Friday, August 9, 2019


Happy, happy Friday! 

The book I'm reading is Cribsheet by Emily Oster. I loved Oster's other book, "Expecting Better," so I knew I'd love this one as well. She's an economist that works at Brown University but since getting pregnant/becoming a mother, she has applied her skills as an economist to all the decisions you make as a parent. I really love the non-judgmental tone of her books. She digs into things like whether kids are better off having a SAHM or a mom that works outside the home (turns out it doesn't really impact the child) or the benefits of breastfeeding (there are definitely positive effects but in the long run it doesn't make a huge difference). In a world that judges moms so much, it's really nice to read a book with an 'everything is going to be ok' kind of message that is supported by data! I highly recommend both of her books!

The high of my week was spending time with family on Wednesday. My SIL and niece from Chicago were in town this week so I took the day off and kept Paul home from daycare so we could spend time with them. We had a super fun day. We went to Wild Rumpus which is an amazing kid's bookstore and was on my 19 in 2019 list! I did not take any pictures there as I was busy corralling Paul/picking out books (I bought 5!!). Then we went to a park and out for lunch. We went home after lunch so Paul could nap but they came back over in the evening for dinner. Paul enjoyed all the attention, especially from his cousin Anna. 

Playing peek-a-boo with cousin Anna. He still prefers to play it with one eye uncovered. Ha!

Reading one of our new books. We love Todd Parr books.

Looking at a chatbook of pictures of him. He finally let Grandma hold him!

The low of my week was coming down with a cold - I'm guessing I caught it from Paul. Paul is also still struggling with his ear infection. The drainage went away for a couple of days and then came back so we got it cultured yesterday so they can figure out how to treat it. I was hoping he'd be over this infection before our lake trip so I wouldn't have to plug his ear when we go swimming. :/ Hopefully we get the results soon so we can get a better medication and get him over this infection for good!

A recipe I made was chicken and vegetable skewers. I made these for the family dinner on Wednesday night but forgot to take a picture. I went the easy route and marinaded them in store-bought Italian dressing. I used red peppers, red onions, zucchini and chicken. Everyone enjoyed them!

The best money spent was on books at Wild Rumpus. I'm pretty frugal but I'm always willing to spend money on books for kids. I know we'll read these books countless times!

My plans this weekend include staying in tonight. Tomorrow morning we are going to look at a house with a friend who flips houses to get his input on how we could improve the house. It's been on the market for 4 months as they had 2 offers fall through. As a result, the price has been dropped drastically. I always said I wanted something turnkey but the house doesn't need anything too major. I'd like to improve the kitchen and maybe do a few other things, but it's nothing too major. I went into house hunting hoping to find our forever home, but there is so little inventory on the market in our area so I think we might need to find an intermediate solution for the next 5-7 years and then eventually we'll end up in a "forever" home kind of house. The house is in an amazing location and when we were checking out the block recently, we met another young couple with a toddler. They said there are other families with kids so it seems like a block we'd love. We'll see what we think after seeing it with our contractor friend on Saturday. On Sunday, we have no plans. I'm hoping to hit up a farmer’s market but that’s it for plans!

What was the high of your week? What are your plans this weekend?


  1. The high of my week has been seeing how excited Isla has been about sewing camp. She's had a great week. I've gotten a lot organized and thrown out while she was gone too. :) Tonight we are hosting a karaoke / pool party. Basically an excuse to have fam / friends over. I just sat down after doing a bunch of cleaning.

  2. The high of my week was getting to see my two DIL's, one of my daughters,granddaughter and grandson! It was also great to see Phil, too!
    I'm also looking forward to seeing my hubby return from a Canadian fishing trip! We haven't talked all week so really miss him!
    This weekend we are going to see my two sisters and two brothers and their spouses so I'm really pumped about that! Summer is flying by so we need to make the most of the few weeks that are left!

  3. Crossing my fingers for a housing solution for you!

  4. Oh, I'm crossing my fingers that the house you look at this weekend won't need any major repairs! I know how frustrating this house hunting process has been and I hope there's an end in sight.

    So fun you were able to take a day off to spend it with family that was in town! I'm also astounded at how big Anna is. Time flies!

    The high of my week was having a really, really great interview with a new company. I've been on the job hunt for a few months now and it's been a mostly annoying process, but I'm feeling good about this job! Fingers crossed. :)

  5. The other young families on the block sound like a very good sign for the house! You can change so many things about a house but you can't change the location! Can't wait to hear how your visit goes. And I'm so glad you had a fun filled family day. I bet Paul loved all the attention from his cousin. So so cute!

  6. Glad Paul is feeling better but big bummer about you! Hope all went well with the flipper!

    My big weekend event was my birthday! Nuf said!

  7. I'm interested to hear how it works out with the house. That's too bad that there isn't more selection at the moment.

    Are you sure you don't want to move to Regina!?!? Hahahahaha! I kid. There are SO many houses on the market here, that it's a really bad time for people trying to sell, but great for those shopping. My sister and her husband just bought a new house and got a great deal on it, because the market is so flooded right now. If you moved here, we could have you over for supper! We always talk about what we'd made if you came here :-) Also, we'd totally take you to that Supper in the Orchard (it's allll gluten-free there). Okay, I'll stop day dreaming, haha!

    That book sounds good. I am always shocked by how judgmental moms can be to other moms. We need more of a village mentality when it comes to raising children. Everyone should support one another, and everyone should be involved in raising wonderful humans.

  8. With where you are at in life I think it makes sense to make a "good for now" choice, and to wait for the forever and ever. (also, I've had friends buy the forever house...and then change their minds 8 years in). Friends who flip houses are the best kind of friends to have! I'm super intrigued by the crib sheet book, I'll definitely be checking that out!
