Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Thank You, Mother Nature

As evidenced by the grilling photo yesterday, the weather has been amazing lately.  One might think that the photo above was taken last summer. But no - this was taken last Tuesday.  On March 13.

Let's just pause and recognize the fact that last March 13th I was probably trudging through snow.  This year I was getting my sweat on in shorts and a t-shirt.

I know that mother nature giveth, and mother nature can taketh, but dangit, I am enjoying these temps.  It was 60 degrees when I started my long run on Saturday.  At 7 in the morning.  On March 17th. The temperatures topped out around 80 degrees.

Perhaps this year we will actually get a spring.  Or it could snow next week.  You never know.  Last year, we certainly didn't get a spring -which explains why I really can't find any spring clothes in my closet.  You see, last year we went from winter to summer.  This weather appears to be sticking around, so to reward myself for paying off my medical bills, I took advantage of a 50% off coupon for Banana Republic and bought a few spring items.  I'll likely show you what I bought at the end of the month when I do my Music, Books, Miles, and Looks post.  Having some new outfits that I am excited to wear definitely puts a spring in my step!

How has the weather been in your neck of the woods?  Is it unseasonably warm (and fabulous) like my weather?  Here's hoping it sticks around!!


  1. I can't find any spring clothes either! We definitely just had snow followed by snow last year! If every winter could be like this one, I'd probably never complain about Boston winter again!

  2. Love that you are getting great weather as well. I remember being in Minneapolis late last March and it was cold and slushy snow all around!

  3. It's already summer here. Over 80* for the last several days. Too hot already.

  4. I have very few spring clothes that are professional and work appropriate, but I semi-remedied that this past weekend. I really hope that we do get to enjoy a real spring this year.

  5. It has been so fabulous in Pittsburgh lately and while I'm kind of waiting for the other shoe to drop, I'll take it while it lasts! I've been running outside, walking to and from work, and cooking with the windows open. It does wonders for my mood!

  6. This weather is fabulous! I still have my shovel near just in case it doesn't last! I'm not superstitious but I just can't believe that it's going to last!

  7. It has been amazingly nice here as well! It's just so odd - across the entire country! I mean... Arizona - significant snow?! What the? Gotta make you wonder a little bit... is it global warming, is it not? I suppose it's all moot and we should just enjoy it! :)

  8. That is amazing that you are in shorts and t-shirt! Last week I ran in capris and a tank top, but it hasn't been that nice since then :(

  9. Wow. I can't believe the weather. I am trying to think what it was like last year or the year before or whatever. I know that last year we had snow in May and June!

    The weather here is not as good as yours. They are predicting snow in the mountains, with a low of 25. In the bay area it is a low of 45 with rain! I guess you are getting our good weather. Enjoy it while you can, because I want it back soon!

  10. Nope. It's awful here. Was snowing again this morning. Grumble. Last March was terrible as well with tons of snow. Two years ago, in March 2010, I can remember running in shorts it was so gorgeous out. I am definitely ready for spring!!!

  11. Ha, to think that you can go running in shorts where you are in the middle of March is crazy ;)

    Here in CA, we're used to breaking out shorts and flipflops for the first time in March (and there has been a lovely weekend at the beginning of this month), but right now it's on the cooler side and we're finally getting the rain that we didn't get this winter.

  12. Yay! I'm loving it! I even stopped at the Nike outlet in Medford and got new running shorts and a tshirt.

  13. It's been gorgeous here in the city and I love it, but it's going to be almost 80 degrees on Thursday and I have an event (read: a place with many single men) and I have no idea what to wear because I am so totally unprepared.

  14. I polled people on twitter to see what good things are in their lives today and a handful mentioned the warmer weather. :)

  15. Love your bright yellow running top! And where are you getting these 50% off banana coupons? I love spring fashion.

  16. I'm hoping it stickes, too -- I'm just loving this -- long walks, time outside, no slush. Certainly works forme!

  17. I can't believe your weather!! It's SO cold here!!! Okay....50's in the day and 30's at night. But that's unbearable to this girl these days!!

    Love that yellow! I think I have the same one! Target??? You look so good!

  18. It has been unseasonably warm here too, and I love it!

  19. Spring clothes, what are those? Do they even sell them in stores around here? Seriously! I'm pretty sure we have to travel to North Carolina or something to buy spring clothes, because I don't know what that is. hahaha. As we've discussed, Chicago is experiencing superbly higher-than-normal temps, too.

  20. You look so tan in this photo! I need to get a bit of color before I head to Florida...!

    Weather here has been a lot like yours, most days anyway. It's been pretty warm the last two days but we spent some time on our patio last night until the mosquitos (yes! mosquitos! In March!) started pestering us. Guess we need to break out the citronella candles...!

  21. I have been running in the morning in SHORTS!! in MARCH! its crazy! I was still wearing my under armour stuff at this time last year!
