Monday, March 19, 2012

Productive Weekend

Greetings and Happy Monday!  I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!  Mine was great and it was super, duper productive.

I started the weekend off on the right foot and met Raquelita, her husband, and some of her friends for dinner.  I was supposed to run a half marathon with her on Saturday, but decided to bow out a couple of week ago as I just didn't build my mileage up fast enough after my surgery. 

Raquelita's husband snapped this picture of us at dinner!  What do you know, I'm wearing stripes!  Shocking!  ;)

Besides having dinner on Friday night, I also fit the following into the weekend...
  • Shopped for some new spring items (I had a 50% off coupon for Banana Republic, I couldn't resist)
  • Bought shoes for Amber's wedding 
  • Ran 8 miles with my running club - which went really, really good.  I maintained a 9:30 pace, which I was really happy with.
  • Studied a total of 11 hours between Saturday and Sunday
  • Baked GF chocolate chip cookies (from a mix, gf baking from scratch is just not for me) to bring to a girls night dinner in on Saturday night.  They were delicious, no one could tell they were gluten free!
  • Finished a great book
  • Video chatted with this lovely lady
  • Walked to the grocery store for the first time in months
  • Tried a new recipe
  • And ended the weekend doing this...

Yep, I grilled in March.  While wearing a dress.  And sweating.  Minnesota is the new Arizona, people.

I've been in a terrible funk lately (more on that later this week), but this weekend, I took a giant leap towards feeling like myself again.

How was your weekend?


  1. Boston is the new Arizona too- I love it!

    Glad you had a productive weekend, I'm impressed with all that you fit in :) Mine was actually pretty good too, minus the baby shower... Happy to hear you took a step towards getting out of your funk. I can definitely understand why you'd be in one with all that studying!

  2. What a great weekend - I'm glad you're feeling a little bit more yourself - and man did you do a lot! I felt like this past weekend was one of those where I did a lot but it doesn't feel like it so getting up and going back to work this morning just seems wrong! :)

  3. I'm sorry you've been in a funk (I totally understand, btw) but I'm glad you had such an amazing weekend!

  4. Hasn't the weather been insanely amazing lately? I was in a late-winter funk but spending time outside in the sunshine has me feeling much better!

  5. Sounds like you had a great weekend overall, I'm so happy you loved TFIOS. Definitely a favorite YA of mine. Now you have to read I Am The Messenger by Markus Zusak, that's another amazingly written YA novel.

  6. I'm so happy to hear you had a great weekend! You needed that.

    I can't believe how warm it is there...and how cold it is here in AZ. Right now it is 43, the mountains have snow, and there are "winter storm warnings" in effect.

    (Eerie! It was 87 on Friday)

    Now I'm the one in a total "funk". My weekend was kind of a downer, but I know things will be better....eventually!

    You look great by the way!

  7. You definitely had quite the productive weekend! I am jealous of your temperatures! It was above zero here this weekend, but the wind was pretty chilly.

  8. Loved chatting with you yesterday! So great to "see" you. And walking to the grocery store is a huge plus. We walked to the park yesterday. It was hot. I was wearing a dress. and sweating. Weird, weird weather.

    Here's hoping it's a great week for all of us :)

  9. I hope the "funk" is gone for good!
    You had an amazing weekend!

  10. That sounds like an awesome weekend. Today is my shopping day (food and much needed new running shoes) plus I am going to run a few more errands, which I am looking forward to. So hopefully my list after today will look like your list from this weekend!

    I think CA is the new MN, because we have been having rain and snow for the last week. I am in my room huddled in a blanket with the heater on right now. Weird.

    PS! That sausage shop, Kramarczuk, was on Diners, Drive ins and Dives the other day! I was watching and all of a sudden I realized, HEY, I went there!

  11. Every time you write GF, I think Girlfriend. So, this weekend you made Girlfriend cookies. I sort of chuckle every time I then realize you mean Gluten Free. But it is fitting, I mean, Girlfriend, you are Gluten Free. =)

  12. I got the BBQ out this weekend too!

    I'm glad that you're feeling more like yourself and are pulling out of that funk- I hope that you're getting to enjoy the feeling of being over that hurdle :)

  13. I'm SO glad you had such a wonderful and productive weekend! I'm seriously jealous of the weather you midwest and east coasters are experiencing right now. It's COLD over here!

  14. I'm adding that book to my library queue.

    I'm glad that you had such a great weekend, you deserve it!

  15. Yesterday evening I was so hot that I wanted to turn on our a/c. It is so bizarre.

    I'm so glad that the rest of your weekend was both fun and productive!

  16. Sounds like the perfect weekend. Well, minus the 11 hours of studying - ick. And I'm glad to see you're taking steps to get out of your funk. I've been doing the same and it's so refreshing. :)

    TFIOS is my next on my to-reads list. Everyone who reads it absolutely raves about it so I need to pick it up!

  17. I have my first video chat date tonight! I am really excited! ;)

    Glad you had such a good weekend, you look so gorgeous and happy in that photo!

  18. "MN is the new Arizona" love it!! Was this not the most perfect March weekend ever? I read on the porch pretty much all afternoon/evening on Saturday and it was awesome :) Oh, and I have definitely added that book to my TBR list.

  19. So jealous you grilled!! WE need to get ours out because I am sick of baking! Sounds like an awesome weekend!

  20. Love you so much just had to send our sunshine your way!
    I am glad you were able to have a fun weekend!

  21. Oh my gosh, your weekend sounds awesome. We need to come visit you!! Nice work on getting so much accomplished (both fun and not so fun stuff).

  22. Can you believe we can grill out? I did art retreat all weekend and didn't eat with Rick, but when I came by after, he and a friend were on the porch, finishing up dinner. Amazing! LOVING it! (And you are INCREDIBLY productive!)

  23. My weekend was wonderful! I love St. Paddy's day :-)
