Thursday, August 2, 2012

Nice Ride!

Remember when I first told you about the Minnesota Nice Ride program last summer? Well, I hit the 1 year mark for my subscription late in the month of July.  I thought it would be fun to look back on my statistics!

As you can see, I used the bikes 321 times, biked ~171 miles, and saved 5 gallons of gas (I think that might be understated as city driving is so not fuel efficient)!  I am pretty happy with those stats.  I have used those bikes SO many times and can't imagine living downtown and not having access to them.  I've used the bikes to get to work, the grocery store, target, church, and happy hour among other destinations.

I've perfected the art of shopping on my bike after learning some lessons along the way - like the day I carried all of this home while biking...

A back pack, purse, envirosack of farmer's market goods, and a bouquet of flowers is TOO much to carry on a bike!!

Suffice it to say it was a wobbly, sweaty ride home and I was tempted to ditch the flowers.

Up until last summer, I hadn't biked for years upon years, so it has been fun to rediscover my love of biking.  I'm still thinking of buying a road bike so I can go on longer rides on the weekends and bike to/from run club (driving to run club is the only time I drive most weeks!) but haven't taken the plunge yet as I have been too busy with marathon training to really think about researching/buying a bike!  I do think I will buy one eventually!

Does your city have a bike sharing program?  If so, have you used it?  It's been so popular in Minneapolis and there has been such a low level of vandalism, they no longer authorize a day user's card for a damage deposit and instead they just get charged for their usage.  I have an annual membership so just pay once a year and plan to continue to renew my membership each year as long as I live downtown!


  1. I love that your city has this program! I'm sure D.C. has something similar but since we don't live in the city (more in the suburbs) we can't utilize it. I can't believe you carried all that home on a bike! Did it at least have a basket?

  2. I think Boston has it too but like Becky I don't live in a place where I can use it- it's very cool though. I do have a road bike but because I have the clipless pedals (which I don't recommend but I have because it hurts my knees biking less when I use them) it's kind of a pain to use my bike for actual errands or to get anywhere.

    I agree that you have probably saved more than 5 gallons of gas, that doesn't seem like enough for all of your miles!

  3. Yes! Des Moines has one, but it is not nearly as big as Mlps. It's more of a novelty in DSM, as there are only about 5 stations and only in tiny downtown DSM.

    You know I love this program and am so glad you introduced it to me. I love how they give you your stats, how interesting!

    I'm thinking of getting a bike too. I really want to do RAGBRAI someday and that will require a good bike! You should come down someday for it, that would be so fun!

  4. This is such a great idea! We don't have anything like that in Pittsburgh (not a very bike friendly city, or a very fit city) but I have my own bike and try to ride it as much as I can.

  5. I am amazed that you rode the bike with all that stuff, but am glad you didn't have to ditch the flowers! They were beautiful!
    That bike plan is so ideal for people who live in the downtown area! Wish Wyndmere had one - chuckle, chuckle!

  6. STL is kind of lame. We don't have anything like this. It may be because our downtown life is still growing and isn't quite thriving yet. That would be my hunch. We do have the MetroLink which runs to some parts of the burbs and takes people to places downtown which I know a lot of people like. (Of course there isn't one near me or my office... I did the math once and it would take me over 90 minutes to get to and from work using public transport from the burbs. A downside to living out there, I guess...). If we did have this I would totally use it though. I think it's such an awesome idea!

  7. wow, that's really good use of the bike sharing program! Lots of good miles.

  8. Wait, so this also means you've been living downtown for a year, too? Gosh, it feels like you've always lived there - a clear indication you're living where you're supposed to be!

  9. That's so great how much you've used the bikes!! I just thought that system was SOO COOL when I visited you!

    We don't have anything like that here and I'm not sure how used it would be if we did since it's SO hilly here. I really need to bike to work at least once this year! I did it about once a week all last summer but haven't at all this summer yet!

  10. That is some serious talent managing to bring home all of that stuff on your bike! We don't have a program like that here....I think we have too many cold days and not enough warm days!

  11. That's cool that you can log your miles. I like being able to see if it's worth it or not! Could you not rent a bike for the run club days? We have a program similar to yours where the bikes are in a locker and you rent them for about 5 cents an hour. The lockers are all around the city, Oakland and the entire bay area, so you could actually do quite a biking trip for fairly cheap!

  12. I've never even heard of such a program until now. Cool!

  13. What an amazing PROGRAM! I have never heard of this before! I love that they support bike riders because its SO much better for the environment and it creates a healthier city! Love and Shine CourtStar

  14. Awesome! These have made their way to St. Paul now, they are everywhere and I love that I rarely see the racks full. They are definitely getting used!

  15. That is awesome! I am envious of this program! Tucson is actually an extremely "bike friendly" city -- except it's more "road bike/Lance Armstrong/spandex jumpsuit - friendly". ;)

    Everything is extremely spread out.

    I am impressed with your ability to carry all those goods on a bicycle! Wow!

  16. That's awesome, Lisa! I can just picture you balancing all those bags and the flowers on your ride. Not easy, I'm sure!

  17. You are hilarious! I can't believe you biked with all that... no wait I can!
