Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Music, Books, Miles, and Looks of July

Hello August!  7 months down, 5 to go!  This year is a-flying!


Drunk by Ed Sheeran - Melissa recommended this artist to me, and her recommendation was spot on!  I really like the beat of this song, which is irregular at times.  It's really catchy.  His whole album is really good!


It was another strong month of reading for me!

Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese - This is one of the best books I have read this year.  I will warn you, though, that it took awhile for me to get into it...  like 250 pages (out of about 600)...  But once I got into it, I had a hard time putting it down.  It's about a family of doctors that live in Ethiopia.  The story seamlessly travels from India to Ethiopia to New York and back to Ethiopia, and it was a really engaging read.

Paris, My Sweet by Amy Thomas - This is a charming memoir about an American girl that moves to Paris for a work assignment. Each chapter is centered around a sweet that France is known for. She weaves the story of her expatriate life in with the story of the various delicacies she tastes while living there. And most importantly, it honestly portrays the challenges of moving to a foreign country. It's a light, fast read that I'd recommend to any fellow Francophiles.

Insurgent by Veronica Roth - I was excited to check this out as it's the sequel to Divergent, a book I read and really enjoyed this winter. But I was pretty disappointed with the sequel.  They didn't do a very good job of bridging the 2 books.  Even though I had read Divergent fairly recently, I had forgotten a lot of details so consequently had a hard time following this book.  Also, there was almost too much action involved...  I am still glad I read it but doubt I will read the 3rd book...

The Shoemaker's Wife by Andriana Trigiani - This is the 3rd book I have read by this author, and it's my favorite so far. She does a great job telling the story of Italian immigrants who moved to the US to start a new life. The story spans from Italy to Manhattan to Minnesota, and moves through time, from the turn of the 20th century to the first great world war to WWII and beyond. Definitely a great read!


I had a great month of running.  I increased my long runs fairly quickly but my body responded well so I think it was the right thing to do!  I ran a total of 120 miles, which I feel really really good about!


I have 2 favorite looks from this month!

First off, my look from the day of Amber's wedding.

It's obviously a special occasions dress so is not a look I'll be repeating, but gosh I loved wearing that dress that day!  It was comfortable and flattering - which are not words commonly used to describe bridesmaid dresses.  ;)  I also was really happy with how my hair turned out!

Look #2 is a Target dress I wore the Saturday we were in Vancouver (and it's been worn multiple times since then!).

It's striped (of course), but I like that it's a non-traditional striped pattern.  I also like that it's asymmetrical (longer in the back, shorter in the front).


  1. Super cute dress from Target! And I already told you I loved the bridesmaid dresses. :)

  2. It makes me SO happy that I actually saw you in both of those looks haha, wahoo :)

    I may do a post like this today because i didn't do goals this month, oops.

    I continue to be amazed by all the reading you do, especially since Cutting for Stone was so long. Also I love the Target dress!

  3. I loved your hair/dress for Amber's wedding! You looked gorgeous! I'm a big fan of the side pony these days :)

  4. I love the way you had your hair done for Amber's wedding! You gals looked wonderful that day :)

  5. I always get a big smile on my face, because I believe you read a book set in Paris every month. :)

    I love your looks for the month! You were stunning at Amber's wedding. I also love your sundress! I wish I liked how I looked/felt in dresses better, because I think they are adorable!

  6. I agree, your dress for Amber's wedding was super pretty! And I love how your hair turned out as well :) I am actually needing some new books to read, so might have to check out the ones you read :)

  7. I love how Nicole did your hair too! It suited you really well!

    I will have to check out some of those books you recommended. I am getting back into reading again. Right now I'm reading The Book Thief and REALLY enjoying it!!

  8. You look so adorable in that striped dress! Love it on you :)

    So glad you enjoyed the Shoemaker's Wife. You know how I feel about Adriana :)

  9. cute! i like that target dress. i think i tried on a similar one but they didnt have my size.

  10. First off, I looove the version of Drunk you posted! I hadn't heard that one yet. My obsession with Ed Sheeran has been going strong for months now- isn't it weird when an artist just grabs you like that?

    Your look for Amber's wedding was STUNNING. I mean seriously every time I see pictures of you and Amber I say the same thing!!

    You are a crazy reader. Good for you! I've heard great things about Cutting for Stone but it's length has been a bit off putting for me. Maybe I'll get to it one day!

  11. You're so purty! I love both your looks this month! I bought a few striped tanks from Target that have been getting a lot of wear this year. Possibly because it's been ridiculously hot this summer, but it doesn't hurt they're especially cute! =)

  12. I love how your dress AND your purse are striped (and I notice your iPhone case is also "striped")!!! You are stipey-Mc-stripester. Your look for Amber's was gorgeous! You guys all looked great. I just looked at some of her photos and I loved that she chose a dress that looked good on everyone. It's about time someone (bride-wise) did!

    I rarely wear dresses, but the other day I had time to kill and (bad move!) I went to Ross...I ended up finding three designer label dresses for about 15 dollars each on the clearance rack! I couldn't choose between them so I just bought them all. :( For "not needing anything" I sure can find way, WAY too many things to buy!

  13. You're the second blog I've read this evening touting The Shoemaker's Wife. I think I'm getting the message!

    And once again, that dress is simply the best! You need a nice summer something to wear that too before the snow falls!

  14. I love that Target dress on you, Lisa! Very chic!

    I thought I would read more on the road to Alaska, but it kept giving me a headache when I tried to read in the car. Boo for that.

  15. I really need to spend more of my summer holidays reading. I am impressed by how much you read! Love that green striped dress!!!

  16. You are so beautiful - both in Amber's wedding & in that dress - they both suit you so well!

  17. What's funny is I've seen and wanted to read The Shoemaker's Wife, but when I picked up Very Valentine had no idea it was the same author. But now that I do I'm looking even more forward to the book.

    And Paris, My Sweet sounds like such a cute book, and one I'd probably enjoy.

  18. Obsessed with the Target dress

  19. Such a cute Target dress! Love Target!
