Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Race Decision = Made!

For the last 6+ months, I have been hemming and hawing over what marathon to do this fall.  I know what some of you are thinking - "is this a decision that needed to be made at this moment?"  No, it didn't.  But I am a planner.  It's in my nature.  I already know I am running the Chicago Marathon in 2013, so it felt weird to not be able to make a decision about a marathon for this fall!

My initial thoughts were that I'd either run the NYC marathon (which requires a lottery entry), Marine Corp Marathon in DC, or City of Oaks Marathon in Raleigh.  

Then the bills for my sinus surgery started to roll in... which required me to meet my out-of-pocket maximum.  Within the first 6 weeks of the year.  Ouch.  

So I had to go back to the drawing board. Yes, I could have tapped into savings and done one of those destination races, but it would have felt irresponsible.  So I started to look around for other races that are a driveable distance away.  After doing some research, weighing my options, and sending multiple 'what should I do' emails to Amber, I made my decision.

I'll be running the IMT Des Moines Marathon on October 21st, 2012!

I chose this course because:
  • The course is mostly flat - there are some 'hills' in miles 1-5, but they sound pretty benign
  • It's a short, easy drive from Minneapolis (3.5 hours)
  • The race registration fee was cheap compared to other marathons (bargain price of $68, some are over $100 so that's a deal) and hotel options are reasonable as well.
  • Bart Yasso is going to be there.  I have done a lot of Yasso 800's - I can't wait to hear this guy speak at the expo!
  • It's 2 weeks after Nora's wedding, which means I'll be in taper mode at that point and won't have to try to fit in a 20 mile run the weekend of her wedding!
It feels really good to have my decision made!  My training won't 'officially' start until June, but in the mean time, I'll be building up my endurance and doing the same workouts as those in my group who are training for spring marathons (except my long runs are way shorter - max of 8 mi lately).  I'm really excited to see how I do at this marathon - my run club has made me such a stronger runner, I feel like a PR is within my reach.  But most of all, I'm really excited to get back on a marathon training plan, especially now that I have the support and camaraderie of my fellow run club friends (and virtual running buddies afar, of course)!


  1. Exciting on your decision! I'm a planner as well so I completely understand wanting to get it figured out and scheduled!

  2. Aaaaah! You are my HERO! Can't wait to read all about it :)

  3. Yay! Feels great to have one picked out, right?! Sounds like a winner, too. You know I'm all about no/few hills!

  4. How fun! I know you were trying to make a decision for your next marathon so I bet it feels so good to have finally made it! Yay!

    $68 for a marathon is a STEAL. The half I'm sort of-maybe looking into doing this fall is $95 itself! (I'm sure I could find a cheaper one but I like big races. Makes slow girls like me not feel so bad, ha!)

    I can't wait to follow along with you as you train! I'm sure you have it in you for a PR. Woo!

  5. That's great! I didn't realize Des Moines was so close to Minneapolis. Should be a fun race. If I ever do decide to bite down on the 50 states thing, that could be a real winner.

  6. Way to go! That's awesome! It's funny you asked me about joining you, because just last week I made the decision I was going to do a race this year as well!

    I really want to do it...but I'm in the same boat as you were in finances. I'm not so sure if I'll be able to fly out this time. :( Also, training in the summer here is almost impossible.

    I think I'm going to do the Phoenix Rock N Roll in January. Some day we need to do a marathon together!

  7. Hurray! You decided! Well, you know, I don't have an Iowa race yet, so maybe I will join you! October just seems so far away, you know?

    68 dollars is a great price. Most of the ones I have looked at are easily over 100. Also, its nice not to have to do the lottery or have a huge race and all it's logistics to contend with!

  8. That's exciting that you choose a fall marathon! The thought is still in my head to run a full, but maybe next year :)

  9. Congrats on choosing a fall marathon!! I'm still undecided, but I definitely want to do one. I applied for the NYC lottery so I'm going to wait to see what happens with that before I make any decisions.

  10. I'm so glad you made a decision and registered. Huge weight off your shoulders I'm sure. We will do a long run together when you're here in July and I CAN'T WAIT to virtually train with you for Chicago next year. Though I am a little burnt out on marathon training right now so I'm glad I have a year before training starts again ;)

  11. All you runners committing to and completing half marathons get my undying admiration.

  12. Yay - congrats! Hopefully having a "fun" goal in your future will help lighten the mood between now and June. =)

  13. I definitely think having something to look forward to was important for you to do right now! I wish you were doing NYC because then I could watch you (though I may have a wedding that weekend now that I think about it). But anyway, it makes sense to do something close to home.

    Also that is a great deal for a marathon- I'm paying more to do a sprint tri in May!

  14. woot. i thought you weren't doing another marathon? bahahah. ;P

  15. I'm so excited for you! Buuuuut, I'm so bummed I won't be in town and that you won't be able to stay with me!

  16. Yay! Just think, starting this training will be like a reward once all your studying is over!

  17. Things I love about this post

    1) your determination
    2) your resilience
    3) the fact that you think 3.5hours is a short drive.


    I look forward to hearing about it!

  18. That's awesome! Great that it's easy to get to in terms of driving, and everything else it has going for it :) I know you'll kick it's butt!

  19. I'm a planner as well, it is nice being able to know race is coming up and how to schedule your life around it.

  20. So exciting! I can't wait to follow your training over the summer. Hopefully it will inspire me to keep doing some running while in Madrid and NYC.

  21. I'm excited for you and think this race sounds like a really great choice. You are amazing my marathoner friend!

  22. Whoop! SOunds like the perfect decision timing wise especially. Chicago 2013 already feels right around the corner! :)

  23. seriously am feeling you on the medical bills, changes lots of plans

    I actually had planned to do des moines the year we got transferred to florida, so i'll just live it through you :)
