Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Weekend Recap

Here I am with our Father's Day weekend recap, a day later than I planned to post. But such is life! Here is how our weekend shaped up!

My company gave everyone Friday afternoon off in honor of the Juneteeth holiday and encouraged us to reflect on what we can do to "be the change" which is the name of our internal campaign to right against racial unjustice. So listened to a couple of podcasts related to antiracism while working in my garden which was a HOT mess. I'm almost embarrassed to share the before and after photos. I have a MAJOR weed problem! I tried putting grass clippings down thinking that would help but it didn't. I bought a new weeding tool at the ace hardware that is a block from our house (love having a hardware store so close!) and that really helped. Previously I was getting on my hands and knees to weed and my back did NOT like that. Plus with my SCH, I'm super careful about not exerting myself too much as the last time I did that while gardening, I had a bleeding incident. My goal is to get over to the garden once a week to weed. As you can see from the picture on the right, I did not plant much this year - green beans, lettuce, beets, radishes, peppers, and cucumbers (but my cucumber plant hasn't grown so I might need to go buy a plant this week). So my garden looks total barren compared to others. But between being pregnant and having a busy toddler, I wanted to be realistic about what I had time for this summer and decided to majorly scale back what I planted.

After all that work, I felt like I had earned a treat so I picked up DQ blizzards for Phil and me. Ice cream has been a total turn-off for most of this pregnancy but it sounded good on Friday! I enjoyed my blizzard on the deck while reading my book!

That night I made lentil enchiladas and Spanish rice - Phil's favorite meal - as an early Father's Day dinner but forgot to take a picture! This is a meal that Paul also loves which surprises us because there is jalapeno in the lentil filling.

On Saturday morning, we did some reading and FaceTimed with my parents. This is Paul's favorite book lately - it's one of several that I bought to diversify his library. Some of the books I bought had to be put away for when he's older, but this one is perfect for toddlers.

Paul and I then headed out for a long walk to the lake by our house and stopped at the park on the way home. He had the best time at the park. He tried the big slide for the first time and LOVED it!

Phil went golfing that afternoon as his Father's Day gift so he headed out after putting Paul down for his nap. Luckily Paul took a 2 hour nap and I went to lay down before Paul went down for his nap so I slept for over 2 hours, which is not normal for me! After Paul's nap we went for a walk to water my garden and briefly stopped at the park but didn't stay long as all the equipment was way too hot as it was very sunny that day.

On Sunday morning, we all headed to the beach so Phil could swim across the lake. He's a member of a local swim club so swims their 0.8 mile course twice a week. Paul did so-so playing in the sand. He wasn't interested in playing in the water and kept asking to go to the park... but hopefully he'll enjoy the beach more soon! We plan to keep going each Sunday. 

We grabbed take-and-bake pizzas and headed home for an easy Father's Day lunch. Phil headed out after lunch to go to his mom's to help out. We would typically go with to his mom's but he wanted to stop by his dad's grave on the way so I felt it was best to give him some privacy. When Paul is older and able to understand death/passing, we'll take him with to the grave but he's not at the right age for that yet... Paul napped for 2.5 hours which is abnormally long for him, and I slept that whole time, too. When I woke up, I could tell I was getting sick. I'd felt off/super tired the last 2 days and then the soar throat started that evening. 

Phil got home in time for bed time which I was very happy about as I was really not feeling well by that point. 

So all in all, it was a good weekend although I could have done without coming down with this cold bug! 

How was your weekend? 


  1. Sounds so nice!! Bummer about the cold. My little garden has some weeds popping up more now too. I need to get out there in the next day or so. It looks like some things are growing. Of course, I had no idea that apparently you aren't really supposed to plant broccoli in this time of year really since it's so hot out. When I went to the store with Asher (who LOVES broccoli), we saw some plants and he wanted them. I said, sure why not?? So we have a bunch of broccoli plants but I don't know how well they will do. I put some mulch down around them to see if it helps keep them cooler but I really have no idea if it will help or not. Oh well. I had wanted to learn more about gardening before planting but never really made time. I hope your garden turns out well this year!! Sounds like you have some tasty options in there. I'd love the lentil enchilada recipe. We don't eat lentils really ever, but I do like them! Just never really think to make them, I guess.

  2. That's so cool that your company gave you Friday afternoon off in honor of Juneteenth!
    It sounds like you had a very nice Father's Day weekend :)

  3. What a great idea to get Juneteenth off to really draw attention to the initiative. Great work getting your garden back on track! I think it looks so lush and fruitful - although too bad about the cucumbers. I really wish I had a vegetable garden, but my totally paved mini-yard isn't cut out for it!

  4. I don't mean to scare you, but those could be covid symptoms, especially since cases are rising in your area. Have you thought about getting a test?

  5. I'm glad you got to take some naps this weekend! I already nap so much as it is, ha, so I don't know what I'd do if I ever got pregnant. Summer colds are no joke, either! I hope it's nothing serious - just take it easy, friend. <3

    Mmm... DQ Blizzards. The closest DQ to me is nearly half an hour away, haha, so I never get to enjoy DQ as much as I'd like. Which is probably a good thing!

  6. You make me want some DQ Ice cream now! 😉 but there is no DQ in my area!
    It’s so cool your company gave you Friday afternoon off!

  7. I love what you all did. It looks like such good fun for everyone and just exactly what everybody wanted.

    Your garden plot is big I'm impressed!

  8. How nice to be part of a swim club! When i lived up north I worked out with a triathlon club and loved those swims/bikes/runs.

  9. I could really go for a DQ Blizzard right now. Even after working there for years as a teenager, I never got sick of their food. You have such a big garden space! I realized this summer I know nothing about gardening. Growing up with gardens, I figured I knew a thing or two, but I forget basically all of it. Use it or lose it ... my sister is a major green thumb though, so I'll look to her in coming years.
