Monday, February 14, 2022

Another Cold Weekend + A Stroke of Luck

We had another bitterly cold weekend here. It was too cold to be outside with the boys - our highs were around 5F both days, but with the windchill it was well below zero. So basically time stood still this weekend! I had picked up another haul of library books (Gladys the Magic Chicken by the author of Dragons Love Tacos and Little Witch Hazel were Paul's favorites!) so it helped to have some new books to check out. 

Paul played with playdough for a good hour+ on Saturday morning while Will napped and Phil grocery shopped.

We built a train track and tried to prevent Will from destroying it. He eventually did but Paul was over playing with it by then so it wasn't a big deal. 

Yes, we've hit the awkward smile stage of photo-taking!

I got Will to pay attention to a lift-the-flaps book that included a mirror at the end! He kissed his reflection in the mirror! He also kissed the phone when we FaceTimed with my parents and sister in AZ when he saw his cousin Maddy!

Phil took Will out to his mom's on Saturday afternoon and I stayed home with Will. It was nice to just focus on Will and he took a 1.5 hour nap - and I napped for an hour! Paul came home with a Paw Patrol stationary set which entertained him for about 15 minutes on Sunday.

And Will entertained himself by taking lots of books off the shelf. 

We also let Paul watch The Lion King on Sunday morning while Will napped. I knew many of the songs by heart since I loved that show. It was a bit intense at times for him, but he just hid under a blanket when he got scared. I also played 3 board games with Paul on Sunday afternoon - Hi-Ho Cherry-O, The Hungry Caterpillar Game, and Chutes and Ladders. I lost all 3! My bag of tricks was fully depleted by Sunday evening so I was very much ready for bedtime to roll around...

While it felt like the clock stood still at times, it was a pretty good weekend all in all. We ended it by watching the Superbowl together. Will went to bed during the first quarter and Paul went to bed at half time. We were cheering for the Bengals and were disappointed they lost. BUT all was not lost because I WON $1,500 in a work squares pool! I bought 3 squares for a total of $60 and luckily the halftime and final game scores ended in 3 for the Rams and 0 for the Bengals! I am thinking I will use some of my winnings and treat myself to an afternoon spa day this spring. I could use some TLC and pampering!

The other more important stroke of luck was both boys testing negative for covid. We did at home tests this weekend to make sure we could safely travel to Arizona. I was SO RELIEVED when the tests were negative. I NEED to get out of the cold. I need to be able to leave the house without clothing my children in multiple layers. I need to feel the sun on my skin and actually feel warm! We've had some sunny days, but sunny and 5F is different than sunny and 60F. Of course the weather in Tucson is cooling off while we are there, but it's still 50+ degrees warmer than our weekend temps were so I'll take it!! We'll be visiting my sister and her family in Tucson and will stay with my parents in their Airbnb, so we'll have an extra set of hands to help out with the boys. My parents have said they'd love to watch the boys so we can get away for a hike so I am very much looking forward to that! 

In other news, it's Valentine's Day! Paul will hand out Paw Patrol Valentines that include a sheet of stickers so he was pretty excited about that. That's the extent of our celebrations, though. I thought about getting a heart-shaped pizza for dinner but we won't be around to eat the leftovers so it felt wasteful to do that. So it will be just an ordinary night in our house. I like the idea of doing something a little special for my Valentines but this was not the year to do it!

How was your weekend? Is it terribly cold where you are? Are you as over winter as I am? It's been colder than usual here and I am just SO OVER IT. But this, too, shall pass and we are lucky to have a warm weather getaway this week! 


  1. Winter is still lumbering along here. I'm really struggling, but trying to hold it together. I'm a teensy bit jealous of your trip!!

  2. I'm so excited for you to get away!!! You guys have had a ROUGH fall/ winter with illnesses, not to mention just difficult kids ages. I hope you have the best time!! It will be so great to see your family, too. ENJOY!

    That's so cool about winning the work pool, too! My parents came Saturday and stayed for the Superbowl, and we made up a little pool as well. We just rolled dice before the game to assign numbers, and then had a winner for each quarter based on the current sum of the scores. We each put a total of $5 in, boys included! I ended up winning $10! haha. It was still fun. At the beginning of the game I really didn't care who won, but shortly into it I decided I wanted the Bengals to win, too. So I felt bad for them! It was a good game I thought- pretty exciting and fun to watch.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. My bag of tricks was fully depleted by Sunday evening so I was very much ready for bedtime to roll around...I feel yah, I was so ready for Sunday naptime. It's cold here in northern IN. This past weekend we went swimming at local pool, had play date with cousins, wrote valentines, had science station which led to making potions, played Don't Break the Ice, painted sun catcher, painted on paper, played with tractors, took a nap, walked around outside, and took a bath. Love hearing your book and game recommendations. We love My First Orchard!! Enjoy your AZ trip. We are heading there at the end of the month!

  5. It was super cold this weekend too. Saturday I made muffins and potato soup and took it over to my parents. During that time my children watched Encanto for the millionth time. I read a lot and then we made shrimp tacos for dinner. Sunday we were lazy again too. The girls played cars and nerf guns with their dad while I read more We watched the super bowl.

  6. It's cold and snowing here as I type this. The kids have a snow day. Again. But I have a homemade soup in the slowcooker and rosemary focaccia (storebought!), and the driveway is shovelled.
    I'm more than ready for winter for be over.
    So glad you're able to get to AZ and congrats on the win! Winning...anything...always feels so fun. An $1,500 is especially nice.
    I hope you have a GREAT time.
    The SuperBowl was fun, though I was rooting for the Bengals and I felt bad for them getting sooooo close.

  7. Oh wow, double-stroke of luck - a monetary win (woot!) and two negative Covid tests before travel. What a relief! I hope you soak up all the warmth in AZ. It's been unseasonably warm here this week (75F), although we do get a warm spell in February usually... I am just not ready for it, esp. because we really need some more rain.

    BTW, I had that same wooden train track set as a kid and LOVED it.

  8. It is way too cold this winter in MN. I am so over it. How sad that I thought today felt warm when it was 3 degrees this morning. Cold and Covid = stuck in the house Im in the house stuck.

  9. Apart fromthe cold it sounds like a great weekend -- especially with your big win, and right before vacation -- and the two tests, too. Cold here as well and icy. I'm a tad envious you will be out of the cold for a few days! Have a wonderful time!

  10. I'm so impressed by your Super Bowl winnings! How cool is that? And $1,500 is quite a nice chunk of change. I definitely think you should treat yourself to a spa day!

    I'm so glad everyone had negative covid tests before your trip and I hope the weather was beautiful for you guys. I think it's such a great idea to take a trip to a sunny destination in February. You guys need it!
