Thursday, March 1, 2012

Music, Books, Miles, and Looks of February

Most months I'm all, "whoa, that month went fast, slow down time!"  But February was not my best month, for a plethora of reasons, so I am welcoming the month of March with open arms and am hoping it's way better than February was!


Shake It Out by Florence + The Machine - I love this song.  It's been my mantra for the month and on particularly crappy days, I have listened to this on repeat on my walk to and from work.  I'm posting a video of a live performance of this song.  I was hoping to see this band live in April, but the concert sold out before my friend was able to buy tickets.  :(

 I read a lot of books in February - more than one might think I'd find time to read given my rigorous work and study schedule (I studied 62 hours in the month of February, 20 more hours than I studied in January).  The thing is, most days I don't turn my tv on and I've watched 1 movie this year (besides when I was recovering from surgery).  If I have free time, I tend to spend it reading and I try to read for at least 30-60 minutes before going to bed to calm my mind.

Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier - We read this for our blogger book club (hosted here and open to anyone who is interested) and I really enjoyed it.  It was slow at first, but the mysterious nature of the book drew me in!

Divergent by Veronica Roth - I really liked The Hunger Games series, so this was recommended to me as a book that is similar.  It's a Young Adult book, which usually isn't a genre I enjoy, but I really liked this book (and it's a super fast read, I read most of it on my plane rides to/from Charlotte).

22 Brittania Road by Amanda Hodgkinson - I bought this on my Nook ages ago and finally got around to reading it now that I am on my book buying fast.  It's a novel set during the post-WWII era.  It was a little bit disappointing, though.  I didn't hate the book, but I didn't love it and it's not something I would recommend to others.

Sisterhood Everlasting by Ann Brashares - I read the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants books when my sister was at the target age for these books - and loved them!  So when I found out there was a '10 years later' sequel, I had to check it out.  It did not disappoint and I stayed up past my bedtime a couple of nights - and read this in 3 days - because I just HAD to see how it would all turn out.

The Lover's Dictionary by David Levithan - This is a cute book based upon words in the dictionary.  Each word is accompanied by a short vignette.  It's a fast, fun read.  Amber wrote a really good review here if you'd like a better explanation of the book!


This was a better running month for me.  I am not even going to add it up because I know I will be disappointed, but know I need to adjust my expectations and realize my mileage will be lower when I am in maintenance phase.  I'm keeping up with running 3 x's/week and biking 1-2 x's, which I am happy with for now.  My run club started up again last night, so I expect my mileage to increase next month.


This was my favorite outfit from February - I got the shirt from my friend Heidi.  She clearly knows me well since she picked out my favorite color!  I've already worn it twice this month!

But besides liking this outfit, I felt pretty ho-hum about everything else I wore.  I may have even cried one morning because I felt like I looked so frumpy (the fact that I was over-tired may have something to do with it.  I'm usually more rational than that).  I'm ready for spring and feel like I need new clothes, but at the same time, I don't feel like I can/should spend money on new clothes right now, so I am going to have to get creative with my wardrobe...


  1. I hope March goes much better for you! I'm always impressed by how much you read, and I try to make it a choice for me to read more- I think the work I take home gets in the way too much, but certain times of the year are better than others!

  2. I hope March is better than February! I love that you do these recaps - because you look awesome in that outfit and you DID read a lot!

    Happy almost Friday, friend!

  3. Wow you had a great month for reading! I hope March is a better month for you!

  4. I think you should hit up a thrift store. If I feel a want for new clothes...rather than a need...I go to the Salvation Army on half price day! Half the price and half the guilt! I might head that way next wednesday!

  5. March will likely be a better month - February is usually a bad one! Love that Florence & the Machine song as well. The Lover's Dictionary sounds like a interesting concept for a book!

  6. I love that Shake It Out song too! Such a good one.

    That pink is a very pretty color on you!

  7. Ugh I hear you on looking frumpy, especially when I have to dress so conservatively for work! You know what really helped me? Taking an afternoon (3 hours, tops) to pull everything out, try it all on, and get rid of stuff that didn't fit. I kept thinking things like "Hey I remember this sweater" and "Why don't I ever wear this anymore?" It might help you beat the late-winter clothing blues!

  8. That is a lot of studying in the month of February! But it will all pay off when you pass the next exam :)

    Love the colour of your shirt! I think it looks fabulous on you :)

  9. LOVE Florence & The Machine. That is one of my favorite songs right now, too!

    Love you in that color, too.

    Here's to a better March all around!

  10. that sisterhood book sounds great! btw there are still 141 tickets to the concert on stubhub, a little pricey but still possible :)

  11. Wow, you are a machine! You read a lot! And studied a lot! The only book from that list that I have read is Rebecca and you know how I felt about it! I have not been buying the blogger book club books since I too am on a fast, so I am reading a weird mix of books that I already bought!

    I feel the same way about February. I hope March is more cheerful!

  12. Love Florence and the Machine. And you listed a boatload of good reading -- lots I'm not familiar with. Thanks! Here's to a good March for you!

  13. Oh I loved 'Rebecca'! I read the book club's posts, and I was disappointed that the general consensus was a little blah. Maybe I need to go back and read it again...

    I'm the same way with buying new spring clothes (spring and fall are usually when I get the clothes shopping urge), so I've been buying running clothes instead! Which are probably more expensive. Go figure!

    Happy March!

  14. That shirt looks GREAT on you! I really like it, especially with that necklace.

    March WILL be a better month for you. February kind of flew by in a blur for me and I think March will be doing the same!

  15. Wow, if I read and studied as much as you do, my eyes would fall out! I, too, love that top - perfect color! See you this evening, my dear!

  16. You read a lot! That is awesome! I need to start going to bed earlier to read.

  17. I love you in pink! It looks so good with your brunette hair. You look amazing, and it breaks my heart to think that you're feeling down. Especially because I look up to you so much. You balance & juggle so many things - and still manage to have this amazing social life. You always have the most well-put-together outfits. Simply put, I admire my big sis.

    Hang in there Lisa!

    PS-- I cant WAIT to read the Sisterhood. I will have to look for it at my library - and if not, I will have to get it on my Kindle!

  18. The color of that top looks fabulous on you! I really hope that March is better for you! I'm scheduling a surgery (oral) for April and kind of afraid that it's going to dominate the month. Yikes!

  19. Too funny that we both had blog shout outs.
    I would like some new spring items as well.
    I hope March is a better month for you.

  20. I been wanting to read Sisterhood Everlasting. I really loved the original series back when I read them, and I love the idea that she wrote this book for reader who have almost grown up with the pants girls.

  21. Lisa- Amber (Pink the Cornfields) introduced me to your blog and I'm SO glad she did. I think we have a lot in common- running, reading, overdoing it...HA :) I love this end of month post and look forward to getting to know you through your blog!! Good luck with your CFA exam- sounds like you are studying a LOT which can only lead to success!! Believe it!!
