Friday, April 10, 2015

5 Things Friday

Happy Friday!  Here are 5 things on my mind as we close out the week!

1.  The weather this week has been so crappy here.  Temperatures have been in the 30s, it's been rainy, and we have not seen the sun.  We even saw some snow flakes last night.  Womp, womp.  Spring is typically a pretty disappointing season here in Minnesota as it's rarely warm/sunny but I'm just so over these cold temps!  On a positive note, it sounds like it will get up to 60 tomorrow and will be sunny!  I think the weather will be great for my long run in the morning!  Yea! Here's hoping the crappy cold weather is gone for good after today!

2.  On Tuesday, I completed my 10th class at the barre studio where I bought a living social deal.  I'm kind impressed that I managed to fit in 10 classes in 30 days, especially considering that they are not open on Sundays.  I loved the classes so much but I can't justify the cost of a membership there so I am thinking about treating myself to a 10-class pack. 

3.  On Tuesday, a photographer came and took photos for the listing of the condo I'm living in and it goes on the market this coming Tuesday.  I'm hoping and praying that it sell VERY FAST because I hate the thought of leaving it in "showing condition" every day for a series of weeks...  There are no other units in the building on the market so the listing agent thinks it will sell fast - I hope he is right.  I'm so ready to have the next 6 weeks of disruption behind me.

4.  I got a spiralizer from my parents for Christmas and have made some fun recipes with spiralized vegetables lately.  For example, Phil and I made this zoodle shrimp scampi recipe in February, I made this spiralized apple and cabbage slaw for Easter, and I'm planning to make this spiralized Mexican sweet potato and chicken casserole this weekend.  Spiralizing is definitely a fun way to eat veggies!

5.  I've got a fun weekend ahead of me which I'm looking forward to.  Tonight we are staying in and making dinner.  Tomorrow I'll run with my club in the morning and then meet up with a friend for lunch/manis/pedis and then I'll have another quiet night in with Phil.  On Sunday I'm going out for brunch in the morning with two local bloggers and then I've got a virtual baby shower video chat for Lauren and a virtual family book club  video chat!

What's on your mind today?  What do you have planned for the weekend?  What is the weather like where you live?


  1. This weather has definitely been painful. My office sprung for a coffee break yesterday, which we only do once a year, it was definitely needed. Hopefully the sun comes out on Saturday.

    I am all about the 10 class pack, its definitely a great way to get a little savings, and to get a great workout in. I am considering when I move starting with a 3 month deal with core power, even though its so expensive, the cost per class ends up being decent, and with all their studios/times I know I can make it worth it. But man does the price tag hurt!

  2. Our weather's been back and forth too although not quite as low as yours - snow in April? Yikes!

    Fingers crossed your place sells quickly and you can just look forward to the new pad and not having to keep your place spotless 24/7. (Especially when you're thinking about packing!)

    Your weekend's going to be awesome! This weekend I am hoping to have a baby! I feel like he’s lower than he was and really buddy, you’re running out of room so it’ll be better for everyone if you just come out, mmkay? To help that along, a pedicure and LOTS of walking!

  3. It has been raining like crazy in Pittsburgh this week (although at least it hasn't been cold!) and I'm looking forward to some sunshine this weekend!

  4. Virtual family book club chat sounds like a lot of fun!

    We've had weird weather the last few days, lots of thunderstorms, hail, rain, ickiness. Today it's sunny and a high of 70 so we should be good and maybe it will be more spring like (during the storms it was in the 80s each day! I didn't turn on the a/c, though) in the 60s the next week or so. I love rain but it's not fun when it brings damaging winds and hail!

    Hope you have a great weekend with your friends & Phil!

  5. So excited for brunch Sunday! I have my last barre class tonight and I am super sad :( I LOVE the classes and the instructors but...I just don't think I can justify a membership either. Especially since so much of my time in the coming months will be dedicated to training for the marathon.

  6. I'm sorry about your weather! I feel bad talking about Florida's weather because it is BEAUTIFUL here. Maybe a little hot, but I love it.

    This weekend, I have plans to do some apartment hunting with my friend, go to a family party, and spend some time by the pool!

  7. Never heard of the spiralizer -- way cool~! We're in Maryland-- warmer than home for sure and signs of spring flowering. Kills me not to be able to make it to DC -- cherry blossoms were in peak on TV!

  8. I can't believe how shitty your weather is still. Don't even ask what our weather is like this week...or how we enjoyed dinner every night this week.....

    I hope this whole moving process goes quick and painless for you. How frustrating.

    Have a fun weekend! That sounds like a great weekend :)

    I have a fun weekend planned - but I am very sick with a combination of bronchitis and sinus infection. So had to change up some of my plans. Instead of a running date, I slept this morning. And instead of shopping this afternoon, I'm going to urgent care. Yippee.

  9. We had gloriously beautiful and warm weather this weekend! I did a little reading outside and went for a walk IN TSHIRT AND SHORTS by myself!!! And listende to a new cd. AHHHH. I also went to my friend's bridal shower, went groccery shopping, parents for dinner and played 2432434 games of cards with Isla!

  10. We had some rain and cooler temperatures at teh beginning of the week, but now we're back with temps in the 80's... I am sending some degrees your way :)

    I also hope that your condo sells fast. How annoying that they make you move!

    The rest of your weekend plans sounded like fun! I hope it all was :)

  11. I sure hope the weather warms up for you this week! It should be spring already!! I am really not feeling super rested tonight going into the work week. Why does time off work have to go so fast? It feels like yesterday I was heading into 11 days off work and swoosh, it's done like that! I very rarely get the Sunday night blues but I find after extended time off (like over Christmas and then this recent break) I really do.

  12. Spiraler is on my list! I think it would be fun to try some recipes with it. I hope you place sells fast, it's such a pain to have people constantly in your space!

  13. The weather in NY was not good(cold, windy, rainy), but it is gorgeous at home!

  14. The weather has been strange here too. It actually snowed at my parents house last week and we had rain (finally) during the week and high 70s on Sunday. It's all confused.

    I have never heard of or used a spiralizer. I have heard of zoodles though, so I get what it probably does. I really like spaghetti squash noodles, so I may be a fan of the zoodle, but I am not sure, as I have never tried them. Do you like them?

  15. I love the sound of your weekend!

    I have an unconfirmed lunch for Sunday with my little from Big Bros/Big Sis. Had dinner out with Sugarface last night and tonight will cook with him and stay in. I was away from my apartment all work week so my life feels a bit messy and in need of maintenance.
