Friday, July 12, 2013

Virtual Coffee Date

Greetings and Happy Friday! To round out the week, I thought it would be good to close out the week with a virtual coffee date.

If we were having coffee today...

- I'd tell you that I am looking forward to the quiet weekend ahead of me.  My plans include checking out a local farmer's market, possibly going canoeing on Saturday afternoon if the weather holds up ok, and checking out a local yarn store.

- I'd tell you that the amount of rain we've had lately is RIDICULOUS.  Today is the 14th day in a row that showers have been in the forecast, and there is nothing but rain in the 5 days forecast.  It's a good thing I take a vitamin D supplement because clearly I am not getting any naturally since the sun is not out much these days. 

- I'd tell you I am excited to celebrate Bastille Day on Sunday.  I'll be rocking stripes, checking out another crepe place (that offers gluten free crepes), and treating myself to a couple of macarons.

- I'd talk about how frustrated I am with the process of having to change insurance companies due to my relocation.  I'd tell you about the 6+ phone calls I have made to try to fight having to pay a $600 medical bill that should have been paid out of my health savings account but wasn't because of the transfer of insurance coverage process.

- I'd tell you that I am really looking forward to my trip to Asheville next week.  Asheville appears to be very gluten free friendly, so I have a list of restaurant options to check out, and I booked a kayak excursion for Saturday afternoon which I think will be really fun.

- I'd tell you that I am cautiously optimistic about my doctor appointment today.  The plan is to transition to tennis shoes but I am pretty nervous that I'll feel pain right away like I did last time.  Fingers and toes are crossed that this is not the case, but we'll see.  I haven't ran in over 12 weeks and haven't done any cardio for 3+ week so I am going a little bit crazy.

- I'd tell you that a Starbucks FINALLY opened in my building last month so my Friday latte tradition has resumed!  I'll be treating myself to one after my doctor's appointment this morning.  

What would you tell me if we were having coffee today?


  1. Hope your doctor's appointment goes well!

  2. Bastille Day AND a yarn store this weekend? Be still my heart. (See also: I've been thinking about macaroons lately - do I just look up bakeries that have them? I feel like this is a silly question but I don't want anything sub-par - ha!)

    If we were having coffee today I would tell you:

    *Today is the first furlough day and while I'm grateful I'm not affected I feel like it's going to be quiet and nice and then next week is going to be CRAZY because everyone will be back.

    *I have a quiet weekend ahead of me too - video chat tonight, yoga and knitting date on Sunday and lots of reading and rest in between. (So close to being done with The End of Your Life Book Club!)

    Happy latte day!

  3. Here's hoping the boot is off today!

  4. I'm anxiously awaiting news on your doctor's appointment- not just what he says, but also how it feels to go back to tennis shoes. I'm praying this time it's going to go smoothly- it's so frustrating to be injured especially at a time you really need exercise!

    I will be spending Bastille Day on a big tour of Iceland- we are going to some waterfalls and natural sights, as well as hiking up a glacier. I'm excited and nervous about it, but glad I will not be in Paris for it as I was in 2006, that was too crazy for me!

    If we were having coffee today I would probably be doing a lot of complaining, so I'm glad for your sake I am not haha. I'm hoping once I arrive on my trip I feel more confident about it at all :)

  5. I'd tell you that I'm glad it's Friday and I can retreat to the lake! And because I already know the result of your doctor appt, I will not diverge the results so you can do that. I'd also tell you that I'm happy that things are looking up for you and that you are getting out and about these days! The weekend sounds great! I imagine the hurricane or tropical storm has affected your weather, and we are expecting storms over the weekend as well! Happy Friday!

  6. Today I would tell you that...

    I saw a book by Peter Mayle at the library last night (Chasing Cezanne)and immediately thought of you & Paris. (as I do with all things Paris.)

    I'm beyond excited to take the girls on their first horse back riding lesson/riding for fun tomorrow and to share with them Harry Potter Movie #1 tonight (which I haven't seen either. We read the book this summer).

    I am looking forward to a mostly unplanned afternoon tomorrow.

    That I miss you!

  7. Your weekend sounds perfect!! And yay for Starbucks, that makes most days better. I hope you get good news and then boot can go! Fingers crossed.

  8. Good luck on your appointment, and yay for the Starbucks opening up! It's good to treat yourself now and then!

    I would tell you:

    - That I'm really excited for a quiet weekend this weekend (just like you)
    - That I am happy there are guys on my garage shingling this morning, and I don't care that they woke me up
    - That I really should exercise, since I never do

  9. Keeping my fingers crossed that the boot takes a hike! Sounds like you have a very nice weekend planned out. Mine is going to include lots of reading, some swim lessons, maybe yoga and a hopefully a good Sunday brunch somewhere :) happy friday!

  10. My fingers are crossed for the boot and I know you'll have a great weekend. Are you just "going" or meeting people there? No matter what, sounds wonderful.

    Three cheers for Starbucks -- I'm not a coffee fan but I know those who are need it big time!

    Happy Bastille Day this weekend -- I'll spend it weeding my garden -- and maybe touring a few Paris blogs!

  11. Fingers crossssssssssssssssssssed!!!!

  12. I wish a Starbucks would open in our building! Although that probably wouldn't be the best thing for my finances.

    And I thought it was crazy when I first moved here, how much in rained in the summer. In California it really only rains in the winter, so being in a place where it rained in the summer (and basically year round!) was crazy to me.

  13. The rain we've had here is unreal, I do not remember a summer in my 33 years of living here that has ever been like this. The only good part is the fact that it's keeping the temps down!!!

    How did the doctor appointment go?

    You're going to love Asheville it's really amazing!!! Yay for the Starbucks finally opening I'm excited for you!!!

  14. We are celebrating this weekend too with macarons! The adorable french cafe Chris found for me on Mother's Day is offering free ones in celebrating of Bastille Day.
    Hope the weather stays nice for you so you can get outside.

  15. Sounds like a perfect weekend! I love quiet weekends like that.

    Now reading this AFTER your Doctors appointment I am so happy that you're out of that darn boot!

    Yay for latte's! I'm bummed my hospital doesn't have a coffee shop or a Starbucks :'( (most do these days)

    I'm excited for you to go to Asheville and do more coastal cities/sites!

  16. Yay for Starbucks! That is one of my favorite Friday treats so I'm glad it's back for you. :)

    If we were having coffee today, I would tell you that we are having crazy rain in Florida, too. I don't think we've had a rain-free day in 3 weeks! At least! And I'd tell you how jealous I am of your kayaking excursion. I've always wanted to kayak but haven't done it yet. I can't wait to hear how it goes for you!

  17. Well I already know you had a great weekend doing all the things mentioned!

    If we were having coffee today I would tell you that I really wish I had a job where I could take summers off. Ha! I just feel SO checked out this summer.

  18. I hate that I missed Bastille Day. I knew vaguely that it was going on, but I didn't even think about it come the weekend. I think it would be really cool to compile all the fun little holidays/events that go on like that (even international ones) and make it the next social media thing where people share how they celebrated for that day. Just saying, it would be cool...

  19. Clearly, I had an all day meeting on Friday and played catch up at work yesterday, so I'm only now reading your blog ... after the weekend and after I already know what you did and the outcome of your doctor's appointment. But, I will say that photo of the macaroons I saw from Sunday looked delicious!

  20. It sounds like you had a great weekend planned! I love going to the farmers markets and have heard many great things about Asheville! There is actually a town called AshLAND in Oregon, which is kind of like that too -- crunchy granola, lots of theater folks and very veggie/gluten friendly!

    If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I am very nervous about this weekend. I am pacing someone in a 100 mile race (I am only running the last quarter) which is at about 7000 - 9000 ft elevation and I am afraid I am going to hold him back or not be strong enough! I am also excited because it's in one of my favorite places (Tahoe) and I am going to do some swimming and hiking the day before!
