Monday, April 13, 2015

Weekend Recap

Happy Monday, everyone!  If you're anything like me, you are wishing it was still the weekend, though! Here's how I filled my weekend.

On Friday night we stayed in and made one of "go to" fast/healthy recipes:  Southwestern Chicken and Rice Skillet. It's so good and so easy.  After dinner we watched the movie Interstellar which confused the heck out of me.  Even Phil did not really understand what was going on.  While we were watching the movie, we had the company of the kitty that Phil is pet sitting for.  I guess Phil is building a reputation as an excellent pet sitter!  He'll be taking care of Charlie the cat for about 11 days.

Meet Charlie (I could not get him to look at the camera so you just get to see his backside I guess!)

On Saturday morning, I did my long run with my club.  The weather was absolutely perfect so I really enjoyed this run.  I ended up running 13 miles.  I have a half marathon in about 2 weeks so I am glad I was able to comfortably run 13 miles.  I don't anticipate a PR at this race but I am glad I'm going into it feeling ready.

On Saturday afternoon, I met up with a college friend for lunch and manicures/pedicures.  We had bought a groupon deal for a salon that neither of us had been to.  It was fun to get together with my friend but there was only one person working at the salon (weird, right?) so it was kind of a long process.  But that just gave us extra time to catch up!

I picked a springy purple color for my toes
On Saturday night we met up with another couple and checked out a new (to us) Mexican place that is not far from where I live.  It was a taqueria-style Mexican place which reminded me of the place I went to in the Mission District of San Francisco.  There was a long line when we got there so we knew it would be good!  They were making fresh corn tortillas right in front of you which I thought was really cool!  The food was awesome and inexpensive - we'll definitely go back.  After dinner we treated ourselves to some DQ ice cream and were excited that it was actually warm enough to sit outside and eat it!

Sunday morning was a beautiful morning.   It's days like this where I especially love my view.  Condo/high rise living isn't a forever home for me but it definitely suits my lifestyle right now and I'm so thankful that I live in a unit with such a spectacular view!

That morning, I met up with Allison and Marisa for brunch.  We went to a spot in my neighborhood so I was able to walk there which was nice.  It was fun to catch up with them!

On Sunday afternoon, I took advantage of the beautiful weather and went for a nice long walk in my neighborhood.  I go for a lot of runs in my neighborhood but it was nice to take a walk for a change.  It was great to get some fresh air and feel the warmth of the sun.  

Sunday evening was all about video chats. First I had a baby shower video chat for my friend Lauren who is expecting in May.  Then after that I had my family book club chat - we discussed Everything I Never Told You which we all enjoyed. 

It was fun, full weekend but I am feeling a bit tired as I start this week.  I know this week is going to be a bit hectic with my condo going on the market and having to contend with showings and such.  Next weekend is shaping up to be pretty quiet, though, and I am going to try to make Sunday a plan-free day or a minimal-plans kind of day.

How was your weekend?


  1. It is getting nice out there, isn't it? Finally! Just back from MD where spring is a bit more ahead of here and more green -- a good sign of things to come.

    Phil has a knack for taking care of cats that look like my dearly departed -- this one like Stimpy! A man who loves cats is a fine man! And your dinner and weekend sound great except for maybe the movie! Happy day!

  2. What a fabulous weekend! And love love LOVE those pics of your neighborhood!

    Not a lot happening this past weekend for me - got stuff done around the house and ran some errands - just a waiting game at this point!

  3. The warm weather inspired us to do some yard work and we literally spent the entire day outside! We were exhausted but felt really good about what we accomplished! The ice went off the lake on Saturday, too, and that was the first time we had experienced that. I have always been curious about how it transpires so it was fun to see it.
    As the day went on, more and more ice just seemed to melt into the lake! I thought it happened all at once but not so!
    On Sunday, we took the doors off the ranger and spent a good hour or so tooling around the lake area, taking little side roads we had never been down. It was fun to explore and to feel the warm air blowing through the ranger!

  4. Our weekend wound up being pretty busy, too. Fun, but busy! Dinner with friends on Friday night, Saturday morning I had to come to the office for a dude who left his wallet in one of our rooms (!), then we went to the zoo with friends & their toddler, ran some errands, worked out, then date night with the same friends we went to the zoo with (so much fun). Yesterday wound up being hectic, too: working out, lunch with dad, errands and things around the house and dinner with other friends. The next several months are shaping up to be really hectic for me and it's stressing me out so I need to take some time for me! :)

  5. I love how Charlie is like, "nope, not looking at the camera."

    Weekend was fun! Highlight was a wood burning craft party. (blogged about here

    and I slept a lot!

  6. Haha too funny that Phil is cat sitting again. Is he sure it will only be 11 days this time? ;) it was great to "see" you yesterday :)

  7. Pet sitting is fun! Then you dont' have full responsibility! :) Glad you got a pedi but SO odd there wad only one person working!!

  8. That sounds relaxing and fun! Well done. And I'm really glad the 13 is feeling easy by now, that's got to give you some nice confidence going into the summer/fall work.

  9. That is a busy weekend! NICE WORK on the 13 mile run. I think you will crush your half-marathon!!

    I guard my Sundays so fiercely. It's probably terrible, haha, but I try not to schedule ANY plans because I need the downtime to get stuff done and I like a low-key start to my week!

    My weekend was good! I went apartment hunting on Saturday afternoon, to a family party on Saturday evening, and then spent all of Sunday being super lazy! :)

  10. That is super weird about the spa - not cool :-( I had DQ recently too, for the first time in probably a year. We got Blizzards last night, mmmmm! I used to work at DQ, all through high school and my undergrad; it was a fun job!

  11. Eric LOVED the movie Interstellar but I also did not really get it and had to get him to explain a bunch of stuff to me afterwards about this whole 4th dimension thing. Weird. It's such a LONG movie, though!

    My weekend was pretty good. I felt not like myself and kind of out of it because of recovering from my pinched nerve / having a bit of jet lag. But I got lots of stuff done around the house so that was good.

  12. Sounds like you had a fantastic weekend!!!! We saw intrastellar in theaters. It certainly had my scratching my head and questioning my existence. Ryan is kind of a nerd about that sort of stuff, and he tried translating it for me!

    That light year concept boggles my mind!

    I have been dyin for Dairy Queen dip cone. Haven't been there in YEARS!!!

    My weekend was great! Just sucked that I felt like death all weekend :(

  13. My weekend was great! I had slow lazy mornings, ran Saturday, took a solo walk in a tshirt and shorts in THE SUN on Sunday, went out to dinner with friends, to my parents for dinner, went to a bridal shower. It was sunny and warm and glorious. Can't wait until I'm done with work!

  14. Great job on the long run. It's great that you had nice weather and that you felt good after than distance! You are going to go into marathon training with an excellent base!

    This weekend I ran a race on Saturday, then went to a bunch of open houses on Sunday and spent most of the rest of the day doing errands and reading through disclosures (blah). Then I had a video chat with you guys and read my book. It was a great weekend!

  15. You always seem to have a nice mix of acitivties on the weekends. I like that.
