Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Running with 5 Senses

Happy Wednesday - I hope everyone's weeks are going great thus far.  As I've mentioned before, I feel a bit spread thin these days.  The hours of each day are filled with work, studying, and running.  When life gets busy, I kind of tend to put myself on auto-pilot.  I've never been a "stop and smell the roses" person because I am too busy speed walking past the roses to even notice that they put off a scent.

But that's really no way to live life...  As the saying goes, the days are long, but the years are short.  So lately, I've been trying to be a bit more 'present' in my day to day life and one area I have been focusing on is running.  Sometimes I forget how lucky I am to be able to lace up my Mizuno's, walk out my front door, and run in a gorgeous area of Minneapolis.  In an effort to be more 'present' when running, I've tried to run with my 5 senses.

I listen to the rhythmic pattern of my breathing.

I smell the indescribable smell of spring.

I taste refreshing, clean water during breaks and at the end of my run.

I feel my feet hit the running path.

I see the calm waters of the mighty Mississippi and the rushing waters of St. Anthony Falls.

By paying attention to the sensory feedback, I enjoy running more than I would have otherwise.   And I feel more fulfilled after those runs. 

Do you tend to rush through life or are you good at stopping and smelling the roses? 


  1. I wouldn't say I am good at stopping to smell the roses, but I do make an effort to do it sometimes, even at work I'll have moments where I'm like "I am kind of lucky to have this job" usually right after the kids doing something cute or have a big accomplishment.

    Glad you are stopping to smell the roses even during this super busy time in your life :)

  2. It's really interesting you posted this today because just yesterday I was thinking I really needed to enjoy the weather. I took a walk in our neighborhood after work and took photos of all the "signs of spring" I noticed. It was different and refreshing and now I have some gorgeous photos on my desktop background!

  3. I think I'm smelling them, just not really stopping to do so!

  4. It's sometimes hard to slow down and really taken in everything around you but I try to do this from time to time as well.

  5. I'm also not great with stopping to smell the roses. I have a schedule and want to stick to it! This is a really good reminder though, thanks!

  6. That's a really interesting perspective. Can't say I've ever really tried to notice all 5 senses while running. The closest I've come is cycling past a cattle farm. That's a smell you don't forget easily.

  7. I really don't love running, but your descriptions make me want to put on my shoes and hit the pavement!!

  8. I love the smell and feeling of spring! The sun is so warm and it's wonderful to see the snow melting! Now waiting for green grass and tulips to appear! Enjoy this week of running as the weather sounds wonderful!

  9. Truth: it depends on the day. Sometimes I'm good at paying attention to the little things; other times I get too caught up in life and looking forward (or backward) and don't really enjoy the here and now. I'm working on it though! Really trying.

  10. I run with my 5 senses, too!

    I listen to horns of angry drivers.

    I smell the exhaust from diesel trucks driving by.

    I taste cigarette smoke when pedestrians unintentionally (?) blow it my way.

    I feel my feet hit one pothole after another.

    I see everyone else rushing through their own lives without stopping to smell the flowers.


  11. I sometimes forget to stop and smell the roses. I will admit that sometimes on my runs which have been with Harley lately, that I've gotten very frustrated and just need to remember to stop, take a breath and calm down. Let's just say patience is not my strong suit:)

  12. I like to say that I don't understand why you need to stop and smell the roses when you can just smell them as you stroll past going from one experience to the next, but I think being in touch with all senses while doing something you love is awesome!

  13. I don't exactly stop and smell the roses, but I definitely feel like I'm good at taking in my surroundings (as I speed walk! haha). I've also noticed that when I'm running and focusing on my breathe it actually makes me feel like I can't breathe! Very strange, but I do focus on my posture and running technique a lot.

  14. I love this post! I stopped running with music outside about a year ago so that I can focus more on the experience of running.

  15. I was getting really good at living day to day for awhile there but then the new job came along and the last few weeks have been a blur! Something I try to do is either go to yoga or walk Chloe every single day, I find those things both so relaxing and times I'm REALLY in the moment. Also I'm like that while running alone but I so rarely run alone or don't do focused workouts these days that running hasn't been as much "in the moment" for me as it used to. I'm hoping to get back to trail running now that spring is here (knock on wood) since I find that more relaxing!

  16. I think I have a pretty good grasp on slowing down and making sure to appreciate little moments in life. Being grateful and being present for this moment.

    But it's hard when life gets so busy and we get wrapped up in our to-do list and trying to keep our head above water.

  17. I really, really like the idea of running with the five senses. I typically am a stop and smell the roses kinda gal, but lately like yourself, I've been on autopilot. Just this morning on the drive to work I noticed how pretty the sky looked. I need to make more of an effort to be more present too.

  18. Love this post! I am all about stopping the smell the roses lately. But am applying that to every aspect of my life. One of those things is when I get frustrated with something (most frequently issues that arise @ work) -- I stop, and put myself in that person's shoes. It's really improved my positive outlook on life.

    Running is so amazing and I totally get the luxury of being in love with a sport that is always available right outside your front door!

  19. Oh boy, some days are all about the senses and on some days, the senses get knocked silly!
    But you're right, to live in the moment is important - and a great luxury (and skill) as well.
    Here's to the "now" and good luck in your running. (I imagine myself running; apparently that's not working on incresing endurance.) I do well though with a running or walking buddy.
    We'll tear around the block when you get here in October (or sooner, by any chance?)

  20. I tend to see more into the future and forget to look at the present, aka, I forget to smell the roses because I am focused on what is past them instead of what is right in front of me. I would say this can be looked at as focused, dedicated, goal oriented... etc, or you can say it's more about worrying too much about the future to enjoy the NOW.

    So, I am glad you are taking time to smell (and taste and see...) your runs, your down time, the things you love! Because I think the problem is, there will always be a thing you are striving for. Always. So even if you get what you thought you wanted, there will be something else you want later, so if you don't enjoy the now NOW, there will never be time, you will always be worried about later.

    Thanks for the reminder. Going out for a heavy whiff. Right now!

  21. I always stop to smell the roses and savour all aspects of life :-)

  22. I try not to rush, though sometimes that happens. I have been savoring my walks to the ditch in our beautiful weather -- and hoping it lasts! (Waiting for Harry the Heron!)

  23. Yeah, I'm a "speed walk right past the roses" kind of person, but with running and being outdoors in general, I just soak it all up. My soul is so happy to be out running. Most days, as long as I'm not completely stressed/overwhelmed with work stuff, I'm able to notice my surroundings.
