Friday, March 2, 2012

Bittersweet, Whirlwind Trip

Happy Friday everyone!  Yesterday was actually my Friday at work.  I have a wedding tonight in Fargo, ND so I decided to drive home last night and am using today as a study day, so it's not really a "day off" per se, but I'll take what I can get. 

I am taking a study break to have lunch with my grandma today, though, and am really looking forward to that.  It will be a bit of a bittersweet experience as she is moving into an apartment in about 2 weeks.  My grandparents lived in this home for their entire marriage (I think?  Or close - so 60+ years).  He passed away 3 years ago and the time has come for her to move.  I know this is a very positive change for her as this house is so big and a lot for her to care for, but it's weird to think it's my last meal that I will likely eat in their home...  a home which holds so many memories.  But I feel blessed to have made so many countless memories with my grandparents.  And those memories will always exist, regardless of who occupies that home in the future.

The day will end on a positive note as I will watch a college friend get married.  We were the last 2 single ones in our group, and lived parallel lives in our late 20s as we both went through tough break ups within days of each other back in 2008.  We exchanged 100s of emails and both continuously told the other person that there IS someone out there for each of us - well, he has found that person, and I am so very happy for him. 

I will head back early on Saturday morning as the CFA studying beckons...  So it will be a bittersweet, whirlwind trip, but one I am looking forward to.  I am going to try to soak up the limited time I will have with my parents as it is likely the last time I will see them until after my CFA exam in June.  But at least that point I will be able to join them at their beautiful lake home! 


  1. This is how I know you are going to find someone amazing because instead of being bitter that your last single friend has found the right person, you are happy for him. Really, you are the best.

    I hope you have a great trip and take some good pictures of you and your grandmother at her home :)

  2. I hope the whirlwind is fabulous - and enjoy time with your grandma!

    You're such a studying rockstar!

  3. Have a good weekend - enjoy the time with your grandmother and the wedding...looks like a few good things to break up the studying!

  4. Hope you have a safe trip and have fun but get lots of studying done! I love weddings!

  5. Have a great trip! Maybe you can take some pictures with your grandma in her house for old time's sake? I hope it's not to hard on either of you, and that you're able to relax a tiny bit during all the studying!

  6. have a safe trip! My grandmothers are both in assisted living facilities too, it's not fun watching them grow old.

  7. Safe travels. Take care. Give your grandma my love.

  8. I hope that you have a fabulous lunch with your grandma, at the wedding and spending time with your parents! :)

  9. Sounds like a weekend filled with lots and LOTS of things for you to do! I really love weddings, and I have yet to attend one for a good friend but I can't wait until that day arrives! :)

    I had the same bittersweet feeling as you with my grandmother's apartment- I grew up with her living there and she babysat me for many years while living there, it was really tough for me to come to terms with someone else moving in there about 2 years ago when she passed away. I still hate thinking about it because in my mind it's HER place, but like you said, I still have all the memories and in the end those are what last through the years.

    Have a great weekend!

  10. Is this move for your grandmother bittersweet for her? Or are you feeling bittersweet about it on behalf of her? Just curious...

    Enjoy your lunch with her and wishing your college friend the best as he embarks on a new journey!

  11. Kind of nice you got a night @ home with Mom & Dad. How I miss family! It could be one of the last nights @ Mom & Dad's home too!

    Enjoy the wedding! You are an amazing person for being happy for your friend instead of bitter.

    I didn't realize Grandma was moving so soon! That's crazy. I'm happy for her, as I think this will be a good move for her -- but also know how hard it is to leave such a beautiful home with so many dear memories. I love their house.

  12. It's funny when my Grandma moved out of her apartment I was pretty much ok, but there was a tinge of melancholy. My mom and my aunt on the other hand couldn't have been happier to see it go. They grew up really poor and the apartment was a tiny one bedroom in a 4th floor walkup with no air conditioning. They didn't even have a phone until my mom was 13 and I think they were always embarrased about being the poorest kids and not really having space to invite kids over (they shared the bedroom and my grandparents slept on the pull out in the living room). They love my grandma and late grandpa and certainly are proud of them, but somehow that apartment represented old struggles to them whereas to me it was just the warmest best place on earth to be because it was where my grandparents lived. So interesting how experience clouds the way you see things.

    OK the point of that all was to say, enjoy lunch with your grandma and be dwell on all the amazing memories you have. Also enjoy your weekend and try to come up from CFA studing for air (and by air, I mean wine).

  13. It will be sad to close the door on that house in a few weeks! My parents moved away from our farm home about 40 years ago, but to me it is still "our home"! Memories are precious! So happy to have you under our roof for a few days!

  14. Have fun! What an interesting trip -- I mean, like you said, your grandma is spending her last days in her house, your last single friend (besides me) is getting married...I be that it brings about a lot of nostalgia and sadness as well as happiness.

    Enjoy yourself at the wedding! You are a wedding-going fool this year! Also, don't worry about taking a study break. You need to have fun sometimes and spending time with friends and family is important, so don't beat yourself up about such a small percentage of study hours that you will be missing!

  15. Ah, what a fun yet bittersweet trip. I hope your lunch was a good one and I hope the wedding is fun for you.

    (And I totally concur with Kelly's comment!)

  16. Sounds like a great quick trip!

    Have fun!

  17. I'm so glad you got to spend some time with family this weekend and have one more meal with your grandma in their home. My grandparents used to own a big farm and I was SO SAD when they sold it when I was 13. So many memories there.

    Thinking of you. XO

  18. Oh, you'll have a fabulous time at the wedding! And I second others -- you are of glorious generous spirit which will serve you well in all your relationships forever!

    It is always tough to say farewell to a treasured family home. I'm glad you spent time with your gran. I know she is, too.

  19. It sounds like an emotional, but very good time. Soak it all up!

  20. Oh my. That is big. Your grandma is pretty ace for deciding to do it though!

    I hope your last lunch there was lovely and memory-filled!

    (I want a picture post of what you wore to the wedding).

  21. Oh my. That is big. Your grandma is pretty ace for deciding to do it though!

    I hope your last lunch there was lovely and memory-filled!

    (I want a picture post of what you wore to the wedding).
