Friday, April 14, 2023

Our Trip to AZ

Paul and I had a really nice trip to Tucson, AZ to visit my younger sister and niece. I brought my work laptop with me but didn't end up having to work much. I had planned to work on the plane ride back but it turns out that the free Wifi on Delta is kind of crap as I can't open files from or save files to my work drive. Which means I basically can't do much of anything. So instead of working, I'm getting started on this blog post! 

On Monday morning we found out our flight would be delayed by 3 hours. At least we found out before we got to the airport, though! When we got to the airport, we were further delayed by a maintenance issue but we still got in about when expected (around 4PST). 

Sooo excited about our trip!

Delays are no problemo when you have an iPad

Shortly after we arrived, we headed out for a delicious Mexican meal. My BIL was supposed to fly out that day, but his flights got canceled so we got to see him that night! 

We spent 3 nights/2.5 days in Arizona which was the right amount of time for Paul's age. He struggled with the time change (we gained 2 hours) so we had some very early mornings. He was up around 4-5am each morning but was happy to lay in bed and play on his iPad while I snoozed on and off. 

We spent a lot of time outdoors on this trip! This swing in my sister's back yard was a HUGE hit!

It was quite hot while we were there so we tried to do things in the morning and had more low key afternoons. The first morning we went to the zoo. They have a great zoo that isn't too big/?overwhelming for little ones. The highlight of our visit was seeing 2 elephants playing in the water!

We also went to a splash pad that afternoon after quiet time. 

Lots of time was spent in their backyard. Paul was entertained by new-to-him toys and was great with his little cousin - albeit a bit bossy at times!

On Wednesday morning, we went on a hike at Sabino Canyon. We did a pretty short hike since we had little hikers with us. I'd love to do more hiking next time I come back to Tucson!

Selfies during a hiking break
We went back to the same splash pad after the hike to cool off.

I soaked up lots of time with my little niece and was thrilled when she let me read to her! She's about 3 months younger than Will and they are so different! Will is a bit, um, moodier than she is. But I think they'll have a blast together when they see each other next in August!

I'm glad Paul got this special one-on-one time with his cousin! Both my sister and I get comments about how our kids do not look like us (why do people feel the need to comment on things like that? Abby's gotten some pretty hurtful comments) but these 2 blondies definitely have a resemblence! 

Besides watching Paul and Maddy get to know each other better/play together, I loved catching up with my sister. We talked a lot about the challenges of parenting. Her husband travels quite a bit for his job so I think/hope it was helpful for me to emphasize how hard her job is - especially since she is 32 weeks pregnant so extra tired! 

Abby and I are 7 years apart so we didn't have much time to bond when we lived under the same roof since we were in completely different stages of life when I left for college. I never lived with my parents again after graduating from college as I did summer school/work in my college town the first summer and then worked elsewhere the other summers (job opportunities were not plentiful in my hometown of 500). So I have really enjoyed getting to know my sister as an adult and I love that we are in similar stages of parenting. I can't imagine not having her to vent to when we were sleep training or dealing with endless strings of viruses. I wish we lived closer but because we are far apart, we tend to get lots of time together when we do see each other since we are usually together for a string of days. 

Do you have siblings? Are you close in age or spread out? I’m 1 of 5. Mg oldest sibling is 10 years older than me, I’m the 4th child and then Abby is 7 years younger. So we have a 17 year span!!


  1. That sounds like a wonderful trip! And I'm glad you are really cultivating a relationship with your sister. I am not close to either of my brothers; I am the middle, my older brother is 3 years older and younger is 7 years younger. I used to be pretty close to my younger brother, but it's a long and arduous story.
    Anyway, so happy you had a lovely trip! It really irritates me when people comment on the kids' appearances as compared to our own. I mean, it doesn't irritate me much anymore but it did when the kids were small. My MIL insisted my older son looked exactly like so-and-so relative, even though he is the spitting image of my husband. It was VERY annoying!

  2. First of all, it's funny because when I was looking at the pictures I was thinking that you and Paul DO look alike! I have a friend whose husband is of Indian descent, and her girls have his skin tone (she's light.) People love to tell her that her kids look NOTHING like her- I mean, why? Why would you say that???
    Anyway, this sounds like a great trip. You got some sunshine and lots of time with your sister. My sister and I are two years apart so we've always been close (I mean, once we got old enough to stop bickering constantly.) But I think no matter the age gap, there's a bond between siblings. You still share so much even if you were at different stages of life growing up.

  3. Great recap of a very fun week! I am so glad you guys came - it really helped break up the monotony and challenges of solo parenting a 2 year old!

    I’ve always looked up to you as a person as my big sis - and Noel I look up to you as a Mom. It was so fun to get some special time with you this week!!!

  4. I'm so glad you and your sister were able to spend good time together, that the kids got along and all was well. I've always envied those sibling relationships a bit. That's the kind of age difference that is big when you are small and small when you are big. It's super special!

  5. This sounds like such a wonderful visit with your sister and niece! And how fun for Paul to get to travel alone with his mom and to visit his cousin! I bet it was nice to have some solid snow-free time, too.

    My brother and I are six years apart, so I know exactly what you mean. Unfortunately, we live so far apart we rarely see each other.

  6. So many thoughts, Lisa!
    1) I'm sooo glad you had a good trip and were able to unwind a bit from the hectic nature of work lately. Also, how wonderful to share this solo time with Paul (and your sister and niece).
    2) I'm sure you've mentioned it, but it had definitely slipped my mind that you have an Abby in your family! Such a popular name (but, obviously, a favourite in my household).
    3) Our kids look so much like my husband and I, so we get comments A LOT about how much they look like us. I look a lot like my Mom and sisters. It doesn't irk me, necessarily, but people always make these comments like it's the first time we've ever heard it. I admit I say at least once a month how much my son looks like my nephew!
    4) I am the baby by far; my oldest sister is 13 years older, then another sister 11 years older, and my brother is 8 years older. I get along well with my siblings, but I'd only say I'm "close" to one of them. There are some strains in a few of the connections but to use your terminology, I am the "Switzerland" - as the baby, I've become the neutral point of connection between the siblings that don't necessarily get along well. Sibling dynamics are fascinating to me. I really wish I was best friends with my siblings, but would say that all my siblings closest relationships ARE with me (my two older sisters basically don't talk to each other ever and have always been oil-and-water types). And ditto with my parents. I would say out of all my siblings, I'm the closest relationally (and geographically by far) to my parents.

  7. I can't believe that in the year 2023, people are making comments about how anyone looks! Families are created in so many different ways and it's just such a dumb thing to focus on. I try to be charitable and assume it's people just making small talk, but can't they focus on something else about their kids - their interests or good behavior or something? I don't know why this really gets me all hepped up. I don't even have kids, but it just seems so RUDE.

    My sister and I are a few years apart (she's older) and we're not close at all. We're very different and that difference has been exacerbated as we get older. It's really weird because we spent so much time together as children and it feels like we *should* be closer, but it is what it is.

  8. I love that you had such a lovely visit with your sister/family, and that she came by and commented on your blog!

    I have 3 siblings. I was raised with my brother, we have the same mom and different dads. We're close in a way, but we don't talk all that often. He lives in Alaska and I live in California, and we have very different interests. He and his wife don't have kids.

    I have 2 sisters in Oregon, we have the same father and different mothers. (Well, they share a mom, they are twins.) I met my dad when I was 21, and have never lived in the same state as this part of my family. I feel close to them, but we don't talk all that often. They have 2 kids each, and I like sharing parenthood with them. It's easier to talk to them than my brother usually.

  9. This all looks SO FUN! There's something so special and nice about more solo time (versus having the whole family along). I went solo to Ireland several years ago now to see my sister and it was really great. Of course, it's wonderful with the whole family, too.

    I just have the one sibling, and she's far away, which makes it hard to stay super close! Life is busy, etc... We get along well and try to stay in touch, but as a result we just don't have that BFF sister relationship where we constantly talk and tell each other everything, etc. We are both similar and different- probably slightly more different than similar, I'd say, though. We just have rather different personalities, I think. I think if we lived close and saw each other a lot maybe it would be different. But it's been so long since we've lived near each other at this point!! We lived together for 3 years when I was finishing years 3-5 of my college years and she was in law school in Madison at the same time. So that was fun and I have mostly great memories of that time, though even then we often did our own thing/ had our own lives.

  10. What a fun trip! I am so glad you were able to get some one-on-one time with Abby. I'm sure it's so nice to have someone to share parenting war stories with!

    I only have one brother and we are 14 months apart, so we essentially grew up together. We live nearby, so we are close. I imagine it would be a lot different if we lived in different states! I'm glad you're taking the time to cultivate your relationship with your sister. <3

  11. Adult sibling relationships are so fascinating - some people never talk to their sibs, others do so every day. I love that you and your sister have been growing your relationship as adults, since you didn't have much of a chance to when you were younger. And, I'm also so glad that you had such a lovely trip with Paul. I bet he thought it was pretty special (and his face in that first picture says it all!). All around good news. :)

  12. Oh what a fun trip and I am so glad you got to spend quality time (to bond!) with your sister. I am sure as you're both moms now you can relate to each other in so many ways.

    As you know, I have a twin sister and we're very close, even though our lives could not look more different.
