Monday, May 13, 2013

Not the Verdict I was Hoping For

Well I had my follow-up appointment on Friday and it was not the verdict I was hoping for.  Unfortunately I have 2 more weeks in the boot and then we will go from there.  The doctor said he felt I needed another 2 weeks in the boot but that I could try going without the boot with the caveat that if I felt any pain whatsoever, I'd need to get back into the boot and let the stress fracture heal.  Well, I lasted about a block before the pain returned.  There were definitely some tears as I hobbled back to my apartment to put the boot back on.

To say I am frustrated is an understatement.  I guess I was sort of banking on being done with wearing the boot.  I know injuries take time to heal, but I am just so over wearing this stupid, heavy boot.

The good news is that I got cleared to swim and use the recumbent bike.  I found an aquatic center nearby where I can swim for $5/day so I am going to try to get there 2-3 mornings a week before work.  Besides that I will use the recumbent bike in my apartment's gym and keep up with the strength training and ab work.  It feel like my return to running is far off and I am really, really starting to doubt the likelihood of me running the Chicago marathon, but I guess time will tell.

I feel pretty defeated and downright mad at my body right now.  I feel like I do all the right things.  I eat well, I get enough sleep, I don't over-train.  I probably could have done a better job of listening to my body as my foot had been bugging me for awhile but it's hard to know when pain is something that will go away on its own or needs medical attention.

Hopefully in another 2 weeks I can ditch the boot for good.  I'd like to be optimistic and say that will be the case, but I don't really want to set myself up for more disappointment, so we will see what the next 2 weeks bring.

Have you ever had an injury that really set you back and kept you from doing the things you love?


  1. Oh lady, I'm sending you a big ol' hug. I'm glad you got the okay to swim at least and that you're going to get back at it regarding the core and strength work. Might as well blow off some of the steam via sweat in whatever form you can! Again, big hug. I'll keep my fingers crossed for healing over the next two weeks!

  2. I totally get how much it sucks. When I had a stress fracture in my hip, I wanted to get right back to doing something - anything! - as quickly as possible, but my body just wasn't having it. We're talking three months of barely being able to walk because everything - including swimming - hurt. So the whole resting part of it really sucks, but the more you stay off it, the sooner you'll be back in fighting form.

  3. Ugh- totally sucks! I'm so glad you can at least bike and swim, but obviously running would be way better! I was sidelined from running for over a year because of my knee so I can relate. It sucks. You get used to it, but it sucks- and it will suck even more for you because you are a much more serious runner than I am :) I also had a lot of the angry feelings about how I take good care of myself and don't overtrain etc. I've come to realize that a lot of people do the wrong thing all the time and there are no consequences, but I am just not one of those people... boo :) I hope swimming and biking makes you feel better at least!

  4. Boo for the boot for another week but hooray for being cleared to swim! It does the body so much good! Fingers crossed you are the (fast) mend!

  5. So sorry lisa but at least you get to swim and bike! Better than nothing. I really hope the next two weeks fly by for you and your foot heals up!

  6. Oh Lisa I'm sorry! That really sucks! I'm battling plantar fascitis right now and I can totally relate to wanting to run and not being able to. I hope swimming and biking help at least a little bit.

  7. While I haven't been as avid a runner as you, I remember vividly the day that I was told that I have pre-arthritis in my knees and that running was a bad idea (this came at a time when I was training for a 10 mile race and I ran six miles a few times a week for fun). I was (and still am) upset with my body, my genetics, myself. I have been doing a lot of strength training and it has made a difference in how my knees feel, so much so that I am contemplating running just one half marathon. Just to say I did it.

    I know exactly how you feel and I'm so sorry for it; it is a terrible feeling.

    I am praying and crossing my fingers that you'll be done with the boot soon. xoxox

  8. I'm living with that right now -- not an injury as such, but the illness. And yes, same with the shoulder surgery and blah, blah.

    I'll tell you -- and I'm trying to believe this myself -- that the end will be worth the means, that healing will come and with it the joy of doing the things you love.

    That said, I am SO, SO sorry that you can't do what you want, especially now when you are already at edge in a new city, new spot and things aren't as you want. The swimming and biking a plus, but still, a set back is always a disappointment. Do hang in there, Lisa. It WILL be better.

  9. Boo, Lisa, boo. Can I have a word or two with your body? Or the Universe? Because, you're right, you don't deserve to be *here* with this foot injury. But, *here* you are. I hope swimming and biking give you a modest feeling of accomplishment, because it really is more than you could do up until this point.

    Last summer, when I threw out my back, it was the first time I ever felt really sidelined. It wasn't just the things I love (running, working out), but also the day-to-day things that were necessary (picking up Gavin, walking the dog, etc.). It was a rough few weeks until I started to feel the slightest bit normal and a lot longer than that before I felt like I could exercise at 100% again. Even to this day, though, I have fears of re-injury.

  10. Hang in there, with all of the other stuff going on in the next two weeks you'll be fine with some swimming. Remember swimming will vastly help your oxygen processing in muscles and aerobic capacity, so I think you'll come out of that boot with faster run speed than ever.

  11. Ah, that is just crazy. Not sure why some bodies heal as they should and some don't. And then frankly, why some get injured and others don't even though they ask so much from their bodies. I'm curious if he recommended using/renting a bone stimulator? I know my friend Stefanie who had a constant stress fracture for almost a year finally used one and it seemed to help. I like Carolina John's positive outlook, although I can imagine it's tough to get to a place of positivity with this darn injury.

  12. Oh grrrrr. Darn, Lisa! It seems like one thing after another for you! The last time I had an injury that really prevented me from doing something I loved was in 11th grade. I tore my Achilles tendon and had to miss a good portion of my soccer season. I was so afraid I wouldn't "letter" that year--but I ended up getting enough time on the field in.

    I don't know why it often seems that those who don't follow the rules seem to be rewarded, while those that do get punished. Of course, I'm not just referring to injuries--but life in general.

    Maybe you can enjoy some swimming and bike riding and then you'll be back on your feet, so to speak, soon!

  13. Ugh I'm so sorry friend :( This really sucks. I know that it sucks feeling like this going into Chicago but remember you have done THREE marathons already! I bet you even with three months of training you could COMPLETE the marathon feeling good, you just might not get a PR out of it. Your body remembers what it feels like to run those long distances though so I know you could at least finish even if you can't start training until July. Swimming will also help get your cardio up for that!

    Hopefully swimming doesn't bother your foot and you're healed asap!

  14. So sorry, Lisa. Injuries are the worst! Especially now when you need endorphins in your life most! I'm still optimistic for Chicago.. I think I started training in July and felt like that was more than enough time. But I'll keep my fingers crossed, thinking of you!!

  15. Ahhh girl, I'm sorry about that darn boot - that would be totally frustrating. Here's hoping it's off sooner than later!

    I had a bit of a tendon injury from dancing too hard once, lol, but that's about it.

  16. I have totally been there, only my stress fracture hell lasted 9 months and involved even longer periods of the boot, crutches, and even a bone stimulator and talk of possible surgery. Thankfully it didn't have to come to that, but I spent pretty much the majority of 2011 leaving every doctor appointment feeling really disappointed, frustrated, and upset. If you click on the "Stress Fracture Files" tab on my blog you can read a summarized (albeit still lengthy) post that maps it all out. With this go around I just shut it down all together with xtraining; I haven't really done anything outside of a few recumbent bike sessions that were so lame I deemed them not worth the time it took to do them. Last time I xtrained and stayed active the whole first six months of it, when I stopped doing everything is when it finally healed. I just got back from my six week follow up this afternoon and didn't get the news I was hoping for either, which is exactly what you were told, but it's better than being sentenced to wearing it 24/7. A step in the right direction if you will. Try not to let it get you too down girl, it sucks, no one is claiming otherwise, but if there's anything I learned from my last go around with this, is that your attitude directly affects how miserable the situation is. Try to focus on what you can do, keep yourself distracted with other things as much as possible, and remind yourself every day that you're one day closer to being done with it for real. Hugs.

    P.S. If you need to vent, feel free to shoot me an email! We can commiserate boot hell together! :)

  17. I'm sorry you're still in the boot. I hope that once it's off, it'll be permanent and you can run in the Chicago Marathon.

  18. UGH! Are you kidding me! Well, by the time I write this you only have 1.5 weeks to go. Hopefully the time flies by! I really hope you can still run your marathon :(

  19. That's such a bummer! I am keeping you in my thoughts and sending all my good juju your way! I am sure this is so frustrating for you! I get frustrated when I am just in taper mode and I can't run as much as normal, so I am sure this is doubly (or quadruple) as bad! I hope the swimming goes well for you; I really love swimming but never make time for it due to running. Good luck!
