Thursday, April 14, 2016

The Next Big (Exciting) Change

Back when I did my virtual coffee date post in early March, I alluded to the fact that the winds of change were going to be blowing through my life again soon. It feels like change has been a constant part of my life over the last 4 years, some positive and some not so positive. Luckily, this next change is very positive as I will be moving in with Phil in May when my lease is up!

As I've shared this news with family and friends, many have asked if I am ready to give up my downtown lifestyle. While I have adored living in this condo building, the answer is - yes, I am ready. I'll miss the view and the convenience of living just over a mile from work but I'm ready to move to a house.

Luckily Phil lives in an area that is close to downtown (~5 miles). I can still walk to a grocery store and Starbucks, and he's in a great area for running and biking as his house is only a half mile from a creek I run by often and a mile from the chain of lakes that I love to run around. He also lives really close our friends, Courtney and Luke, which is a couple we spend a lot of time with; I envision lots of weekend trips to the Farmer's Market with Courtney! I'll also be able to get to work easily as there is an express bus which stops right in front of his house (talk about convenient!) and gets us downtown in about 20 minutes, which is how long it takes me to walk to work. Phil and I work the same hours so we'll be bus buddies, which is pretty cute.

After 12 years (!!!!) of living alone, it will certainly be an adjustment to live together. I know there will be a period of adjustment but I have more feelings of excitement than anxiety. I'm excited about this move and I know that it's the right thing for us to do at this time of our lives.

More than anything, though, this change feels surreal. I spent years watching most of my friends get married and merge lives with their husbands, but after years of dead end relationships and frustrating dating experiences, deep down inside of me I had accepted that it probably would not happen for me, and I was pretty OK with that. But now, it is happening and we are taking a giant step towards permanently entwining our lives, which leaves me with lots of "is this really happening?" thoughts and feelings.

In the midst of those surreal/"somebody pinch me" feelings, I feel excited. Excited to come home to Phil every single day and spend more time together. Excited to be greeted by Oscar each day when we return home. Excited to not have to compare schedules and figure out whose place we'll be at when we spend time together. Excited to not have to pack up groceries and kitchen gadgets and such when I cook dinner at his house. Excited to make changes to his house (which I love, by the way) to make it feel like ours. Excited to take over a little corner of his yard so I can experiment with gardening. Excited to move to a place where I can feel a sense of permanence as we have no plans to sell and move anytime soon. Excited to build a life with a man that I love so very much and am so compatible with.


  1. Well, this post just made me cry. Can I speak for all of your friends? Good, because I am going to. We also feel incredibly excited for you to move in with Phil and merge your lives. You have always dealt very well (in my opinion) with watching your friends merge lives with husbands so to speak: you have more friends than anyone I know, you have traveled everywhere, done many cool things alone or with friends, you have not spent as much time as you could've dwelling on it not being you. You have always seemed genuinely happy for others. But, even still, I think possibly because you had to fight so hard to find it, it makes it all the more sweet now that you have. So so SO happy for you guys!

    I still remember how AWESOME it was not to have to pack (and inevitably forget something) when going over to Eric's.

  2. I agree with Kelly; I am not a crier but darn it girl, this is a very moving post. Also, to copy her again, of course we are all so excited for you!! You have had a pretty tumultuous last several years and I am so happy that you are moving towards a place where you will be happy and can establish a new routine! Plus the fact that it's easy to get to work and to your running paths is a plus on top of everything else. If it was more difficult, it would be more of a "sacrifice" but in this case it's all win-win! Big virtual hug to you, even though us Californians are too touchy. I will give you both a real one soon!!

  3. I am so very very happy for you! I'm excited for this new chapter!!! Big hugs and much love!!!

  4. This is seriously the best news! I am so happy for you guys! You deserve this!! Can't wait to see your new home! :)

  5. Kelly's comment sure said it so well! This is an exciting time for you and Phil and I am so happy for you :) You are a wonderful, fabulous and caring person and I am excited to follow along with your next steps in your relationship with Phil :)

  6. This is very exciting news! Congratulations to you and Phil. It makes me happy that you are happy, and we have only commented on each other's blogs/instagrams. I can only imagine how thrilled your inner circle is for you as well. All the best as you consolidate your lives!

  7. WOOOOOOOO! Congrats on a new exciting chapter! I love this so much.

  8. I am so happy for you Lisa!! But you already know that. I know you've had to watch everyone around you get married for several years, and so I'm just so overjoyed that you get to wear those shoes now!!

    Love you!!!!

  9. As you already know, I am so happy for you -- and never doubted for a fraction of a second that you might not be ready to give up your condohood! I had hoped this would happen for a long while! It is so exciting to see you starting a new path with someone you love, the excitement and the joy! Big hugs and congratulations to you both!

  10. Aw this post makes me SO happy. I am thrilled for you!! I remember the excitement in moving in with Justin. What an amazing time!! Enjoy every step!!

  11. This is very exciting! You're going to love going from containers on the deck and bulbs in a pot to an actual garden. Find the full sun and let the veggies and flowers grow!

  12. I am so, so excited for you and for you guys to take this next step in your relationship! I'm sure it will be an adjustment, but a good one! YAY!

    And as a single gal who right now feels the way you did before meeting Phil, it's very encouraging to see your relationship grow into where it is today. I can only hope I find my own "Phil" someday! (And if not, to feel peace in my singleness!)

  13. Well this post. It's just the sweetest. Especially the last paragraph which made me all emotional :) I'm so, so excited for you, friend. I can't wait to visit another time (soon? Maybe during football season for D!) so that I can see the house and the personal touches you've put on it, hang out with Phil more (who you know I really enjoy + like!) <3 <3 <3

  14. This is so exciting! I think y'all are just going to love living together. And you're totally right, it makes all the day-to-day stuff easier too :) I'm so happy for you!!

  15. woohoo! congrats on the big change - how exciting! :)

  16. I'm so excited for you guys as you take this next big step together!! Merging your households will be really fun and it will be so so wonderful to add some of your own touches to Phil's home and make it like your own. Also how fun is it that you guys will be bus buddies :) Crossing my fingers the rest of your move goes smoothly, it's nice you can take your time with moving and do it over a few week period!

  17. Oooooh, this is just so exciting!! As you know, I love love, and it makes me so happy to see happy couples. Very exciting for you two, and I wish you all the best in your new life in the same home :-) I think you'll find it will bring you even closer - that's what I found with Christopher. You really get to know someone on another level when you live with them; it's absolutely wonderful.

  18. I only know you from afar but I've seen you support so many friends as they find their one so this news leaves me so happy for you and Phil! May the move be stress free (as much as one can!) and I hope you love this next phase. Congratulations!

  19. What wonderful news! I am so happy for you and Phil :D I've been out sick for a couple of days but this is the best news to come back to and I'm excited for you and the next part of your adventure.

  20. Alli and Lisa in 2011: Someday we'll laugh about all this.
    Alli and Lisa in 2016: *Laughing*

    I love all of this!

  21. This is going to be such a wonderful new chapter for both of you! I am looking forward to being a dinner guest some night!

  22. I'm late to the party here, but yay! Such great news! I'm so excited for both you and Phil!

    It's great that his location will still give you access to a lot of the amenities and attractions of downtown MSP.


  24. So exciting! I'm so happy for you guys. It definitely is going to be a change living with someone else, but a good one!

  25. Baah, I had little tears of joy for you reading this! My heart is so happy that you two are sharing space and entering this next chapter of life together. So glad that you've found someone who is such a great companion and fit....and it gives me hope and happiness to watch it unfold :) Sending you a great big hug and so glad that the move worked out ok!
