Friday, January 4, 2019

Looking Forward

Is there anything better than the fresh start that the New Year provides? I know you can always give yourself a 'fresh start' at any point but there's something magical about the start of a new year. I love looking at a mostly empty calendar and thinking about what you might fill your days with!

On that note, here are some things I am looking forward to in the days, weeks, and months to come!

Today I'm looking forward to hosting our friend Amber for dinner. We are making a Cashew Chicken Stir Fry, which is one of our favorite dishes. Amber loves beer as much as Phil does (I stick to white wine!) so she'll come bearing some fun microbrews for them to enjoy and we'll fill the night with laughter and conversation. Amber was my friend first - I met her through book club - but now she is a shared friend that we both really love. 

Tomorrow I'm looking forward to hosting another couple for our monthly card night. We had to skip December since it was a busy month so we are overdue for some cards. We are hoping they will be able to come early enough for dinner so we can order BBQ take-out as a thank you to Phil's friend for watching Paul while we looked at a house this fall. Card/game nights are one of our favorite things to do so I am glad we know another couple that wants to do this monthly and is willing to come to us so we don't need to get a babysitter. 

This month I'm looking forward to going up to my parents for a belated Christmas celebration. I'm so sad that we did not get to celebrate Christmas with my family but we are making up for that by going up there next weekend. Phil and I will take Friday off from work so we can spend 2 nights up there. I know Paul is going to be totally spoiled. My parents haven't seen him since October and he has changed so much so they are going to have a blast with him (and Phil and I will enjoy sleeping in as my mom will take Paul each morning when he wakes for the day). We FaceTime with my parents almost every week but it's not the same as seeing Paul in person.

Next month I'm looking forward to having a "puzzle party" celebration for my birthday. My plan is to ask people to stop by on a Saturday afternoon for snacks and beverages. I'll have a 1,000 piece puzzle going on the dining room table and hopefully it will be complete by the end of the weekend. I figure this is the best way to see a lot of people without having to leave Paul/leave our house. Plus I think a lot of people will also want to see Paul, too. 

This spring I'm looking forward to celebrating Paul's first birthday! Ok, so March 1st isn't technically spring but I think of March as spring. We are going to keep his birthday celebration super low key and will just invite immediate family. Our house is so small and I think Paul would get overwhelmed by a big group of people so keeping it small feels right for us (you do you when it comes to parties!). I think we will have a Little Blue Truck theme. He loves those books and there are lots of free party decorations available online so it will be easy to pull off a simple but cute party. His birthday falls on a Friday so I'm planning to take the day off and my parents will come that afternoon to help with the party prep (well, my mom will help with the food, my dad will hang with Paul!). 

What are you looking forward to in 2019?


  1. I have a feeling your party is going to be a blast -- and that the puzzle isn't going to be anywhere near done! So, I hope you plan on leaving it up for awhile!

    It sounds like there is much to anticipate this season, certainly your holiday weekend with your family and Paul's birthday too. It's been quite a year, Lisa! And now onto another one. (Your gatherings with friends sound loads of fun!)

  2. Your plans sound like great fun! I, personally, can't wait for next weekend! I pray the weather cooperates and that everyone stays healthy.
    That puzzle party sounds like fun. I haven't worked on an adult puzzle for a long time.
    Have a fun evening with Amber!

  3. I love that you have another couple over monthly to play cards; I want to do that. We are going to try to have more casual get-togethers with friends and family this year (something I will post about in one of my next posts), and I think a card night would be so fun!

    Yeah, I totally get just having immediate family for a first birthday party ... he won't even remember the party, so there really is no point in doing something extravagant.

    I am mostly looking forward to our trip to Havana next month!

  4. Ahhh... that puzzle party sounds like so much fun! I really want to host a reading party at some point this year. Just have people over and have silent reading time with snacks and drinks. I need to make this happen!

    This year, I'm looking forward to seeing the Grand Canyon for the first time, visiting Boston with girlfriends, and going to a BSB reunion concert over the summer!

  5. A puzzle party is a great idea. I notice that people love parties with a theme or an agenda. And what better way to bring people together who may not know each other?

  6. Lots to look forward to in the coming months! I love the puzzle party idea and wish I was there so I could come by as well. We did a puzzle over Christmas, my first time in YEARS, and it was so much fun! Though it took us about 8 days to complete a 1000 piece puzzle (Eric and his mom did the brunt of it on Christmas / Boxing Day) so I will be impressed if you finish it in a weekend!!

  7. I love beer! We are looking forward to trying that cashew chicken in the near future when all the ingredients come together at our house (and on sales ha). THe thing I'm looking forward to the most is our Spring Break Road Trip. We are going to the Laura Ingalls Wilder House and Museum in Mansfield, Missouri. We have been checking out some Route 66 stops for the drive down. And then we are going to Memphis for a day, spending 4 days at the beach in Gulf Shores, Alabama, and then a day/night in Nashville. I'm excited. Especially glad that I will have my toes in the sand for my 35th birthday!

  8. So happy to hear you're having a belated Christmas with your family!

    Also, a puzzle party sounds amazing! I need to find people who are into this kind of thing :)
