Thursday, April 20, 2023

Guest Post: Elisabeth

Hey hey and happy almost-Friday! I have a fun post for you today! Elisabeth and I decided to do a blog swap today, so you can find me over there today and she's taking the helm over here. 

I can't quite remember when I "met" Elisabeth, but we were fast friends. I agree with her characterization of us being "kindred spirits" a la Anne and Diana of Anne of Green Gables. Elisabeth leaves such thoughtful, insightful comments and we've developed a friendship outside of blogging as we often email back and forth to check in on one another and to delve more deeply into the ups and downs of life.

Elisabeth is a working mama of 2 and is often the "home parent" while her husband travels fairly extensively for his European-based role. Since I tend to be the "traveling parent," I can appreciate the hard job she has on the home front; I whole-heartedly believe that the "home parent" has the harder job of the two. Her kids are a bit older than mine so I love the sneak peak of what is to come in my parenting journey. I appreciate how Elisabeth acknowledges the peaks and valleys of parenting; that's something I really strive to do as well. Now if only I could teleport myself to her charming city in Nova Scotia for a cup of tea (for her) and a cup of coffee (for me). But since that's not possible, settle in and get to know Elisabeth through this fun list of questions she almost entirely came up with!

1. What seemingly “little” moment have you observed or been a part of lately that brought a disproportionate amount of joy?

My son loves to sing, and has been singing the chorus to one particular song on repeat for weeks. One evening, he was in the shower singing the same two or three lines over and over again - with gusto! At one point it gets quite high and he would take that as his cue to start singing even more enthusiastically (with a few adorable voice cracks). I was literally clutching my heart while I listened - it was so sweet and genuine and hilarious. (And, while he’s not self-conscious about singing, he was oblivious that anyone could hear him…which made it even sweeter). Pure joy.

2. What aspect of your current life/career would most surprise 20-year-old Elisabeth?

That I don’t have more children (I always assumed I would have 4). I think I’d also be surprised that I didn’t end up having a traditional career. I had my first child three months after finishing my Master’s degree (in Biology) and have worked non-conventionally ever since including co-founding two businesses with my husband. I love structure and oversight, which basically goes out the window when you’re starting an entrepreneurial venture… 

3. Do you have any go-to resets when you’re feeling overwhelmed or struggling to stay focused?

Decluttering or tidying - reorganizing a closet, straighening cans in the pantry - and listening to upbeat music. Bonus points if I do both things at once.

4. If you could add (or subtract) one habitual behaviour in your life, what would it be?

Add: A daily stretching/yoga practice. I am horrifically unflexible, but I can’t seem to stick to a regular routine. 

Subtract: Emotional eating or anything that involves “baggage” around the food I make and consume. This is 100x better since I’ve started eating “intutively” but I suspect I’ll always have remnant struggles on the food front.

5. What was your favourite purchase (under $200) in 2022?

Eufy, our robovac. It’s a bit ridiculous how much I adore this little machine.

6. If you could eat only one meal on repeat for a week, what would you choose?

Cheating on this slightly…

Breakfast: A toasted English muffin with peanut butter and sliced banana

Lunch: Roasted sweet potato and eggs

Dinner: Sushi

Now I’m hungry for every single one of those food items!

7. If you had $5,000 that had to be spent “frivolously,” how would you spend it?

Travel - more specifically, another trip with my husband. I’d love to do the Amalfi Coast, Venice, Portugal, Iceland…just about anywhere, honestly.

8. If you could snap your fingers and have all the capabilities necessary to excel in any career or hobby (e.g. if your wish was to be a famous rockstar, you’d magically have the necessary vocal/instrumental skills), what would you choose and why?

Broadway singer. I love singing, I love lyrical music, and even though I’m introverted, I actually like being up in front of people. Or a professional organizer. The latter could theoretically happen, I suppose?

9. List five things that would happen as part of your idealized “perfect day.”

  • The weather would be perfect - not too hot, not too cold. I’d be comfortable in short sleeves, but never overheated. (I am very high-maintenance with temperature.)

  • I’d slowly savour a great cup of coffee on our deck.

  • I’d fit in a long walk with my husband or best friend.

  • I’d get a massage.

  • I wouldn’t have to cook - or clean up after any meal - and the food would all be delicious.

(Also - this might sound horrible and I love them very much - I think for this to be a “perfect day” my kids would be happily occupied elsewhere.)

[Editor's note: my kids were absent from my perfect day, too. Like Elisabeth, I adore my children but when they are around, the day is not generally about what I want to do...]

10. Favourite movie, song, or book from 2022?

My favourite movie from 2022 was Top Gun. So entertaining, and the first time I saw it was when I was visiting my sister and her family in South Carolina and we were in a modern theatre with heated recliners. The whole experience was delightful from start to finish. 

11. Do you enjoy playing kids games? Are there any you particularly love or loathe? (I strongly dislike Hi-Ho Cherrio and Chutes and Ladders because those games can be endless). 

I loved games as a kid, but I’m not a huge fan now. That said, we played 100s of games of UNO at the start of the pandemic and I can tolerate a lot of UNO. Sorry, Five Crowns, and Golf are fun. I loathe Clue, Chutes & Ladders, and Charades. Oh, and Hungry, Hungry Hippos. All that clanking drives. me. crazy.

12. What is your ideal weather forecast? 

Fall in Canada. I love the crisp mornings, golden sunlight, and warm afternoons. This perfect weather only lasts for a few weeks, but I crave it all year. 

13. If you had to describe yourself using 5 words, what words would you choose?

Such a good question - and, also, SO HARD! It’s interesting thinking through what words I would use to describe myself versus what words other people would use. Last year a friend had a group of us do an exercise where we wrote one-word descriptors for each other and some of the words people used to describe me were…surprising. Insightful. Confident. Intelligent. Outgoing. Adventurous. Reliable. Brave. ENERGETIC?! What? Who is this wonder woman and when can I meet her?

My words: organized, questioner, emotional, storyteller, frugal

I sound a bit…boring. Maybe we should go with the words other people suggested?

14. What is your favorite place in Canada to visit? Is there anywhere you’d especially love to visit? 

I haven’t visited that many places in Canada - nothing West of Ontario, though I’d love to visit Banff someday -  but of all the places I’ve been (6 provinces), Nova Scotia - where we live - is my favourite. It’s absolutely beautiful. There is a relaxed pace of life, wide open green spaces, orchards and vineyards everywhere, a temperate climate (for Canada), and so much coastline. It has been a wonderful place to raise a family, and it feels like home.

Ok reader, it's your turn! Pick a few questions to answer in your comment!


  1. Well, isn't this fun! I'm excited to toodle-oo over to Elisabeth's to see your post!
    I think Elisabeth should definitely visit Banff - and me on the way! For a little while at least *sobs in moving-related stress*
    I would also be a Broadway star if I could have any career/ skill/ etc!
    I just imagined Elisabeth playing Hungry Hungry Hippos and it was such a non-Elisabeth game it actually made me laugh. I LOVED that game as a child! So very noisy.

  2. Well now I have to visit Nova Scotia; Elisabeth makes it sound serene there. I have been to BC, Alberta and Ontario but none of the other provinces YET!! I am putting it on the list! From where I have been so far, I really enjoy the Banff/Jasper area, as well as Vancouver and the areas north of Vancouver, but I still have a lot left to explore.

    I would love to be a singer, although I really just want to have a great voice (which I don't) because I love singing, but I am not sure I really want to be a performer. I picture myself around the piano like in the olden days, just belting it out at family parties. I actually have family members who do this and it is awesome. Any time we have a wedding or a funeral, they do solos, or sometimes duets and it is so nice to have that be part of our get together.

  3. Thanks for hosting me today, Lisa!

    @Nicole: I DO want to make it to Banff and would love to see you along the way. Maybe we can belt out some Broadway tunes together?! And I appreciate that you know me well enough to know that Hungry, Hungry Hippos is a nightmare game for me (much like you once commented that "Game of Thrones is NOT an Elisabeth show!"

    @Kyria: Nova Scotia is absolutely gorgeous. I think you'd love visiting the Maritimes. PEI is spectacular, too, with all the red cliffs and long beaches. And Newfoundland has some epic hiking trails. My mom and brother play the piano and I grew up literally singing with my family around the piano. I feel a tinge of guilt I didn't stick with piano lessons so I can give my own kids the same experience :(

  4. The clanking of Hungry Hungry Hippos... the noise kills me! We play Ocean Bingo and Dinosaur Bingo, which are quick, and now I know all my dino names....

    As the travelling parent, the stay home parent definitely has the harder job. Although my husband thinks my job is harder... which I think is crucial for why it works for us. We both give each other a bit of support when we're back in the same place, b/c we both think the other person was working really hard. My husband will let me sleep in, and I'll send him out for some solo time.

  5. Wow, you guys really came up with some good questions! On the subject of travel... I saw quite a bit of Europe in my 20s and 30s, but now I'm realizing there are incredible places in the US that I've never been to. Like I've never been to Yellowstone National Park, or the Grand Canyon. If I had that $5000 to spend I would definitely be heading out west for an extended trip.

  6. Awww! This is so fun!

    I am DYING to visit Nova Scotia because of Elisabeth's blog. Her photos make it look so gorgeous and her life seems so walkable and wonderful.

    My least favorite kids' games are Candyland and Chutes and Ladders. I think we bought Chutes and Ladders, played it once, and then promptly donated it. There was a card game we did this with as well, but I can't remember what it was called.

    Like Elisabeth, I would subtract emotional eating and any guilt/frustration/fraughtness around food.

    Now I'm off to Elisabeth's blog to read about Lisa. What a fun swap!

  7. I also want to visit Nova Scotia-- blogger meet up???? Love this swap.

  8. Rick is hoping to cycle to Nova Scotia this summer. I'm a little envious because it's a spot I've always wanted to visit! It's a pleasure meeting you, Elisabeth! My favorite movie of 2022 was "Living" and my favorite season is summer (although fall is a close second!) My go-to reset is painting or reading.

  9. Nova Scotia is the best! Though it feels a bit like going out on a limb with a book recommendation. What if everyone starts visiting and hates it?! But, come to think of it, I suspect this would be impossible because it really is so beautiful here (in the summer at least; it gets a bit bleak from November to March).

    Whenever I get close to the end of a Chutes and Ladders game and then hit a chute and end up back at Square 3, a piece of my soul withers up and dies. Mary Oliver: playing this horrible game is NOT how I want to use my one wild and precious life.

    Thanks again for hosting me here today, Lisa <3

  10. This swap was so cute!! It popped up in my Feedly the other day on my phone when I first woke up and was scrolling in bed... lol.... and it was such a pleasant thing to wake up to! You guys are both so great- I've loved getting to know you both! I know I'll meet you at some point, Lisa. :) And wouldn't it be fun to do a Nova Scotia blogger meet up? I'd totally be game for that some day!! :) As you know, we were in Maine fairly recently which I think is very similar to what I've seen in Elisabeth's photos of Nova Scotia- just so beautiful!!

  11. great questions again and it's so interesting that our description of ourselves differ so much from how others see us, right? I wonder how others would describe me.. not that I care that much. hahaha...

  12. so much fun to see Elisabeth on here - and to read her answers to the questions. Thanks for doing the swap!

  13. So much fun to read (and learn more) about Elisabeth on a different platform and through your questions :) I adore you both.
