Monday, August 5, 2019

Our Weekend

Our weekend didn't get off to the greatest start. Paul came down with yet another ear infection on Thursday morning. He didn't have a fever so we sent him to daycare but he came down with a fever late in the day so got sent home. He got tubes around 9 months and they definitely help as we can treat the infections with ear drops instead of oral antibiotics (which are so hard on his tummy). But I wish he had fewer infections!

Cuddling with my sick babe on Thursday afternoon. 
He had a fever on Friday morning so I stayed home with him. The first 4 business days are the busiest time of the month at work for Phil so it wasn't possible for him to stay home. I had work that needed to get done, though, so I got as much work done as I could. Paul wasn't a huge fan of me working, though. As you can see in the photos below, he thought my laptop was a fun place for his dinosaurs to hang out.

Paul typically doesn't watch tv, but when he is sick we let him watch Little Baby Bum on Netflix. It is an educational show so I figure it's ok that he watches it from time to time.

Cuddling on the couch while watching Little Baby Bum
By Friday afternoon he was feeling better. I'm glad this infection isn't as bad as the one he had in June. That one lasted 2 weeks!

On Saturday morning we went to brunch at Tilia. We were supposed to meet another couple and their 11-month old but they thought we were meeting on Sunday. It was nice to get out of the house for a yummy meal, plus we had a gift card from my wedding so it was a free brunch for us. :) Paul looks very serious in the photo below but he totally charmed out waiter!

After Paul's nap, Phil and Paul headed to his mom's for the afternoon. I usually go with but this time I opted to stay home. I had a lot of one-on-one time with Paul on Thursday/Friday so kind of needed some "me time." I spent 3 hours in the kitchen doing meal prep, assembling an Eggplant Parmesan for dinner on Sunday night and making chicken soup for a friend who had surgery on Friday. It was very nice to get all that meal prep done without a toddler pulling on my legs!

Paul had a fun day with Grandma and was very happy to see me when they got home!

On Sunday morning we read some books...

... and then headed to a local lake. Phil swims across the lake 2 times a week. We've been meaning to join him on his Sunday swim all summer and the weather finally cooperated this past weekend. One of my mom group friends lives close to this lake so her and her daughter joined us for a little play date. Paul can't get his ears wet we are treating an infection so we had to stay out of the water. He enjoyed playing in the sand, though!

Later that day, after a crappy/short nap, we headed outside to play with his water table. I didn't bring my phone outside with me so I don't have any pictures of him playing with the water table, but he had a great time! I snapped this photo before we headed outside!

He was tired earlier than usual since he had napped so poorly and had spent a lot of time outside during the day, so he went to bed right after our family meal of Eggplant Parmesan (which he was not a fan of - womp womp). I forgot to take a picture of the Eggplant Parmesan. It tasted good but was a little bit soup and had to be eaten in a bowl. I have more eggplant growing so will need to find some other eggplant recipes!

How was your weekend? 


  1. I've never made eggplant parmigiano but love it! I imagine the eggplant released its juices making it soupy. Trial & error is okay!
    Sounds like he recovered pretty easily from this infection! Yeah!
    We had a nice weekend at the lake and spent several hours on the pontoon crusing the lake.
    It was a perfect day to do that, and then we went on an late evening one, too.
    Jason & Emily came on Saturday and I had the kids while they were in Rochester, so it was an enjoyable weekend!

  2. I'm glad Paul recovered quickly from his ear infection. My mom has told me that I got ear infections constantly as a baby but I never had them after toddlerhood, so hopefully the same holds true for Paul!

    My weekend was spent painting pottery with my nephew on Friday afternoon, dinner with a friend on Friday evening, and putting together a bookcase on Saturday/Sunday. :)

  3. I'm not a huge fan of eggplant as I have a mild allergy to it, but sometimes I make a roasted eggplant salad: cube and roast the eggplant; toss with chopped tomatoes, fresh mint, oil and vinegar. It's pretty filling so it goes well with a lighter main course.

  4. Is eggplant similar to zucchini in that if you grow it yourself it will be more watery than store bought?

  5. Glad to hear Paul is feeling better! Looks like you guys still managed to have a great weekend :)

  6. Glad to hear Paul was feeling better and you could go to the lake!How fun.

  7. Poor little guy. He's had a boatload of these, hasn't he? But glad things are on the upswing and you could enjoy some of the weekend.

  8. Sorry to hear that Paul had an ear infection, but glad to hear he's doing better now. My weekend was pretty good! We got home from camping on Friday, and had a relaxing, low-key weekend at home.

  9. I love the idea of playing on the beach while Phil swims across the lake. That sounds like a super fun family date!
