Monday, November 25, 2013

10 Days of Thanksgiving: Day 9

Today I am thankful that my family and friends are supportive - especially over the past year.

My world was totally turned upside last January when I found about my move to Charlotte and I honestly do not know how I could have weathered the last year without the support of my family and friends.  From cards to texts to phone calls to care packages, I have never felt so much love and support as I have over the last 11 months.  I really appreciate the fact that my family and friends don't force positivity on me and have let me cry and have my negative moments.  No one closed to me has pushed me to love (or even like) Charlotte and for that I am thankful.

This past year has definitely been one of those years where I feel like I've taken more than I have given, so hopefully that trend reverses in 2014 and I can "pay forward" the support I have received this year.


  1. You know we're all here for you and pulling for you!

  2. Sending hugs! You know we're all on your side! Counting down?

  3. That's what family and friends are all about! God bless them each and everyone of them!

  4. Love you, Lisa - and I am sending major prayers and high hopes for 2014 to be a MUCH BETTER year for you!!

  5. You have great friends because you are a great friend and I am very very thankful for your friendship.

  6. Ditto to your moms comment - that's what family and friends are for! What would we do without our support systems!

    Hope you're having a good last day in the office before your big trip! Eeei!

  7. I"m so glad that you've been able to find the bright spots about being down there. I wouldn't want to live in Charlotte either, and avoid it like the plague. But changing your orientation to a southerner in addition to all of the junk Charlotte piles on you is a tough task. Glad to be here to provide some support.

  8. I'm very thankful that you have such a great support system to carry you through this year and I think you have still continued to give a lot :)

  9. A good support system is crucial. I'm happy you have such wonderful people in your life.

  10. Having a strong support network is such a blessing! I really miss my friends and family that I'm so far away from here, but I'm so glad that they are just a letter, card phone call, Skype session, email, or text message away.

  11. It's been a hard year on you, for sure. And if your other friends and family are anything like me, it has pained all of us to watch you during this long uphill battle. Can't wait for you to reach the top - where you'll certainly be able to see the world, if not touch the stars!

  12. It's the tough times like these that really show you who your friends really are! I am sorry that you have had to go through this tough transition, but am so SO glad that you have wonderful people in your life to help you get through it!
