Monday, April 17, 2023

Fake Summer and weekend happenings

Last week while we were in Arizona, Minnesota had what I would call ‘fake summer.’ It was abnormally hot - in the upper 80s. So we went from having a good 6-12” of snow on the ground to needing to run our A/C on Thursday night; our bedrooms are upstairs so A/C was necessary so we could all sleep. But as a seasoned midwesterner, I knew this was a fluke. And indeed, the temps rapidly dropped on Friday evening and it was snowing by Saturday evening. We woke to a covering of snow on Sunday morning and the forecast calls for 1-5” by this morning. Le sigh. I guess the snowfall record is still within reach for us (I think we are less than 8” away). 

Now for some weekend highs and lows! 


- We were able to resume our library + gymnastics routine. We hadn’t been to gymnastics in about a month due to a string of illnesses and their spring break closure. It was great to get back to our routine! 

Paul’s teacher assisting with a backwards summersault

Playing with scarves 

- We had 2 play dates! On Saturday, our good friends came over for a couple of hours. Then on Sunday, we went over to our neighbors for about an hour in the morning. Will and I had to abruptly leave because Will was terrified of their sweet Great Dane. I mean, she is massive but she is such a sweet dog. But there was no convincing Will not to be scared of her. Paul did so well with her, though! He’s pretty terrified of dogs but handled being around her. 

- I got workouts in on Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday I did a lower body beachbody HIIT workout which included my least favorite move - triple bears - which involve jumping or stepping side-to-side in bear stance with your knees 2” off the ground. I loved all the other moves, though. On Sunday I went on what was a pretty unpleasant run since I was pelted by a rain/snow mix. But it was still good to get out there and move my body.


- The gross weather meant we were cooped up inside a lot. The more time we are inside, the less happy everyone is. The playdates helped but the weekend was still a bit of a slog. 

- My patience was pretty depleted at times and I felt irritable from alllll the whining. I’m on a decent amount of prednisone to manage a flare I’m having in my right hand that just won’t quit. A side effect of prednisone is irritability. I see my doctor on Thursday and plan to get a steroid injection in the joint so at least I’ll be off oral steroids soonish. 

How was your weekend? 


  1. Ah yes, the fake summer. We had our a/c on over the weekend and are expecting snow tonight. I don’t mind a long spring but I am not a big fan of being jerked back and forth between temperature extremes!

    I’m sorry you are going through another flare. Prednisone on top of cooped up whining sounds awful! Here’s hoping the weather allows for more outdoors time this coming weekend!

  2. Yesterday was 17 degrees C, but last Thursday we had snow and sleet and it was below freezing. Who knows what will happen this week? April in Calgary sounds similar to where you are.
    Ugh, another flare. I'm sorry to hear it, Lisa.

  3. I hope that the hot weather at least melted off some of the existing snow so that it will melt quickly once this last cold snap ends! We obviously do not have fake summer, and have actually had some cooler temps lately, which have been fine but I have been having to wear a long sleeved shirt when out gardening or running etc. which is a little weird (it's been in the 40s/50s mostly). I am looking forward to next week when the highs will be in the high 60s low 70s!

    This weekend I helped a friend move and then went to the kids' soccer games, which was really fun, and then I worked in the garden. Its nice that it is no longer raining but now there are weeds galore! However, the peach tree has little fruits and the apple and fig are sprouting leaves, so I think/hope that spring has actually sprung!

  4. Oh, steroids! I had to go on some last year after a bee sting on my toe got infected, and wow, the sudden unprovoked RAGE! Over every little nothing! That stuff is serious. Though in my case, at least it took care of the pain in foot. If it hadn't helped, my rage would have been supersonic. Good luck with yours.

  5. We had a case of the whines on Saturday! Holy cow! And my husband was out of town that day. So, I was sure to communicate him on Sunday that he was the primary parent on duty for the day! :) It helped!

  6. We had super warm temps the week before Easter and then Easter weekend was rainy and cold and then it warmed up again. I had a vendor event this past weekend and the weather was gorgeous!!! I’m so glad that y’all had a good weekend!!!

  7. I was here for the fake summer days, but now I am wearing my heated vest and trudging through snow again and also feel like I want to whine and complain and I'm not on steroids, so you have a better excuse than me for losing patience!

  8. Yes, the fake summer switching back to winter is always the WORST. It always happens, yet we always get annoyed when it does, right?! I find it very exasperating. We were in St Louis for a soccer tournament and had beautiful weather during the day, followed by tornado sirens in the evening, and then some cold/ wind/ rain on Sunday! It was crazy weather. At least we got one mostly full really nice day, which is the day we were most out and about. Also, for the cold games on Sunday, we were able to park the car such that we could see the whole field from the passenger seat! So that was nice. Poor kids of course had to be out in the cold/ wind, but at least they were running around. And they are young. haha!

  9. I'm so sorry to hear about the flare continuing to have such an impact. Ugh. Hope the appointment this week goes well.

    I have ong child that is TERRIFIED of dogs; even the sweetest dogs leave them terrified and it is tricky to navigate because it really impacts where we can go. A number of their friends have dogs but there is just no way they can handle being around dogs.

    It has been warm and sunny here lately, but I know we can still get a spring snow storm! We're getting the snow tires off our car tomorrow, so I'm hoping there isn't any truly bad weather ahead...

  10. I am NOT on prednisone, but the whining is driving me bananas, so soliuarity, sister.

  11. Wow, that is weird- you had the AC on and two days later it was snowing! Glad you were able to get out for a run (although the conditions do sound unpleasant.) It probably still helped your mood. I hope you can get the flare resolved- and, spring will be there for real soon. You're close!!!

  12. sorry to hear about the flare up. Dealing with a whining kid is hard enough, and having to deal with your own flare up must be really annoying. hope your doctor provides a good fix with the injection. any health related procedures/test/check up could be stressful for me, I really admire how cool you deal with them.

  13. Whining makes me absolutely insane - and Maddy has been on a whining kick lately. She is still dealing with that heat rash? Or whatever it is - so I know that’s probably making her irritable at times. We tried a new cream last night so if that doesn’t help - I think I’m going to email her dr :(

    I cannot believe you’re still getting snow. Gross!!!!! I can understand why the Great Dane intimidated Will a little since they are so massive - but you’re right. They are the sweetest dogs! I hope that was the last kick of winter for you guys!!!!


  14. I just saw a picture from a MN friend about the snow, how much did y’all end up getting? I was at run club last night and was telling my friend Jenny about all the snow you’ve been dealing with.

    Way to go in still getting your workouts done!!! That’s awesome!!!


  15. I can barely handle the kid whining from my nephews, so I imagine it is so annoying when it's all you deal with all weekend long! Argh. Hopefully they will get out of the whiny stage soon. Right now, my brother is dealing with the teenager attitude stage and let me tell you, he's STRUGGLING big-time. Kids are just a lot at every stage, it seems!

    We sort of had fake fall here for a bit, haha. We had about two weeks of super nice weather (which is under 80 degrees here at this time of year, lol). It's going to be hot this weekend but then we'll have another week of really nice weather. I'm enjoying it while I can!

  16. Oh, man, false spring/summer. The bane of every midwesterner's existence. :(
    Also, the whining. The bane of every parent's existence.
    Here's hoping the weather is at least not wintry and that you all get more time outdoors...
