Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Happy Wednesday!  We are almost half way through the week!  Woo hip!  I'm borrowing this "currently" format that other bloggers use to fill you in on what I'm up to/what's on my mind...


- Very thankful that I have not had a sinus infection since my surgery.  Phew.  Sure feels awesome to feel healthy.  I still use my netipot every night as a precaution, but that's a pretty easy bedtime ritual.

- Growing my hair out for Locks of Love.  It's actually long enough to donate now, but I am waiting until October so I can a) wear my hair up at Nora's wedding, and b) put my hair back in a ponytail for the marathon.  After the marathon, though, adios long hair!  Can't wait to chop it off (I have no attachment to my hair).

- Waiting for the work reorg to be announced.  I've known changes were coming for a month now, but am not sure what those changes are or what they will mean for me.  I'm not as pessimistic about the potential changes as I was initially, but I still am anxious and just want to know what the future holds.

- Eating about a jar of pickles a week.  No joke.  The more I run, the more pickles I tend to eat.  I think I need to have a friend with a costco membership buy me a ginormous jar.  I have low blood pressure, so I am not worried about my sodium intake.  And really, there are worse things to eat in massive quantities!

- Day dreaming about my trip our West for Amber's wedding in July.  That trip cannot come fast enough!  I can't wait to see Amber and meet both Kelly and Anais for the first time after being blog friends for years!  Besides Memorial Day and the potential day I will take off in May to study for the CFA, I have no days off planned...  so I am REALLY ready for some time off in July!

- Realizing that while I really wish I could meet a great guy (and hope I do some day), in some ways, being single is sort of simpler than being in a relationship. So I am trying to appreciate the benefits of being single instead of thinking about what I am missing out on...

- Devouring books like it's my job.  Reading for pleasure keeps me sane.  And there are no good shows on these days anyways (what is up with Parenthood having their season finale in like February?).

- Loving the runs with my run club.  I am so glad I took a chance and joined this club last year.  I've made some great friends and am a stronger runner because of the coaches.

- Thinking about taking the month of May off from planning any social engagements.  I'll start reviewing in late April and when I review for the CFA exam, it sort of sucks the life out of me, as my studying will increase to 20+ hours/week so it might be in my best interest (and the best interest of my friends) for me to just avoid being social for the month.

What's currently happening in your life/on your mind these days?


  1. I can't believe they still haven't announced that stuff at your work! How frustrating! And it cracks me up that you associate pickles with running!

    Currently on my mind is all the stuff I need to do - I've just had no motivation. I'm determined to write a blog post when I get home today and one for the morning - I need my mojo back!

  2. I can't wait until July either! I am so looking forward to "meeting" you and Amber and seeing the Pacific Northwest!

    I have to say, I love Eric (obviously) but there are definitely some perks to being single- one of them is the number of showers you have to attend haha- clearly I don't have this many friends on my own- I blame Eric :)

  3. I'm pretty sure I heard there is going to be a rain cloud over Minneapolis for the month of May. Might even be cold enough for a good sideways snow blizzard. So, don't feel bad about hibernating that month ... everyone else will, too. =)

  4. Lisa,
    Is that what happened to Parenthood, it was the ONLY show I watched (when I remembered), after they took off Brothers and Sisters. My track record is not good. I also noticed your book club book Winter Garden, we read that for book club earlier this winter, I enjoyed it. This month we are reading Reliable Wife, and I am not liking it, also for book club this month, The End of Illness, some interesting info, but reads like a textbook. Happy Easter!! We plan to be in the cities the last weekend in April then up to the lake from there.

  5. Only two months to go and the studying will be done for this year! I know the time will go fast, but maybe not as fast for you! I'm glad you will be free for the summer months!

  6. I'm a little envious of your run club! I would really enjoy something that like. Tucson has a few...but their run times never work with my schedule. And it seems that everyone is old. Like, retirement community old.

    I guess I do live in a retirement community kind of.

    I'm excited to see you this summer! 2 months to go with studying!!

  7. I donated my hair to locks of love a couple of years ago. It was the most satisfying haircut I ever got!

    As for us, we're just getting through the rest of tax season, and look forward to festival season!

  8. I didn't know Kelly would be at Amber's wedding. All the more reason for me to figure out how to get there :)

    With everything up in the air over here I've been hesitant to make social plans as well, so while we have different reasons for doing so, I completely understand!

  9. Locks of love is almost as great as pickles. Don't even get started adding jars of banana peppers or jalepenos in there.

    Being single can certainly rock. When you have kids and a family to support (come on, with the men in MN you would certainly be the smart one in that relationship), and all of the responsibilities that come with that white picket fence can really drain the life out of you.

  10. I always love John's comments -- "with the men in MN, you would be the smart one"! hahaha! Not to say that he is wrong; he is most likely right that you are smart and even smarter than most, but the way he states it cracks me up!

    It's funny that you did this meme; I have one scheduled for next week. It's a fun and easy way to get out of writing a "real" post!

    Ah, pickles. Want to hear a funny story? I have been CRAVING pickles! When I went to my parent's house last time, I ate all their pickles, then all the pickled garlic, and THEN all the pickled peppers! So I bought a (big) jar for the house, and I ate a few. When I was in DC, my roommate ate the rest! So I guess she was having a pickle craving too! So I just bought another large jar. We will see how long this one lasts! I have a Costco membership; I should go buy a huge jar.

  11. Sigh, I don't really have anything keeping me sane. Maybe Twitter? Life has blown up and I am super busy.

    Wow, you NEED a Costco membership! The next time I come up there I'm bringing you a jar of pickles. ;) We go to Costco about once a week, sometimes less.

  12. Good for you for wanting to donate to locks of love! My hair is impossible to grow out because it's just SO unmanageable when it gets long. I wish I could though!

    Your studying is so intense- you really need some time off. July will get here before you know it! :)

  13. Weekends away like last weekend and the prospect of long weekends like this weekend are what are keeping me sane lately! I've officially reached the "burnt out" point of marathon training and I'm ready to be done and daydreaming about when I'm OFF a training plan (I remember being like this for Portland too). I'm also currently daydreaming about spring. It's been so cold here but I've been wearing my flats with no socks every day and freezing my feet on the 3 block walk to work anyways. Wishful thinking I guess!

    I really like this post idea, might use it tomorrow!

  14. I have always LOVED pickles and I have a jar sitting in my fridge but it's never one of my go-to snacks. I should change that because they really are good! Question: sour or sweet? I can't do sweet. Sour all the way for me! Hehe.

    I was planning on growing out my hair again for LoL but I just can't do it. It's annoying me way too much. I need something short and cute for my cruise! :)

    Happy hump day!

  15. They still haven't made the announcement?!? I can't believe that!

    Currently, I'm trying to finish out the term strong and not give in to the feelings of something akin to senioritis.

  16. I always hated pickles as a kid and then started eating them like two years ago and now I'm addicted too. In the winter when I can't get good quality local cucumbers I even chop them in my salad. Yum!

    There are definitely worse addictions to have!

    Sending positive vibes for the work reorg.

  17. I think its perfectly acceptable to call a time out on social engagements for May. The CFA is a huge test, your nearest and dearest will certainly understand. I'm glad that you have your running club and books to keep you sane.

  18. Wow you are one busy lady! That is so awesome you are donating your hair to locks of love. I did that in 9th grade and I was just thinking about how that was so long ago now and wondered if someone was still using my hair.

  19. Love pickles!! I used to eat them like crazy when I was younger, and have kind of forgotten about them lately.

    That is awesome that you are donating to locks of love :-)

    I have a lot on my mind lately ... life throws curve balls sometimes!

  20. (((())) Currently, I am trying to catch up on blogs from the past 8 days.. it's tough! Umm I also go back to work Tuesday FULL - TIME. SHEEEESH. I usually work part-time but I am covering for my boss who is out after surgery until middle of may. I'm kind of scared because I feel very unprepared for how our home life is going to be rocked.

  21. I love pickles! I get the crunchy, sour German kind :) (and no, not pregnant :))

    I love those currently posts as they tell us things about where we're at and I love your attitude about being single and about trips you're going to take and great books!

  22. I can't believe you're not attached to your hair with how long it is. I was always nervous to cut mine short, but enjoyed it when I finally got the guts to. Plus, locks of love is a great cause.

  23. I've been craving pickles since I've started running again too! My friend gave me a Bell jar full of homemade hot & spicy pickles for Christmas, and I've emptied it rather quickly!

  24. This was a great post for me to catch-up on :)

    I say - enjoy being single while you are (which you seem to be doign anyways) because you WILL meet a great guy so now is a time to focus on yourself! It's so great that you are seeing people you like, running, and reading all these books :)

    I'm looking forward to July as well!!! :)
