Friday, November 10, 2023

5 things Friday

Happy Friday! We made it through another week! And yes, that’s an accomplishment in our house given all the germs and such we are cycling through. Here are 5 things on my mind today:

1. My cough seems to be finally getting better. It plagued me for a good 3+ weeks. This is not terribly surprising. I’m on some serious immune suppressant drugs to manage my RA (my immune system has to be suppressed, otherwise it goes into overdrive and attacks itself, resulting in painful flares). I am going to attempt to run tomorrow. Hopefully it goes better than last weekend. 

2. Work continues to be so so busy. I’ve done 340 client meetings (mostly via zoom, some in person) this year. Last year I did 90 and I had the 2nd highest meeting count on my team last year. I’m probably in first place by like 100s this year. This pace of work is not really sustainable. But my new hire has taken over more than I dreamed he could at this point. He was here again this week so we got to work in adjacent cubes which was so nice. But it’s very workable to have him in Chicago. 

3. I have my 2nd to last business trip of the year next week. I fly to NYC on Sunday evening so I can be in the office Monday morning. It’s a longer trip (for me) as I get back late on Wednesday night. I don’t like traveling on a weekend day but it had to happen for this trip. I am excited to be in NYC, though. I absolutely adore the city and some of my favorite colleagues are based there. But I am glad the end of business trips for the year is in sight. I will do 14 business trips this year which is A LOT for me (and most people?). My goal was 9. And I even said no to a couple of trips, like a recent request the week of Thanksgiving. 

4. Taco has recently become interested in puzzles. I love puzzles so hope both boys are drawn to them. What was especially cute was that Paul was happy to help Taco with his puzzles! I whispered to Phil and said ‘oh my God, they are playing together. Quietly.’ 

Paul is wearing headphones but isn’t listening to anything. Taco is working on a seasons of the year puzzle.  He loves the winter puzzle which is puzzling for me as that is my least favorite season.

5. Tonight there is a movie night at Paul’s school and siblings are welcome. So I am going to take the boys and give Phil a night off from parenting since he’s got some solo parenting ahead of him next week. I’m so glad we’ve reached the stage where both boys are entertained by movies!! They are showing Lilo and Stitch which I have never seen. Popcorn is involved! 

How was your week? Do you like doing puzzles? I adore them! 

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