Friday, June 19, 2020


Happy Friday, everyone! I'm back to feeling more excited about weekends now that we have more options to entertain Paul. For awhile there, weekends were really hard as it's tough to entertain an energetic toddler with limited options. But now that parks and the beach are an option, I'm more excited about our weekends. Here's how our week shaped up!

The book I'm reading is American Royals by Katharine McGee. In this book, the author re-imagines the history of our country. Instead of Washington becoming our first president, he became our first king and our country is ruled by a monarchy. I am not very far into this book but I think it will be a pretty delightful read. 

The high of my week was hearing the baby's heartbeat at my OB appointment on Tuesday and sharing our exciting news with all of you! Thanks for all the kind and excited comments and emails!

The low of my week was getting a really bad RA flare in my thumbs. This is the worst flare I've had during this pregnancy. I tried to go in for steroids injections but the soonest they could see me was Monday and I called on Tuesday afternoon... I understand as clinics are still not fully staffed. So I ended up having to go on oral prednisone. I was really really hoping to avoid prednisone during this pregnancy. It introduces risks to the baby and also will cause me to have gestational diabetes because steroids raise your blood sugar. I'm really hoping this is the only time I need to be on it this pregnancy!

A recipe I made was Chicken Tikka Masala with Cauliflower and Peas in our instant pot. This is SO good! The instant pot is a great gadget to use in the summer as it doesn't heat up the house like an oven does. I mean, it does get steamy in the kitchen when you did a quick release of the pressure but it's not as bad as having the oven on. 

The best money spent was on the book White Fragility, which I ordered through Frugal Bookstore, a black-owned bookstore in Massachusetts. I am working on educating myself through reading and I felt like I needed to own a copy of this book. My library is actually giving unlimited ebook access to White Fragility, Me and White Supremacy, How to Be an Antiracist, and The New Jim Crow through August 31. I think that is really awesome! I plan to read The New Jim Crow next, but I want to own copies of White Fragility and Me and White Supremacy (which is a workbook so something it seems like you need in print). 

My plans this weekend include working in my garden on Saturday morning. It is a HOT mess. I have so many weeds and it just does not look good at all but I've struggled to get over there as regularly as I would like. Phil is going golfing on Saturday afternoon if the weather cooperates as his Father's Day gift (I gave him the gift of time off to golf which is his favorite activity) so Paul and I will have to entertain ourselves. If it's nice out I am sure we will be outdoors most of the day. Sunday is Father's Day but we don't have much planned. I will make Phil's favorite meal (lentil enchiladas) on Saturday night. On Sunday morning, he will swim across the lake by our house and Paul and I will play at the beach. He needs to go out to his mom's to help her with some things around the house so Paul and I will be on our own again for part of the day... which is fine! I do wish I had a hobby or excuse to be gone for like 4 hours on a weekend... but I do take a nap when Paul naps so I get a nice break then. 

Bonus Paul photos!

When I am making dinner, Paul likes to spread out a bunch of bowls and uses this wooden spoon to either play them as drums or to pretend to make something. In this picture, he's "eating" some pasta he made. He is allowed to play with anything on the bottom shelf of this cupboard and will usually entertain himself pretty well. 

On Wednesday night, he ran down the sidewalk in front of our house and fell. He has a nasty abrasion on his forehead. It looks really, really bad but does not seem to bother him. That night he was trying to do somersaults and headstands on our couch and when Phil dropped him at daycare the next day, he proudly showed off his owies. But gosh he looks tough! Also note that he is still eating with his left hand. He does everything else with his right, like throwing balls/toys/etc. Phil also eats with his left hand and uses his left hand for a bunch of other things like brushing his teeth and using his computer mouse. His parents are/were both lefties so we figure he picked it up watching them but I don't know why Paul eats with his left as I right handed! Maybe he sits next to a leftie when he eats meals at school? Who knows!

How was your week? What was your high of the week? 


  1. Ugh, that RA flare sounds AWFUL! Have you experienced many flares this time around?

    That goose egg is a good one! I'm glad it doesn't bother him and he's proud of it! Hahaha. Kids are resilient, man!

    I had a good week, especially since my computer was finally repaired on Wednesday! YAY! And my mom and stepdad closed on their house, so I went over to see it yesterday. They have a LOT of work to do on it before they officially move in, but it was really exciting!

  2. So funny about Paul eating with his left hand! You have a big weekend full of plans ahead of you!

    The high of my week was definitely summer arriving. It was super hot yesterday (well, for here!) and will be again today. I think it will be a decent weekend too. I'm excited about it!

  3. So sorry about the flare! I hope it goes away quickly and your RA is not as bad this pregnancy.
    One of my little brothers is ambidextrous and he eats with the opposite hand that he writes with...sometimes. Sometimes he switches them up for convenience, like a crowded table and lots of elbows. Kind of crazy. Maybe Paul is ambidextrous! I'm wondering about our baby - we are both right-handed, but I've noticed that if he has something in his right hand he will often transfer it to the left.
    Happy Fathers' Day to Phil and I hope you and Paul have fun on your own!

  4. Half of what I do is leftie (write, eat) the other half, rightie (cut, throw, stitch). It's useful doing both!

    It sounds like a great week with a promising weekend coming up! Enjoy!

  5. The American Royals book sounds super interesting! I'll have to look that up. Sounds like you have a nice weekend planned. We actually have zero plans at this point. I don't even really know what my husband wants to do...He just a new bike which, if I'm honest, I told him the last two years+ that I would get him for "Father's Day" (but never did...). However, for the price of it, I told him it's basically worth at least 3 normal Father's Day presents. haha! So I guess we are set there. Not sure what else we will do. Those pictures of playing with pots and pans are so sweet! I always thought it was so cute when my boys used to do that. Now they are old enough to WASH the pots and pans! lol! (with some prompting...) :-)

  6. I didn’t know you had that bad flare and hope you don’t have to stay on prednisone too long! Ugh!,
    Maybe Paul will be a little cook like his uncles? I think all of you kids loved to play with pots and pans, too.
    His forehead looks nasty, but he seems to be okay with it! His cousin, James, is not so lucky with his owie!

  7. I am so sorry about the RA flare. They seem to come at inconvenient times, but I do hope you won't have too many episodes during this pregnancy.

    Oh no, Paul fell. But you know what, boys always seem to have one owie or another ;) it's mandatory, LOL

  8. So sorry to hear about the RA flare. I know how hard your last pregnancy was, and sure hope this time around it's easier for you.

    I'm a leftie too!

    Ahh, it's so hard to see little ones get hurt. I'm hope he's healed good as nee by now :-)
