Friday, October 4, 2013

30 Days of Gratitude: Week 2

Happy Friday!  I am back with my 2nd installment of my answers to the 30 Days of Gratitude prompts!  I'm joining Nilsa this month in answering these prompts.  You can see her answers here!

The best thing I smelled today was the fresh mountain air!

One of the memories I'm most grateful for is the time I spent with my grandpa at his shop that was next door to my house when I was growing up.  My grandpa and his brothers would go there daily to rebuild engines and I got to traipse over there daily and keep them company.  I'd talk their ears off, marvel them with my ability to count to 10 in spanish (thanks to Sesame Street) and eat all their lemon drops.  Most days they would take me with them when they went uptown for their coffee break.  My grandpa was such as special person in my life, I feel so lucky that I got to spend all this quality time with him at such a young age.

Thank goodness someone taught me how to balance my checkbook and manage my finance. I have my parents to thank for this. They definitely emphasized the importance of being financially responsible and ensuring that my credit score remained high. I got my first checkbook when I was 16 and that first month my mom taught me how to reconcile my bank statement.  16 years later, I have not missed a month and balance it to the penny.  I am just a tad bit anal when it comes to finances.  ;)

The strongest part of my body in this moment is probably my brain.  Since I am still recovering from my stress fracture/RA pain, I am not as active as I once was so I feel weak muscularly.  But my brain?  My brain is quite strong and has been really 'worked over' this past year between CFA studying and being challenged at work.

Even after a rough day, the things I'm most grateful for at work are the fact that I actually do really love what I do, have one good friend on my team, and feel challenged every single day.

I'm grateful that my legs carry me all the places I need to go.  This was not the case this summer when I was stuck in the boot so I REALLY appreciate being able to walk to lunch or the library/post office/etc now that I'm healthier.

I felt a little burst of energy today when I woke up knowing that I FLY HOME TODAY.  Eeks, so excited to see family/friends!

I will be (mostly) absent from this space for the next week as I fly to Minneapolis today, stay there until Tuesday, then fly to Chicago and am there for almost a week as I will be working in that office and meeting up with some of my most favorite people for the Chicago marathon weekend!!!!!  So I will be gone for 9 days straight!  Woo hoo!


  1. I love these posts :)
    The story about your grandfather and eating the lemon drops and counting to ten in Spanish are wonderful. Just a good reminder of the greatness of childhood.

    I so wish I was going to see you in Chicago next week. I know you girls are going to have a BLAST.

  2. I agree with Kelly about loving these posts. I always learn something new and wonderful.

    OK -- confession. I have not balanced my checkbook since 1993 when my dad got sick and it was too overwhelming to do his stuff and mine and then catch up. Don't panic -- I DO look at my bank statements almost everyday online! It really took off a tremendous bunch of stress...

  3. I fly to Chicago Saturday for the marathon!!! I know quite a few ladies running this year and I'm so excited. Maybe we'll be able to meet up and spectate together!

  4. I am going to apologize right now for any absentmindedness I might display when you're in town. I want so badly to live 100% in the moment with you guys, but I'm quite positive I will be thinking mad thoughts about packing for our trip! Regardless, it's going to be so awesome to see you ... and I hope you'll be in good spirits having just spent time with family and friends!

  5. Travel safely! can't wait to see you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (yes, it deserved that many caps.)

    Love the memories you have with your grandpa! So sweet.

  6. This post made me really happy.

  7. Love this post :) Have a safe/fun trip and the best time in Chicago!!

  8. Have a great trip!

    You? anal about your personal finances? Who would have guessed? Not like working for a bank is then a natural fit.

    We're looking into a private school for the kids, and one of the pro's is that they teach Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University to all of the middle and high school aged kids.

  9. Oh, I am just so dang jealous about your trip to Chicago and all the wonderful ladies you'll get to see! Have the best time and soak it all in. :)

  10. So excited to see you SO SO soon. Like this time a week from now we will be together. Eeeep!

    I have so many great memories of time with my grandparents from when I was a child. Definitely treasure that now as I, and them, get older.

  11. Ha.. I haven't balanced my checkbook since probably I was 20! Thank you online banking. I also went through probably a good 5 year period where I wrote like no checks because of automatic bill paying and then I started paying for daycare weekly and I had to bust out the old checks with my maiden name on them since we got a joint checking account before we got married and had a gazillion checks left!

  12. I've never actually had a checkbook. I remember watching my aunty balance her but it's not something I've every done. I only keep disposable income in my spendings account so don't pay too much attention but I'd like to start paying more attention and track my spending some. Not great for an accountant/banker, huh? So glad for you that your legs are able to carry you now. Enjoy your trip home.

  13. I love your story about your Grandfather. Both of mine died early so I don't really remember them very much. I do remember mine talking about how he got up at 5 to go running and I thought he was CRAZY! Little did I know I would follow in his footsteps.

    Have fun in Chicago! Hug all those girls for me, even the ones I haven't met yet!

  14. Thank you for sharing that memory of your grandpa. I made my heart happy :)

    Enjoy your hometime!
