Friday, March 15, 2024

5 things Friday

I’m drafting this post from the airport on Thursday night as I wait at the gate for my now twice-delayed flight home. So instead of landing at 6:30 and making it home for bedtime, I landed at 8 and missed it all. Le sigh. Here’s how the week shaped up.

1. We enjoyed some really unseasonably gorgeous weather earlier in the week. One benefit of springing ahead is having more sunlight in the evening. The boys went scooting after dinner 3 nights this week. Everyone is happier when we can get outside! Yes their helmets match their scooters but no, this was not planned! Taco just moved into Paul’s helmet and Paul got a new one that coincidentally matches his scooter. And of course Taco is wearing a Mickey shirt! We have no short sleeved Mickey shirts so I probably need to get some for spring/summer.

2. I had a very busy but productive trip to Chicago. I did some lunch and learn sessions with our sales people, went to a celebratory HH for people who were promoted/passed their licensing exams, and had a lot of meetings with people I work with. I also met up for dinner with the daughters of Phil’s cousin. They are in their 20s but were up for hanging out with me! We talked for 2+ hours straight. These girls are part of the family that we spend Christmas Eve with every year. Their parents are Taco’s Godparents so even though they are technically extended family, I kind of think of them as close family. One of the girls teaches yoga sculpt at core power yoga so I am hoping to take a class next time I am in Chicago! That was one of my favorite classes when I had a CPY membership. 

3. Today starts with 7:30 dentist appointment for Paul. We found out he had 2 cavities when we saw the dentist in February. Le sigh. I guess he has my bad dental genes (we still brush his teeth so I don’t feel like we did anything wrong, just bad luck/genes I guess). We go to a pediatric dentist so am going to trust that they will figure out how to get my sensitive boy to sit for the drilling process… I will report back.

4. Paul’s little birthday party with 5 school friends is tomorrow afternoon. Since I’ve been gone much of this week, I feel pretty ill-prepared to host anything. But I am telling myself that 5-6 year olds don’t expect much. I’ll have snacks, we’ll put a cute Lego set together and we’ll have cupcakes for the birthday treat, per Paul’s request. Hopefully it all goes off without a hitch! 

5. We don’t have any other plans this weekend, thank goodness. I’m definitely feeling worn out from my busy week of travel. And I do it all over again next week with a 2 night trip to Charlotte. Here’s hoping I get some good nights of sleep and come out of the weekend feeling rested.

How was your week? Was the weather beautiful?


Sarah said...

Lego party is SO SMART-- I hope they have a blast! Coop had a bunch of cavities at that age (from freaking fruit snacks, I a pretty sure-- we stopped them cold turkey) and the peds dentist was awesome. They play disney movies on the ceiling, use laughing gas. etc etc.

Kyria @ Travel Spot said...

I feel tired just reading this. I have been thinking a lot of my Mom friends lately, as my brain has been on constant go mode and I am sure this is how you feel all the time! For me this is not normal, so it is hard, as I constantly feel behind, or like I am missing something or forgetting something, or should be doing something else/more than what I am currently doing, even though what I am currently doing is important too. Its exhausting!

I hope that the party goes well and I am sure the 6 year olds will be happy no matter what, well actually, as long as there is cake! :) Also I hope that your weather is nice again, as it makes the entire day better, doesn't it!? I have a few more things to wrap up: one more trip to Salvation Army, finalize the details of the car sale, clean the house and move out a few boxes...then I am done with this chapter. I still have to sell the house, which may have a few issues (I have a story about one neighbor, sigh, and I am sure there are a few issues where I will need to either pay or negotiate) but hopefully will go fairly smoothly.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness that is an exhausting week!!! And back at it again next week 😳I hope you can squeeze in some restorative time this weekend between the bday party and everything else. Like you said - 5 year olds will just be excited for legos & cupcakes and don’t care about the rest!

Hope his dentist appt goes well! Cavities just happen - must be our genes! And maybe your water doesn’t have much fluoride? I got so many cavities growing until I moved to tucson!

That’s nice you were able to squeeze in dinner with some family while in Chicago!

Birchwood Pie said...

I love that you got to meet up with your friends on the CHI trip! I rememeber that so many of my work trips were endless work - in the office during the day and then brutally long business dinners at night with zero downtime.

Enjoy your weekend and hopefully next week's trip will be on the lighter side. I have ambitions to go to Charlotte some day.

NGS said...

The weather was nice in the first part of the week and then turned rainy and grim. It's too hard to say what today will be like, but the sun is sort of poking out.

I don't think there's a single tooth in my husband's head that doesn't have a cavity and he has pretty good hygiene - there's so much about genetics. Those peds dentists know what they're doing!

Life of a Doctor's Wife said...

Oh your boys are SO cute. What a great photo of them.

So sorry to hear about the flight delays. That is always frustrating, especially when you have to miss bedtime. I hope Paul's dental appointment goes smoothly! My kid had sever dental anxiety for years, but we seem to have maybe turned a corner this year??? I empathize with you both!

Hope the party goes great! LEGO and snacks sounds perfect.

Jenny said...

Good luck with the birthday party! I'm sure everyone will have fun. And, I hope the dentist went well. I'm sure a pediatric dentist knew just what to do (my daughter had some pretty awful procedures done when she was little, and wasn't upset about it at all.)
Your travel schedule sounds exhausting! But, so cool you got to meet up with family in Chicago. I certainly hope you have a fun vacation planned this summer- you're going to need it!

Sophie said...

That is a busy time travelling, but great you got to see family too! Sounds like a productive time. I’m also travelling for work next week, looking forward to a change of scenery and no parenting duties, but not looking forward to how tired I’ll be on my return. I hope you get a break from travel soon.

Mom of Children said...

The weather in NJ has been- delightful!! 70s, sunny, and breezy! Every night we were outside before dinner. T was away in Georgia, so it's me and the kids so having that outside time really made a difference in our moods :) This weekend is St. Patrick's day and I am here for it! I loved Ireland when I visited it back in 2011, so lovely and green, and the music... Anyway, corned beef and cabbage are on the stove, left- over Guinness (from R's birthday in January) is in the fridge, and Irish fiddle is on Spotify.

Mom of Children said...

Oh and happy birthday to Paul!! Great idea about a lego!

Coco said...

sorry to hear about the flight delay, it's the worse when it's flight back home.
Cavities, they are the worst for small kids. Lizzy has many and everytime I take her to dentist, I feel so stressed due to the amount of cry even at age 7. I think it's partly genetic partly bad hygiene. Now I have to monitor her brush her teeth most of the nights.
good luck with the birthday party, I agree with you that small boys are rather easy to entertain :)

Stephany said...

I *firmly* believe cavities happen due to genes, not hygiene. (Well, they also happen due to hygiene, but if you're following normal dental hygiene practices... it's all about those genes!) My brother and I were lucky to inherit my dad's dental genes - I didn't get a single cavity until I was in my mid-20s!

So much travel! And flight delays are no bueno.

Anne said...

Genes are so important for dental issues... but I agree with Abby that your fluoridation may be partially to blame. NOT your habits/practices for dental health! I think that's the factor contributing the least...but haven't searched the actual literature. :)

I would be exhausted if I traveled and interacted as much as you do. Wow. AND you balance 2 young kids, a spouse who works just as hard, it seems. And yet... you do it with a smile! So impressive. Hang in there.

San said...

That's so nice you were able to have dinner with the daughters of Phil's cousin when you were on your work trip. It probably made the trip a little sweeter.

And I am sorry that Paul has cavities. Dental genes suck and it's not fair that some people have a much harder time with dental hygiene than others.