Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Little Moments v3

This week got off to a tough start... But yesterday was a MUCH better day, so hopefully things will only get better as the week progresses. 

The head of our group is coming to our office today to discuss the reorg - I'm hoping I come home from work today feeling better about the changes taking place.

It really was such a blessing that I chose to focus on the little moments in the month of May.  I need these daily reflections now more than ever!

9 - Getting a drink with my boss at the airport before our flight to Denver. Our work lives were turned upside down last week with the reorg, so it was nice to set it all aside and just enjoy a drink together before our business trip.  As I've said before, I absolutely love my boss - he is the best boss I've ever had.  He's committed to still having a role in my development, so hopefully we can make that happen.

10 - Meeting co-workers from our Denver office.  It's so nice to put faces to names, and I really hit it off with the people I met!

11 - Gettting a 94% on an assessment I took on a complicated concept (Derivatives).

12 - 10 miles ran in absolutely gorgeous weather on running paths along the lakes of Minneapolis.

13 - Getting my mail and finding a post card that Jeanie sent during her trip to Paris!  Oh la la, that's the best kind of mail to receive!

14 - A thoughtful and kind email from San, a new friend I've made thanks to blogging!

15 - Eating lunch outside on my building's skygarden level with a co-worker.  I eat at my desk most days, so this was a nice change!

What were your little moments of the last week?


  1. I hope things go well today with the work reorganization talk :)
    I love reading your little moments!

  2. That's so awesome that you love your boss. I know it's still really early in my career, but through the different jobs/internships I've had so far, I've never had a boss that I LOVED and who I really felt cared about my personal development/growth (at my last job I barely had an official "boss"). I've always wanted to know what that was like haha, maybe some day I'll find out!

  3. finally some development on the reorg? I hope everything goes smooth. Good luck today!

  4. I think it's wonderful that you have a boss who cares about your professional development. Even if he's not your boss anymore, he can still be a great mentor and resource!

  5. That's awesome that you have a good boss. It makes all the difference in the world. My boss for over 10 years was incredible. She was more like a friend to me. We would take long lunches during the work day, she bought me stuff, paid for my gas, etc. She was the best! She closed her business down over 5 years ago but we still hang out when we can.


  6. Best wishes for today. These changes are always so stressful, but more so leading up to the changes! It' the not knowing that is the hardest!

  7. So glad that you were able to find little things to remember that life is good even if there are bumpy patches in it. My little moment would be having my husband run out to my car for a kiss this morning. We were both busy getting ready and didn't have a chance to kiss goodbye, but he made it happen :)

  8. Hmmm, well I've had some good little moments lately. Getting grades in realizing that I pulled off a 4.0 again when I was SURE I would get at least one B. Turning this week into a mini staycation and just relaxing. Spending some quality time with my sister. I know this summer is going to get busy, so it has been nice this week!

  9. You discovered San??? I really like her - super genuine, down to earth and easy to connect with, despite all the miles between us. Glad you have connected with her, too!

  10. I am so happy that you get along with your boss! And hope that he reads this blog...what a nice compliment! Having a good relationship with your boss is number one most important thing in a workplace. If you have a bad boss, work will be a drag! I hope that whatever news you find out today is GOOD!

    I love this idea for a post. It really keeps things in perspective!

  11. 94% on derivatives! That sounds great and had to really make your day! I'm hoping your reorg goes well, and that you will still be in range of your present boss! He sounds like a wonderful person! I have a wonderful boss, too! :)!!

  12. Having a good boss is so important! I loved my last boss and I love my new boss. Makes such a difference in a work environment!

    My little/big moment in the last week was walking up the stairs in my townhouse to all my girlfriends jumping out in wigs and having marathon numbers on. I felt SO LOVED that night having *almost* all my good friends in one place to celebrate with me!

  13. I'm so gald that you've had so many of these great small moments lately.

    My "moment" would be last weekend with it's beautiful weather. We had Mother's Day dinner on Saturday night and then on Sunday I blew off Zumba and had an afternoon Mojito with a friend instead.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I hope you put that assignment on the fridge!!!! My "moment" of the week would be when Josh met me at Cub to grocery shop after midnight! I hate shopping alone. It was such a sweet gesture.

  16. I love your "little moments" posts... it's so great to remind oneself of the good things in life!

    I really hope everything will work out with the reorg.... it sounds like you have a great boss and awesome coworkers. I hate to see such a great work environment disturbed.

    Way to go on getting 94% on the assessment. I'd say you're pretty well prepared!

    P.S. Ha! And I just emailed you :)

  17. Yay e-mails from bloggers! I love getting those, seriously the best.

    Great job on your 94%!! Derivatives are NOT EASY. I failed Calculus the first time I took it and did okay the second time when I passed. Definitely nowhere near a 94%. Anti-derivatives reaaaallyyy killed me.

    Best of luck on the job re-org! That stuff can be tough. We're going through something similar at my job too.

  18. I'm glad you are having "little moments" of peace and serenity despite how crazy life is right now! seem to mend well to Denver. Isn't that on your list of cities you would consider moving to? Hmmm... (just kidding. I know you love MNPLS and have totally found your place there)

    I'm glad that things are going better with the reorganization. So it sounds for the most part. Kind of a relief!

  19. Hanging out with my nephew was the best little moment of my week ... also having a beverage out on a deck with some girlfriends was great too.
