Friday, March 30, 2012

Not a Joker

One word that does NOT describe me is joker.  I don't like pranks or practical jokes.  Mostly this is because I am a really gullible (and possibly too trusting) person, so I fall for anything.  Example:  last summer  my brother posted a pic on Facebook of a crab they were making for dinner and he said they had caught it in the lake.  Both my sister Abby and I were like - wow, you caught that?  Part of me thought - wow, can you catch eatable crab in a lake in North Dakota?  Yah, my sister and I were the laughing stalk of Facebook that night!!  I took this one well because I could see how ridiculous it was that I actually thought they caught a crab in a lake.   But I usually don't take it well when I fall for pranks. 

Why am I mentioning this?  Well, April Fool's is this weekend.  I HATE THIS HOLIDAY.  Seriously.  Ok, it's not really a holiday, but I just hate this observed day of trickery and pranking.  I am really glad it falls on a Sunday this year because that means I can basically not talk to anyone, which means I won't fall for any April Fools pranks!  Woo hoo! 

Yes, my disdain for April Fool's day probably makes me sound like someone who takes life too seriously.  The thing is, I love telling and hearing funny stories and jokes.  But pranks and outright trickery?  Not for this girl.

Are you a fan of April Fool's Day? 


  1. Haha, I didn't know this about you, but it totally makes sense!! I don't like being tricked either and usually have to force myself to take it well, but I don't hate it. I guess it just depends on my mood!

  2. Haha, I hate April Fools too, maybe more just because it gets annoying after awhile. Luckily I don't think I'll be around too many people that day!

  3. Hahaha I literally laughed out loud during this post and had to read it to Eric so he would not think I was crazy. Ironically, since you hate jokes, I laughed a lot at this post. It might be because I kind of agree with you. I love to laugh and Eric is hilarious and so are my students so I laugh a LOT, but I usually don't find jokes/tricks funny. However, some year you should come to Boston and visit my class on April Fools day- the jokes that kindergarten kids tell are HILARIOUS because they make absolutely no sense at all. They also try to "trick" me throughout the day and this is also hilarious- even you will not fall for their terrible tricks I promise.

  4. When I can think of a good trick, or get tricked by a good trick, I like it. But I hate it when I can only come up with some lame nonsense.
    One year I superglued a penny to the front steps before church, then watched every single one of my little brothers try to pick it up on their way out to the car. It wouldn't normally be that funny, but since there were 6 of them at the time the repetition made me laugh!

  5. Ha! This is so you. And I am so with you.

    Practical joking is not up my alley in terms of "humor". I find practical jokes stupid and annoying.

    Hate April Fools Day, and am not happy I will be working! Luckily, I work in a hospital - so I would hope people aren't sick-minded enough to attempt pulling anything.

  6. I don't like feeling stupid, or making people feel stupid. A little harmless fun is okay, but making someone feel dumb, not just silly, is no good in my book.

    My boyfriend loves to tell jokes and in his family, they give a lot of prank gifts. These things are kind of funny because they are just silly, but actually making someone feel "bad" is a different story.

    I like Grace's penny trick. My dad did that when we were kids. It was a quarter and SO MANY people tried to pick it up!

  7. I love the penny story - that is a cute April Fool's trick! I, too, hate being made the fool! I remember things my Mom did as Aril Fool's jokes and I am amazed she pulled them off! I have a funny story my Dad and a neighbor pulled on another bachelor neighbor, but it is too long to repeat here, and you had to know the person to really appreciate the story! Have a safe April Fool's Day!

  8. I completely agree with you, I'm not a fan. To me it's just mean and unnecessary!!

    Sending hugs!

  9. Nope, I'm not a fan of April Fool's Day either. I'm not particularly gullible but I don't really see the point of this so-called holiday. Right there with you on this one!

  10. It depends for me. Sometimes, it feels lame and stupid but other times, if it's a really good prank that you know people took some time to think of/implement, I have to give them props for their genius. :)

    Last year I played an AMAZING prank on my brother. So good, I feel a little bad at how much I tricked him! Haha. He talks about it almost every time we see each other so I guess I should be nervous for what he has up his sleeve this year! Hehe.

  11. Haha this post made me laugh! Just picturing you trying to figure out if they really caught a crab in the lake would have been hilarious! :)

    I don't mind pranks and an extent. My co-worker and I have a running prank against each other...if he leaves his office, I put stuff on his chair or move lots of stuff around. I even wrapped his keyboard in saran wrap once...he was hollowing over that one!

  12. I'm neither here nor there when it comes to practical jokes. While I tend to joke with words, rather than physical pranks, I am able to laugh when someone actually pulls off a practical joke. I figure if I can't laugh at myself, then I'm in no position to laugh at others (and I like to laugh at others - maybe too much). ha. =)

  13. I agree! Who wants to celebrate a day that requires you to be on high alert?!

  14. I like surprises over pranks. i am also glad it's on a Sunday vs a school day.

  15. Marlys,
    I had forgotten about that April Fools joke Dad pulled on our neighbor. Great memory of Dad laughing, yes?

  16. I hate it too! It is ridiculous, and mean.

  17. I am so gullible. This morning on NPR there was a terrific story on how they discovered Beethoven's 10th symphony with these real people talking. They ended with April fool. I am way to gullible for my own good.

  18. I am so gullible too, but it is hard to get me on April Fool's day.

  19. I'm totally with you. I always forget April 1st is April Fools Day, so I'll be totally concerned or excited for someone and then they'll say "April Fools!" Ugh. I think my biggest problem with the day is that the whole concept is you're laughing AT someone, not WITH someone and I'm not okay with that.

  20. I'm not into jokes nor do I hate them, I'm just kind of meh about them. I can appreciate a really good joke or well-thought out prank that (like a few other commenters said) just makes someone laugh or feel silly - NOT STUPID but I don't really pull "pranks" a lot. I kind of forgot yesterday was April Fools and I surprisingly didn't have that many fake Facebook updates to deal with either!

  21. Yeah I really dislike the holiday too. And I'll agree with anyone who tells me that I do take life too seriously most of the time. Gotta work on that.

  22. i am not a fan because people think it is hilarious to pretend they are pregnant. that is not funny and actually very hurtful to many people.
