Monday, July 15, 2013

Weekend Highs

Happy Monday, everyone!  I hope you had a great weekend.  The weather wasn't awful this weekend as we had periods of sunshine, but it wasn't great.  This is just not what summer should be like.  And to prove that I am not over-reacting to how crappy this summer has been, check out the stats in Peanut Butter Runner's post. The weather is out of my control, so I know I need to let it go, but come on, Mother Nature, throw me a bone.

Despite the crappy weather, I did have a good weekend!  Here are some of the highlights of my weekend!


- Going to the movie The Heat (which was hilarious, by the way) and getting carded!  I find a hard time believing that I look younger than 17 (seriously, I'm 32), but I'll take it!

- Making sausage-stuff zucchini boats.  If you like zucchini, you HAVE to make them.  They are so delicious and they actually reheat really well. I also made a 3-bean turkey chili which I froze so I'd have meals to eat the week after my Asheville trip as I doubt I'll get back early enough on Sunday to make a big dinner.  And yes, I eat chili in the middle of the summer...  I'm a soup/chili year round type of girl.

- Meeting a fellow Minnesotan when I walked into mass on Sunday morning.  She noticed my MN plates and struck up a conversation with me.  When you are new to a city, it's little experiences like that really help it feel a bit more homey.

- A long phone conversation with my friend Heidi that lives in Austin.  I'm so excited for her visit to Charlotte in August!

- Celebrating Bastille day by wearing stripes, enjoying a delicious crepe and treating myself to some macarons.

- Going to an open knitting session at a local yarn store.  I didn't have a lot of social plans this weekend, so the social interaction was really nice, and I made some progress on the 2nd arm warmer I am making.  

- Crossing some tasks off my to-do list that I've been procrastinating on, such as a goodwill drop and hanging a collage of family pictures (I am terrible at hanging photos, home decor is SO not my thing).

- Seeing pictures on facebook from Lauren's wedding.  I am so bummed that I wasn't there!  I can't wait to see more pics of her and the manfriend.  They are one stunning, fun couple , and I am so excited to hug them in person when I see them in Chicago in October.

- Texting back and forth with Alli while we watched the Next Food Network Star (the only tv I religiously watch these days!).

What were some of the highlights of your weekend?


  1. Sounds like a good mix of your weekend! With the exception of talking to you Saturday morning, and going to the store to get stuff for dinner, I literally read ALL day on Saturday. Sunday I went to yoga with a friend and did some knitting - finished a hat, made more progress on a scarf - and then read more last night. I started and finished three books this weekend, a fact I am VERY proud of!

    Can't wait to see the arm warmers when they're done! And that zucchini dish sounds fabulous!

    Happy Monday!

  2. Sounds like you had a great weekend with lots of lovely things =)

    Weekend highlights... watching Harry Potter #1 with the girls and one of our friends on Friday night, enjoying some horseback riding on Saturday morning and catching up with some friends on Sunday at Kelly's Bridal Shower!

  3. I'd say it sounds like a terrific weekend! Three cheers for you!

  4. If it makes you feel better, we had crappy weather this weekend, too, but did get some much needed rain so won't complain. Other than the weather it sounds like the perfect weekend! It was great of visit with you, too, over the weekend! How is the foot feeling?

  5. That sounds like such a lovely weekend! I loved The Heat, too! It was such a funny movie. (Though I didn't get carded. That is CRAZY you got carded, ha!)

    Some highs from my weekend... getting my brother hooked on the new show Whodunnit (I'm obsessed), seeing my nephew (who was in this fabulously, funny mood), and actually being able to sleep until TEN on Sunday. I haven't been able to sleep past 8am in MONTHS so it was so nice! :)

  6. It seems like the weather has been horrible everywhere this summer! Ugh. I'm glad you had some ups though! Awesome that you met someone from MN!

    I had a great weekend because I'm away but today we are mostly relaxing before heading to my next destination .

  7. I love that someone from MN struck up a conversation with you when she saw your plates! That's awesome!

    My weekend was quite lovely. I would have liked to get more productive type things done around the house since I feel like it's perpetually messy these days but it was still a good weekend. Highlights were visiting with my dad, hanging out with my 4 year old cousin and my beautiful trail race on Sunday!

  8. Sounds like you had a great weekend! Mine was busy doing stuff around the house trying to get it cleaned and ready for our trip. Brian and his dad built the shed we bought for our backyard, so that's one more thing crossed off the house list. It feels good to get stuff done!

  9. my highlights from this weekend all involved poop (not mine). it was disturbing.

  10. Mmm, stuffed zucchini sounds good! I haven't tried that, but I will now.

  11. I really want to see The Heat! Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy will be so awesome together, I bet! :)

  12. Umm. You should visit Heidi. :)
    - Linda
    curious notions

  13. I celebrated Bastille day by making fun of the French. Hey, I'm a bitter, Irish soccer fan. What else was I supposed to do?

    Did you know they're already in talks about a sequel for The Heat.

  14. I had a fantastic weekend! Had a garage sale with my bff on Friday, lots of good girl talk. Then we headed up north for Friday night/Saturday to our cousin's cabin and the child had a BLAST and so did I. Good relaxing time and awesome sunsets. Sunday we went blueberry picking and hung out in our pool!

  15. All of these sound so great! I took my Mom to see The Heat while she was here this weekend too--we laughed our rears off--definitely funny :)

  16. Hooray for Bastille Day! I thought about you :)

  17. Hey, I'm watching the Food Network Star, too. Though, I will admit we rarely watch it real-time. Last night, Sweets and I caught up on the past 2 episodes. =)

    Those zucchini boats look delicious! I definitely might want to try making them. And, I love that someone reached out to you over your license plate. It really does make the world feel a bit smaller when people do that!

  18. I'm the same way about home decor, I just can't bring myself to get into it. We do have a few things hung on our walls (maybe 6 things?), but still that's after living here over 3 years. And the boy cares even less about that stuff than I do. I guess we're just a little hopeless...

  19. What a great weekend! I just had my first French macroon about two months ago. I had eaten the coconut kind, which I like, but had never had the French kind. I think it's because I am not really a sweet person. When I go to France, it's all about the cream, butter, cheese and bread! Oh and wine of course! However, they were pretty good!

    Last weekend I went to Tahoe and swam in the lake and did a nice run/hike and then went to Reno and won money on the craps table! It was my first time playing (I am NOT a gambler!) and actually it was really fun, although it's a bit confusing!
