives on the south shore and I am kind of more on the north shore haha, thought you would appreciate that!

  3. It sounds like you had a great weekend with a good balance between study and play!

    I live quite far away from where I went to college, and I don't have any friends from that time of my life in the area. Several of my closest college friends live in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, so I usually see them when I go to Dallas and sometimes they make the 3 hour drive to see me when I'm visiting my mom in Louisiana.

  4. Sounds like the perfect weekend! It was a beautiful one weatherwise! I graduated from college 43 years ago and I try to get together with my closest friends at least every other year! We exchange letters at Christmas which keeps me in touch with their lives! I still consider them my dearest friends!

  5. Sounds like a fun weekend with friends! My friends are all far flung as they are still in Ontario and I'm in Alberta. Nice to see them and catch up when I make a trip home though

  6. I'm just glad you were able to do something fun, outside of all that studying!!!

    Our weekend was most excellent. Well, except for the part where I was grilled by a missionary about my spiritual journey. Yes, that really happened.

    And I don't live near any of my childhood, high school or college friends. That's what I get for moving around as much as I have!!

  7. Most of my close friends are far flung and it's rough, but I'd still rather have amazing friends who are always there for me far away than a bunch of fake party friends any day!

  8. Obviously, I live very far from all my college friends... which really is a bummer. :( I am glad you had such a nice weekend :)

  9. I'm so glad you had such a great weekend!

    I have two good college friends in my city but I only see them once a month or so. Our schedules are so opposite it's hard. Another one of my good friends from college is across the country so I haven't seen her since we graduated in 2010! I text her several times a week though and we also catch up on the phone from time to time. I actually don't have A LOT of close girlfriends from college. I'd say I have more girlfriends from high school than I do from college!

  10. You ran outside both days!? That is awesome! I heard someone from MN today say that it was in the 60s there? Is that true!?

    I had a good weekend. I tried a couple of new restaurants (one buffet, one stomach ache!) I went running both days; it was pretty hot out, but it was nice to be outside!

  11. I've got to get together with my college friends soon. Most of us still live pretty close by, Charlotte Raleigh and Asheville for the most part. We usually get together for a beach weekend in March, but this year too many of them are having babies so it didn't happen.

  12. You had a very busy weekend - filled with good friends! That's great. Isn't this the second time you've had friends who have due dates SO close together?!?! That's so funny!

    My "college friend" situation is kind of weird. Being I moved my sophomore year of college -- I kind of lost touch from my UND friends. Then to be honest, I didn't really click with my nursing classmates. 8 hour days for 20 months straight in a confined, competitive, hormonal space was not conducive to building friendships.

    That's great you keep so close with your college friends and still find time to get together with them! Cherish that, because that's something I'm kind of sad I never got.

  13. Sounds like a great weekend! I love going to other people's showers, although I hated going to my own (dislike being the center of attention!). I live way too far away from my college besties sadly. The only college friend I see on a regular basis is my hubby!

  14. Awwwe, I love baby showers! Sounds like you had a great weekend ... besides that studying part!
