Monday, April 10, 2023

Easter Weekend Recap

I got back from LA on Thursday in time for dinner and bedtime. Overall the trip went really well. I was busy with meetings early in the morning followed by in-person meetings. But the meetings were more enjoyable than ones I’ve had recently since most were looking to take advantage of dislocations in the market. I get a break from work travel until mid-May now. Woo hoo! 

The boys’ school was closed on Friday so we had a 3-day family weekend. I was able to get out for a run with my neighbor on Friday morning. The ice has finally mostly melted off the sidewalks. Highlights from Friday were opening Easter gifts from my parents, dying eggs and going to the library. Our library had a new search and find and swapped out the seasonal toys. The boys enjoyed playing with the science-themed toys!

Very excited about a new Lego set!

Will got new Bombas socks. He will pretty much only wear Bombas. They are the best grippy socks so I get it. 

We went to my MIL’s on Saturday to celebrate Easter. I was very happy to just show up! 

Nana has so many fun activity books!

The boys’ enjoyed their egg hunts. 

When we got home, it was beautiful outside so we played out front with some bubbles! I (finally) took our Christmas planters apart. In my defense, it still looks like Christmas outside. But this snow should be gone soon!

Sunday was another nice, spring day. I went for my first t-shirt run in the morning as temps were around 45-50! After quiet time we went to the park so fit in lots of outdoor time! 

All in all, it was a really nice weekend. Being able to be outside so much made a big difference! 

Paul and I fly to Tucson this morning to visit my younger sister and her daughter. Temps will be in the 90s and we are HERE FOR IT! My sister is about 32 weeks pregnant with another baby girl. I can’t wait to get lots of time with her and my niece. We’ll miss my BIL as he’s traveling for work but I am glad our visit is coinciding with a week of solo parenting as I know my sister will especially appreciate having company and an extra hand to help with her 2yo. Daddy and Will are staying back. Next spring we will resume family spring break trips but decided not to this year as we feared Will wouldn’t do well on the plane. 

How was your weekend? If you celebrate Easter, I hope you had a wonderful holiday! 


  1. That sounds like a nice weekend! How lovely for the boys and for you too! Your outside looks like our outside, but hopefully the snow will disappear soon.
    Enjoy your trip to Tucson! I'm sure your sister will really love having you.

  2. i'm glad you had a nice weekend! After all my complaining about how I don't like Eater, I actually had a really nice day. So it's 90s in Tucson? That will feel a bit different to you! i remember having snow on Easter when I lived in the midwest- but I'm glad your weather was nice enough to get outside this weekend. Easier days are ahead for you!

  3. Oh, I can't believe there was still snow on the ground! We were actually wearing short-sleeves and sitting on the grass! I mean, yes, it was lovely that you could do outdoor activities, but it's APRIL and now it is time for the snow to go.

    Sounds like a lovely weekend and I'm excited for you to get a way for a little break. Somewhere warm!

  4. Oh I am so glad you got so much time outdoors! It really makes such a difference, doesn't it? And being able to show up at your MIL's house and have all the holiday stuff be taken care of is wonderful. Have a great time with your sister!

  5. You have had so much snow! There are a few tiny piles in the woods, but all the lawns and streets are bare and I am READY for that. We haven't put away our shovels yet, though...late-April storms are pretty common where we live.

    We had a nice Easter, though I'm exhausted!

    I hope you have a fabulous time with your sister, niece, and Paul. How fun! And great that you have an extended break from the work travel.

  6. That all sounds so nice! I think I would be more excited about Easter if I could just show up somewhere and not have to DO anything- but that's never really the case anymore for me. If I could go back in time to my grandparent's house, I'd be up for that. :) Have a blast in Arizona! That weather sounds great! You guys will have so much fun!

  7. You Minnesotans are a hardy lot! The boys in their light clothes and that snow -- a contrast! It looks like a terrific Easter, Lisa. So glad you had the three-day weekend and a little time. Have fun in AZ!

  8. I think it is so fun to have kids when it's holiday time. We used to always go to my cousin's house for Easter, and I loved it because there were always tons of kids so we (I mean the bunny!) would hide candy and eggs and stuff and it was so fun to see them running around looking for goodies. Unfortunately, with COVID and then her husband passing away last year, we have not done it in several years now and I miss that pure joy of the littler kids on days like these.

    I hope that you are enjoying the hot weather in AZ! I think that you timed it perfectly, as I heard that they actually had a rainy and "cold" week the week before and this weekend was their first hot weekend!

  9. I'm so glad you were able to have a fun and relaxing Easter weekend (relaxing meaning, not having to worry about work/travel!). I'm glad the weather is warming up for you. We're getting some days in the high 60s/low 70s here and that ALREADY feels like a cold front, as we were seeing 90s already. It's nice to have a bit of a reprieve!

  10. looks like a fun weekend! I think kids just love to be outdoor, fresh air and free play makes them happy and easier for the parents too.
    sounds like a fun trip for you coming, hope you can relax/rest a bit there.

  11. It’s so nice to be able to just walk in and not have to be the one in charge!!! Looks like the boys had a fabulous time!!!

  12. Love the pictures of the kids in the park - but oh, the snow!
    And so, so glad you are getting some FUN (and warm) time away with Paul. I hope you enjoyed your time with your sister and niece. :)
