Monday, January 7, 2019

19 in 2019

The first Monday of 2019 feels like the perfect day to talk about my plans for 2019!

So last year I totally skipped making goals. I knew there was too much going on to put any pressure on myself to achieve any lofty goals. But this year I feel ready to set some goals for myself. But instead of making 4-5 big goals, I was inspired by the Happier Podcast to take a different approach. Last year they challenged listeners to participate in an '18 in 2018' challenge, and they are doing it again this year. The idea is to come up with a list of 19 things you want to achieve in 2019. As a lover of lists, this seems perfect for me. Some items are fun, some are pesky tasks I've been putting off (like creating a will - eeks!), and one is a lofty goal that I have no control over - but I'm telling myself that by putting it on a list, maybe it will happen!

I've broken my list out into categories:

Family Fun:
- Go on a date with Phil once a quarter
- Go on a family outing to a state park
- Hike Inspiration Peak
- Take swimming lessons with Paul
- Take Paul to Wild Rumpus (amazing local kids' bookstore)
- Host a puzzle party
- Try a new restaurant once a quarter
- Take Paul sledding at a park (he's obviously not old enough to go downhill sledding but he'll enjoy being pulled in a sled!)

Personal Development:
- Figure out my enneagram type (I think I'm a 1??)
- Train for and run a 10k
- Read 52 books
- Read all the unread books on my shelf; donate/sell any books I don't read by the end of 2019
- Try a new recipe every month

Pesky tasks:
- Get a will
- Establish an organizational system for clothes Paul has outgrown
- Stay up-to-date with Paul's baby book
- Make a 2018 photo book
- Start/maintain a 2019 photo book

Lofty goal:
- Buy our forever home (please please, universe, let this happen! We've been looking for 1.5 years!!)

I'm pleased with the fact that the biggest category is "family fun." Because really, that's the stuff that will bring me the most joy!

Did you set any goals or to dos for 2019?


  1. I see this as a good to-do list, Lisa. And I suspect, knowing you, that you will achieve the lion's share of items on that list. Just a hunch!

  2. That is interesting 19 goals broken down. My list was much simpler. I do like what you wrote.

  3. I love your list! A lot of achievable goals, and a lot of goals that will be FUN to achieve over the course of 2019. Yay!

  4. You've got a good list going! I really really hope this will be your year for a house!

  5. I, too, hope this is the year you find your "house"! That is a lofty, but well deserved goal! I honestly have to confess that I had to look up the word enneagram as I had never heard of it, but still didn't look to see what #1 was.
    I think your goals are very attainable & doable!
    I confess that I have never made a list of goals, just make them in my head, which probably isn't the best technique!

  6. Love this list so much!! I too really need to get a will... my mom has been bugging me about it and I know it's the responsible thing to do now that we have a child. We'll have to keep each other accountable for that one!

    Oh and when we took Olivia sledding we sat in the sled with her and had her between our legs and she LOVED it. But she also loves getting pulled in her sled. My mom has it by the door in her house and when I drop Olivia off in the mornings she points at it immediately and always wants to go outside in it. It's adorable.

    All my fingers and toes are crossed for you that the right house finally comes on the market this year!

  7. We still do not have a will. I can't in good faith designate anyone to take my child. So I'm going to not make that decision quite yet. I can't leave her to Trump supporting relatives. No can do.

  8. This is a good list... some fun things, some that should definitely be tackled!
    Keeping my fingers crossed for your forever home.

  9. I am totally a list person too. I love your 2019 list! That's great that there is so much family fun :-) Here's hoping you find your forever home this year!!!! That would be super exciting.
