Tuesday, November 26, 2013

10 Days of Thanksgiving: Day 10

Today I am thankful for my Paris get-away!

Today is a very exciting day as I leave for Paris!  Yea!  I fly out this afternoon and will arrive in Paris on Wednesday morning.  2013 has been a tough year so I am really glad that I treated myself to a big trip like this as I know I have earned it.  Sometimes I feel guilty spending money on a big trip like this since the money could be put towards my grad school loans - but it's a good reward for all the sacrifices I made in the past year, from sacrificing many weekends for CFA studying to leaving all of my family and friends when I moved to Charlotte.

I don't have too much planned for this trip.  Since it's my 3rd trip to Paris, I feel less pressure to plan, plan, plan and will instead wake up each day and do whatever I feel like doing.  I tire more easily these days due to my RA and RA treatments, so I know this easier pace schedule is what my body needs.  I actually have Thanksgiving Day plans as a runner I met while traveling this fall (long story) invited me to his girlfriend's home for a small Thanksgiving celebration, so I won't spend that day alone.  Besides that, my only concrete plans are attending a Christmas concert at St. Chapelle on Saturday, which I am really excited about! 

I do know my trip will include things like walks along the Seine...

marveling at the views of the Notre Dame (which I will be able to see from the balcony of my apartment...

and eating lots of macarons!

While I am in Paris, I will be posting on my France blog, so check that out if you are interested in what I am up to!

Au revoir!  And Happy Thanksgiving to all of my American readers!


  1. SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a fabulous time! Can't wait to hear about it!

  2. Have an amazing time!! Can't wait to see pictures and hear all about it!

  3. Gosh, you are making me miss Paris!

  4. I was just about to text you and welcome your heart almost home!!!

    Have fun and please don't feel an ounce of guilty, Lisa! You so deserve this trip!!

    That is so neat you're having thanksgiving with that couple! Very cool!

    Enjoy! Au revoir!

  5. OMG so excited for you! Have a great time and take lots of picturessss!

  6. Ah you deserve this! I didn't know you had a France blog!

  7. So excited for your opportunity to take this trip. You totally deserve it!

  8. I'm pretty sure that after this year you've actually earned a year's sabbatical in Paris, so you've definitely earned this trip. Have a blast and I can't wait to read all about it!

  9. Bon voyage, Lisa! What joy you will have! I can't wait to hear more!

  10. Bon Voyage and I agree with Abby! Don't feel guilty or make excuses for this trip - you earned it! I do envy you, though! It sounds surreal!

  11. Yay, I can't wait to read about your trip! So glad you have just a few plans and will mostly be relaxing :) I think it's going to be a lovely trip and I can't wait to hear about it! You definitely deserve it.

  12. Oh I forgot about your Paris blog - how could I since that's how you started blogging - excited to follow along over there for another trip!

    You SO deserve this trip! Soak it up and enjoy every second of it!

  13. I am so, so happy you decided to treat yourself to this trip. No guilt. YOLO, right?! Ha. :) Have a fun time, will be following along on your Paris blog!

  14. I hope you have a blast Lisa! Be sure to savor your time there, but once you return, I can't wait to hear all about it!

  15. Eeeeeee! I hope you are having a great time!!

  16. I hope you are currently sipping a cafe au lait and watching the crowds go by! I love Paris and am sure you are having a great time, no matter what you are doing!

  17. I can't wait to read about your trip!
