Tuesday, November 11, 2014

10 Days of Thanksgiving: Day 1

Today I am kicking off my 10 Days of Thanksgiving post series.  This is my 7th year of doing this and I look forward to it every year as it's good to look around and focus on the things/people in my life that I am thankful for!

Today I am thankful that I once again live in a city I love.

I'm oh so thankful that I once again have a Minneapolis zip code.  Living in Charlotte was so hard on me as it's tough to wake up every day in a place you don't want to be.  I know there are people who believe that you should be able to be happy anywhere, but I think there are places where it's just easier to be happy.  For me, that place is Minneapolis.  I love this city with my whole heart and am so proud to call it home (even more so after reading this list of cool facts about the city!).  Minneapolis is certainly not perfect (um, apparently we will not see above-freezing temperatures for two weeks starting yesterday) but it's perfect for me.


  1. I always love your fall pictures of the area. And summer. I need to visit in one of those months. Nothing form Nov-May most likely. haha

  2. Yay! Love this! And love the 10 days of Thanksgiving series!

  3. Yay, so glad you are back in MN too! AND I love 10 days of Thanksgiving too!

  4. I am thankful that you are back in Mpls, too! But, if you hadn't lived in Charlotte, I would never have visited Myrtle Beach or drove back with you when you moved home and would have missed out on seeing some beautiful country! For that I am thankful, but just so happy you are where you want to be!

  5. Can't believe it's time for this series already but I love it! And the positivitude (I made up that word obviously) and happiness that is apparent in each of these posts. Glad you're back in the Midwest =)

  6. You make me want to visit Minneapolis so I can understand why you are so glad to be back! Home is home, right? I am so attached to where I live as well. I can't imagine moving to another town let alone another state halfway across the country. Knowing how much I would hate being away makes me so, so glad that you are back where you belong!

  7. I'm so happy for you that you are back in a city that you love :)

  8. This is such a great kickoff to your Ten Days of Thanksgiving series! I am so thrilled that you were able to find a way to be back in the city you belong. I think you knew yourself well enough to know that Charlotte was never going to work out, and life is too short to live in a city that doesn't work for us. Good for you for taking action and finding a way out!

  9. This is a great post series, and I too am very happy for you that you are back in Minneapolis. We really want to visit your city sooner than later; we both loved the short time we each spent there in the past.

  10. Hurray for the city that you love! I am so glad for you that you are somewhere where you are happy, instead of being stuck in a place that you dislike.

    I loved that list; what a bunch of fun facts!

  11. So, so, so happy that you're back in the city you love!

  12. I am so so glad you are back in Minneapolis too!

  13. I'm not surprised that this is your first "gratitude." Knowing you are "home" gives me joy.
