Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Music, Books, Miles and Looks of September

I am going to go ahead and say September was my best month of the year so far.  It certainly wasn't without its challenges as I started my RA drug and still have RA pain, but it included trips to Pittsburgh and back home, and a fun day of hiking!


What If by Five for Fighting - I love this band so am so happy they have a new album out.  This song was a pre-release that wasn't on the album.  I love the message of the song which is - what would happen if we put ourselves in our people's shoes?  I love this band because their songs tend to be piano-heavy.

Wake Me Up by Avicii - I love the beat of this song.  I think it's virtually impossible not to tap your foot along to it.  It's another song I relate to, which shouldn't be surprising given the chorus:  "So wake me up when it's all over, when I'm wiser and I'm older.  All this time I was finding myself and I didn't know I was lost."

This was the month where I read ALL the books - 10 in fact.  That is a crazy amount of books for me to read, but I had 2 mostly unplanned weekends in Charlotte and lots of flights, 2 of which had layovers.  I am going to skip the book recap and will instead tell you how many stars I gave each book on Goodreads.  If you want to read my thoughts on these books, check out my Goodreads page!

Looking for me by Beth Hoffman  - 4 stars
Together Tea by Marjan Kamali - 5 stars
The Best of Us by Sarah Pekkanen  - 2 stars
The Wednesday Daughters by Meg Waite Clayton - 2 stars
And The Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini - 5 stars
Carly's Gift by Georgia Bockoven - 3 stars
The Last Camelia by Sarah Jio - 3 stars
The History of Us by Leah Stewart - 4 stars
Daring Greatly by Brene Brown  - 5 stars
Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen - 3 stars

Well I am not running, but I am able to bike, use the elliptical for short work outs, and I did some hiking.  I don't track my mileage because unless I am running, the miles just don't mean anything to me, honestly.  I doubt running will be part of my month in October but maybe by November I'll be back at it!  I just need my RA pain to really go away before this happens.

I had actually had quite a few looks I liked this month - which is probably because it was the first month that I spent out of the boot and the tennis shoes only restriction was lifted mid-month!  It's a lot easier to feel good about how I look now that I'm not schlepping around a boot or limited to tennis shoes only!

First look - an oldie, but a goodie.  I love that mustard color!

2nd look - my new favorite dress, which I got at White House Black Market.  I am going to commit a fashion faux pas and wear this dress again this coming weekend at my cousin's wedding because I love it and it's one of the few dresses I own that isn't "businessy."

3rd look - I usually stayed away from skirts, but I am starting to like them again.  I like the cleaness of this look, both of which are Banana Republic pieces I've owned for 3+ years.  That is case and point for why I shop there.  Their clothes last for SO LONG.

4th look - Another dress from White House Black Market which is super comfy!  I love that is has sleeves as I get so cold in my office which feels like an ice box.  Also, Lori and I managed to get a photo together when we had dinner last week!  Yea!  It was SO good to catch up with her!!

I've gotten a couple of questions about whether or how or why I've lost weight lately.  I have lost weight, partially due to joining weight watchers this summer and honestly, due to stress.  I'm not a big fan of the scale so I only weigh myself when I attend WW meetings, but I am happy to say I'm back at a weight where I feel comfortable in my body and good about myself.  Being active again is really helping, too.


  1. I think it's acceptable to wear the same dress to a wedding, especially if it's with different people. I'm totally wearing the same dress I wore in late August to a wedding next week- if it fits me!

    I CANNOT believe your read 10 books. I seriously need you to send some reading motivation over here please!

    I'm so glad you finally had a "best month of the year" even if it wasn't perfect- I feel like we are heading in the right direction!

  2. I NEVER follow any rules about wearing outfits to weddings - if I love a dress I wear the sh*t out of it. The end.

    Way to rock the reading this month! I've been carrying Daring Greatly around with me but haven't been able to start it yet - hopefully tonight!

  3. I wear dresses over and over if I like them! Especially around different groups of friends/family. I said this last time, but I really love the mustard color. I've been looking for a sweater like that since. Lastly, even though I don't think exercise really helps me lose weight, I find when I'm active it's a millions times easier to eat better. Glad you had a good month finally!

  4. I only have a few nice, non-work dresses and I wear them over and over again so I say go for it. Also, I think you look awesome and I love your outfits!

  5. I loved all the outfits, too, and think that skirts are very fashionable and some people look great in them - you included! I love the mustard color sweater on you! 10 books! I am amazed and wrote down the 4 & 5 starred ones for my list! Thanks!
    So excited to see you in two days along with other family members - a great weekend ahead!

  6. The dresses from White House are awesome. You look great in all of these photos. Nothing better than clothes that you have for several years that are still timeless.

    Confession: I had no idea there were rules on what to wear to a wedding. I say if you like it, wear it!

  7. Your outfits are so cute! And I love that song by Avicii!

  8. LOVE the first look. Congrats on reaching goal weight!

  9. I love that Five For Fighting song, too!!

    I love love love your outfits! Especially the one with the mustard cardigan! I almost got that sweater at banana this weekend. But Ryan informed me I own to many cardigans for an Arizonan. He did have a point....;)

    You look really great! I am sure the Weight Watchers and the cross training (switching it up can be great!) has contributed to your weight loss! Plus, you've been all over the place lately!

  10. Yay! Yea I'm glad the WW worked out. Kelley signed up again a couple of weeks ago and it's starting to kick in for her too. Cute dresses! I've been on a Banana Republic kick lately too, but obviously avoid the skirts there.

  11. I am so glad September was a great month for you. And way to go on the reading spree! WHOA.

    You find the CUTEST outfits, seriously.

  12. You look beautiful and I'm glad that September has been one of your best months yet.

    I agree with kelly, send some reading mojo my way please. I'm doing better though.

    Have a fun time this weekend!

  13. Yay no boot!! I'm so glad September was so great for you!

  14. I'm with Nora in not even realizing there was a rule about wearing the same dress to different weddings. ;-)

    I love that Avicii song, too, though admittedly, every time I see the name of it, I think of Wham. =)

  15. I love all the looks and what I love most is that you are wearing no boot in any of them!

    Ditto on the wedding dress rule...!

  16. I love the skirt and blouse look on you! That is definitely a look I'm becoming more and more obsessed with myself.

    You read A LOT of books this month! That's awesome!

  17. So happy I was able to introduce you to Together Tea and that you loved it too.

    And out of all the outfits, love the first dress with the yellow cardigan the best.

  18. Cute work outfits!I'm returning to a corporate environment in a week after nearly a year off to travel/move home etc and whilst I'm dreading suiting up again, you make it look so cute!

  19. I really love the last dress! It's just the right balance of casual and classic. I wish I was more of a dress wearer/lover; I just don't love my legs! You are looking like you have slimmed down a bit; I wasn't sure if it was the lack of the boot or what! Great job! I know it's frustrating when you can't be active -- for blowing off steam and calories!

    You read a ton of books! I didn't even know Khaled Hosseini wrote another book, but I really liked his Thousand Splendid Suns. I have actually been reading more lately, due to the fact that the last thing I want to do when I get home is get back on the computer, so I have actually been picking up a book from time to time. Plus I have been taking the bus into work in the mornings (instead of the car pool), so am getting an extra half an hour in per day that way too! However, I didn't read TEN!

  20. You look fantastic!!! I'm so glad we got to catch up. You are not committing a fashion faux pas by wearing the dress again Kate recycles her clothes it's recycling :)

  21. You are looking fantastic! I loved the stripey column dress when I saw the picture on FB! It's such a great look on you!

  22. You were clearly totally rocking patterns in September. Also, HURRAY NO BOOT!

    I'm going to check out your reading list :)
