Wednesday, November 12, 2014

10 Days of Thanksgiving: Day 2

Today I am thankful for the fun girls weekends I've had this year.

Life is busy and each year time seems to become even more of a precious commodity so I am very thankful that I have girlfriends who are willing to take time away from their husbands, kids and busy lives for girls weekends!  I was very lucky this years as I had 3 fun girls weekends.

In February, I met up with some of my closest friends from college for a weekend of fun in Austin.  My friend Heidi hosted us and we had the best time. 

In September, I met up with Amber, Kyria, Lauren and Leigh for a really fun running rendezvous in San Francisco.  

Lastly, in October, Heidi came to visit us girls in Minneapolis and another college friend drove down from northern Minnesota for the weekend. 

Through the years, I hope that we are all able to continue to make time for these girls weekends!


  1. Man, girls weekends are so fun, but all my friends have little babies right now :(

  2. Girls weekends are much needed. I haven't had one this year with all the hoopla but hopefully can get back to at least seeing my far away good friends in 2015!

  3. You are indeed lucky that your girlfriends make the effort to do this every year! Most of my friends live close, but I also have a lot of friends that will not do something without their boyfriend/husband. It's so annoying! It's definitely important to have time together but time apart is just as important!

  4. San Fran was definitely a great weekend! I love getting together with you girls as it's always so much and no drama

  5. I can see why you are counting these events as blessings! It is always wonderful to connect with friends and bond!

  6. Love love love my girlfriends! I think it's so awesome that you are able to make the time for such special memories!

  7. I am so glad that you made the time to come here! The girl's weekends I have had with you have been so fun.

    I work with mostly men and run with a lot of men and actually do not have a lot of girl's nights/weekends where it is JUST girls, but when I do they are definitely treasured!

  8. How fun! It gets harder and harder to coordinate weekend's away with family and friends - so it is something big to cherish!!!

  9. I think after family, friends (the family I make for myself) would be the next thing up on the gratitude list. You are so lucky (as am I) to have such friends in our lives.

  10. You are incredibly lucky that you're able to take so many weekend adventures with girlfriends. I feel like this is not a "thing" that happens as frequently the older we get, because of jobs & relationships & kids. I know it's super hard for my girlfriends, and we all live in the same area! It's pretty cool you were able to have three nice getaways this year!

  11. That's so nice that you've been able to get together with your friends for some getaways! I really, really want to visit Austin one day ... I've heard great things!

  12. I have mostly guy friends and I don't think I've had a girls weekend since 2006 or 2005! Maybe I'm forgetting. But I mean I have done a girls overnight with my bff but even that hasn't happened in a looong time!

  13. I love our yearly girls weekends and can't wait for another one in 2015!! I don't have girls weekends with my local friends as much as I used to. Now that I think about it our weekend together was my only real girls weekend this whole year!

  14. This was a such a fun year being able to have quality visits! Having girls weekend is such a blessing and our friendship is such a valuable gift.
