Friday, October 4, 2024


Yay! A week where I did not travel! I guess the good thing about traveling is that it makes me really, really appreciate the weeks that I don't travel! 

A book I am reading this week is ‘Forgotten on Sunday' by Valerie Perrin. This is a French novel that was translated into English with dual story lines. It's mostly set in a nursing home and is told from a 19-year old nursing assistant who really gets to know her patients. The other story line is a flashback of one of the residents who is in her 90s. I'm enjoying it so far. It is very much character-driven, though, so don't read if you need plot. 

The high of my week was just being home! It's nice to see my family, have complete control over what I am eating each day, and sleep in my own bed. 

The low of my week a situation where Paul was treated poorly by some other kids at the after-school program. The staff handled it really well so hopefully it's a very isolated incident that doesn't happen again.

For workouts I ran 3 miles on Monday and plan to run tomorrow morning. I wasn't able to fit another run in but I have been getting my 10+ minute walks in as part of the walking club that Elisabeth is hosting!

On Wednesday night, Taco and I went for a walk/scoot to look at Halloween decoration. Pumpkins are his favorite decoration!

A show we watched was the finale of the latest season of Alone which is a wilderness survival show. We also watch the competition part of Survivor with Paul on Wednesday night and I watched the first episode of the new season of the Great British Baking Show! 

The best money spent was on Paul's school photos! He's such a photogenic little guy!

My plans this weekend include laying low tonight as usual. Tomorrow morning we'll probably hit up the library after my run. In the afternoon we're going to the home of a friend that lives on a lake. Phil will help take their docks out. Sunday is the marathon so we will be spectating around mile 9. My colleague has been under the weather with a cold so I hope that doesn't impact him too much! The weather forecast has really improved and it should be pretty cool, albeit a bit windy.

How was your week?


Elisabeth said...

I had a surprisingly good week. I was expecting to be absolutely exhausted and grumpy (solo parenting again, and just a busy week), but things went much more smoothly than I anticipated.
I'm so sorry Paul has had some difficult experience at school/after-care. It's so, so hard as a parent to watch our kids go through injustice like that. I'm glad the response was swift and hope it never happens again.
What an adorable school picture!!
What crummy timing for your co-worker. Hope the marathon goes okay regardless.
And enjoy the stretch of time home. You need the break from travelling!!

Taya Runs and Reads said...

Welcome back!! In time for some nice fall like weather! Oh I'm so sorry about the kid mistreatment.. that's heartbreaking :( The school picture turned out fabulous!! Sounds like you're getting in consistent workouts, how impressive!

Sarah said...

I just write that having to go to campus so much is making me appreciate working from home— so I feel you on the travel. Those school pics are DARLING, and we are all also loving the walking outside :)

Birchwood Pie said...

Oh no, so much First Marathon Drama for your colleague - now that the weather isn't an issue he's getting sick. I'm sending healthy thoughts his way. I hope he has a great race!

Yay for a week at home! Have a great weekend!

Kyria @ Travel Spot said...

Woo hip! You are home! That is so great, and I really feel you on the chaos of travel and having to move each day (or often) and change routines and time zones and stuff. It is really hard for me to have a routine, especially with exercise and food, when I am on the road.

Paul's photo is tres cool! He really is so photogenic and I love those glasses so much. He just seems like such a handsome and cheerful boy!

Also, it sucks that your buddy is sick, but silver lining re the weather. I guess I would rather have a bit of a cough and good weather than really really hot weather and no cough. However, it really does depend on how sick he is/what the ailments are!!!

Mom of Children said...

Aww love that picture! L's picture day is October 15th.
We had a similar situation in L's after care last year- the girls that shared after care with her were older (3 and 4th grade) and had been very unkind to her. Thankfully, she reported it and the staff also handled it really well. It was painful to see her crying but the silver lining is that there was a teachable moment in it- how to advocate for yourself, I think she learned from the experience, too.
My weekend is LOW KEY as well. I need to rest. Well, and laundry. Always laundry...

Anonymous said...

Sophie here- Yay for a week at home. Sorry to hear about Paul, I’ve definitely had times when E hasn’t been treated right and as a parent it is SO hard. Hope it is not repeated. I hope your colleagues marathon goes well! My weekend is fairly relaxing, just some shopping with mum and hanging with the kids- which is good because Next week I’m interstate for work for two nights, so I need to rest.

Jenny said...

I LOVE Paul's photo!!! But I'm upset to hear that he had problems in aftercare. IS he okay? It always hurts my heart if someone is mean to my kids- but I think the kids usually deal with it pretty well.
Yay for a week at home, and I'm excited about the marathon! I agree with Kyria- I'd rather have a (mild) cold and great weather for a marathon, than be healthy and have it be too hot. I hope everything goes well for your friend.
Enjoy your weekend!

Anonymous said...

Paul looks so great with his glasses - and wow does he resemble Phil! :)