Friday, May 10, 2013

5 on Friday

Greetings and Happy Friday!  I hope you all had a great week.  I had a quick trip to Jacksonville for work this week.  It was really, really nice to get away for a little bit, even if it was for work and was for less than 24 hours.  The change of scenery was good for me.

Here's 5 things on my mind this Friday...

1.  I have my doctor's appointment this morning and am crossing my fingers and toes that I get to ditch the boot and get cleared to do some cardio.  I don't expect him to say I can return to running right away but I hope I can at least swim or bike as now, more than ever, I really could use some endorphins.

2.  I once again have a weekend void of any social plans.  I used to kind of like those weekends when I lived in Minneapolis.  Now I really dislike them.  I tried to make plans for Saturday night but had no luck.  This whole not having friends things is REALLY REALLY hard.  I know I need to try to join meet-up groups and other things like that, but it's tough to that with my inflexible CFA study schedule.  Operations Make Friends will commence after the CFA.  And hopefully Operation Make Friends helps on the Operation Stop Hating Charlotte front.

3.  Speaking of the CFA exam, my first 2 practice tests went pretty well.  I will take 2 more this weekend and hopefully they go well so I can start feeling a bit more confident about the exam.

4.  I am really thankful for the ability to video chat with friends that live far away and am looking forward to chats with Amber and Alli on Sunday.

5.  Lastly, Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's out there - especially my mom who is a faithful reader of this blog.  I wish I could celebrate with her and my grandma, but will definitely be thinking of them from afar!!

What's on your mind today?


  1. I pray you get cleared for some cardio too!! I think that will help. I completely understand the no social plans issue - been there!! I even run into that sometimes now as everyone has young children - so it is difficult to do anything.

    Way to go in those practice tests ! I know you will do great! You have got this!

  2. Hope the Drs. appt goes well!! Fingers crossed! Hope you have a good weekend! I am sure once you get through the CFA exam, things will get better!

  3. Aww I wish you were closer to Pittsburgh--then we could make fun weekend plans together! I think if you just get through the CFA you'll have much more time and energy to devote to meeting new people, being social, etc. Hang in there!

  4. Oh, fingers and toes are crossed! I hope you get some good news at the doctor's. :) I remember when I broke my ankle and couldn't do much by way of exercise and it SUCKED.

    Hopefully, once your schedule calms down, you can find some Meet-Up groups to try. I found my book club through Meet-Up and it's SUCH a good place for me. :) Now to get up the courage to try some other ones out!

    Also, we should Skype sometime. :)

  5. Add my fingers and toes to everyone else's. Yes, just not have to lug the thing around will be great and bonus points if you can do some other things carefully.

    And three cheers on the practice test!

    Wish I knew SOMEONE closer to Charlotte I could connect you with. My ties are near Boone (Rick's dad, step mom) and Manteo on the coast, a theatre friend from college days, now a potter/artist. Once that boot is off and CFA is done, you'll be good to go -- and honestly, it won't be long. Maybe a good weekend to explore at your own pace.

  6. Way to go on your first 2 practice tests. I hope they go well this weekend, too.

    If I were in Charlotte I'd be hanging out with you all the time (schedule permitting, of course) =) I have a huge stack of recipe magazines that need to be read and filtered through!

    Also, video chat soon? We need to make that happen.


  7. Good luck at the doc!

    You might want to see if your college has an alumni chapter in charlotte. You might be surprised; I know the Ohio State alumni chapter here in Raleigh is huge. I have no idea why there are so manu OSU grads here. But it's another place to look. And I bet there are plenty of other MN transplants. You might also want to look for more Charlotte-area running blogs to start reading. I have plenty in my blogroll.

  8. Well, I already know that you have to wear your boot for another two weeks, which is a true bummer royale! I am praying that it is much better by than! I will miss having you "home" for Mother's Day but I will carry all of my children in my heart that day! God has blessed me with wonderful children! Soon and very soon, the CFA will be history and "operation make friends" will begin in earnest! Love you, my dear!

  9. Check out a book called MWF (married white female) seeks BFF. I read it shortly after moving to Cincinnati knowing NO ONE and found it comforting, relatable, and quite funny. The author vowed to go on 52 "friend dates" in a year and talks about where she picked up the friends...its a lot like dating! She also talks a lot about statistics of friendship so the book has an analytical edge to it as well.

    Its an easy read and perfect for where you are in life right now!

  10. I hope you're doctors appointment goes well!!

    Hmmmm, some things on my mind today:

    - I wish it wasn't so windy so I could BBQ tonight
    - I have a lot of errands to run later this afternoon
    - I'm glad to have no plans for the weekend. Sometimes it's nice to just chill at home

  11. Hooray for seeing positive results on your CFA practice tests! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that your appointment went well and you get out of that boot!

    Things that are on my mind: I'm starting to feel excited but also nervous about my upcoming travels; I need to do a ton of laundry over the next week; I'm hoping that good news about something work-related arrives in the next day or so or this next week is going to be potentially really complicated....

  12. I know I've been out of the loop for eons now, but so glad to get back into blog land! Hope things start to feel more "homey" in Charlotte soon. I know how hard that can be! I might have to make a visit - it's not TOO far from Nash and I've never been to NC :)

  13. I was going to say I hope you got good news at the doctor but I read your mom's comment- WAH! Seriously, WHAT?! I wish we could just fast forward until after the CFA so that you could be able to exercise again AND start making some Charlotte friends. But again, since I'm making wishes teleportation would be fantastic.

    I hope you have a nice weekend even without plans. Thinking of you!

  14. Believe me, I know how hard it is to make friends in a new (or not so new) city... I hope that will change soon.

    Have a lovely weekend <3

  15. I'm hoping you got the answer you were hoping for this morning!!!

    Try not to get too discouraged about the friend situation; do you use DailyMile? If so check your local area and see if anyone is near you that runs your pace and message them. That's how I met my Michigan best friend when I first moved here. :)

  16. How about taking yourself out solo on the weekends even before you make new friends? :)

    Parks. Libraries. Lunches.

    I'm always rooting for you!

    Good luck with doctor's appt!

  17. Just know that you do have friends far and wide! But I know that loneliness sucks. My friend circle here is pretty limited, but sometimes I think it is by choice because I am always so stinking busy, but there are times I wish I could just call up a carefree girlfriend and grab a drink. Looking forward to hearing about your adventures after the CFA is over.

  18. I'm about to tweet you for a boot update, just so you know. I know you have to study, but I wonderif maybe a book group for an hour one evening a week would be good in the interim?

    Take care of yourself my lovely.

  19. Here's hoping the two practice tests went well over the weekend and you had fun on your video chats with Amber and Alli ... and that all of the above made up (just even a little bit) for the fact you couldn't celebrate Mother's Day with your mama.

  20. It was lovely to chat with you! I am also counting down to the CFA alongside you because I just KNOW life will improve after that!!

  21. I am sorry to hear that Operation Make Friends is not going well. It's hard! I have been working at the same place now for almost a year and I get along great with quite a few people, but I wouldn't say I am really good friends with anyone. Not the good kind that you can talk to about anything and act just like yourself around. Luckily you have tons of friends everywhere else. All you have to do is call when you are feeling like a chat!
