Last week I was trying to kill time before my knitting class at
Bella Lana (highly recommend this store for anyone who wants to learn to knit... or loves yarn). So I wandered into
Bibelot on Hennepin Avenue. This is a wonderful store to wander around, especially if you are looking for a gift for someone... or, unknowingly, for yourself! I swore I wasn't going to buy anything, but ended up purchasing this book, another book for myself, and a gift for my mom (Mom, you'll have to wait until your big bday to see what you got!). I immediately recognized the handwriting on this book. Maybe you recognize it too? I have actually gotten 2 framed quotes by this author, Mary Anne Radmacher, as gifts - one from Brooke when I turned 23, and one from my friend Dawn back in college.
So I couldn't resist picking it up. This is not the kind of book I typically read, but I couldn't resist buying it. The book is based on a poem that the author wrote. This poem talks about giving life your all and discovering your purpose. It made me think back to when I was training for my marathon - back then, when I was doing the long training runs, I needed some sort of mantra to get me through those last few miles in the 16-18 mile training runs. So I would repeat over and over in my head, 'run with a purpose' - in my mind, this meant intentionally putting one foot in front of the other... and it got me through those runs and the marathon. This author talks about applying this concept to life. The book is broken into mini chapters that address the lines of that poem she wrote and other life lessons like knowing when to leave & risking love. It's one of those books that you read & wish you could send back to yourself at an earlier age... But something you can still apply to your life in the here and now.... lots of little bits of wisdom and things to think about. Also some journaling exercises if that is something you enjoy doing (who can't benefit from a little self-reflection and journaling?).
I wish I had this book when I prepared for speeches I've made in weddings in the past. I'm always trying to come up with something meaningful and succinct that sums up the couple that just exchanged vows. Well, this book has plenty of little tidbits that would have really enhanced any speech I've given. But who knows, I'm sure I've got plenty of weddings down the road where I can put some of this material to use!
So I'll just close w/ my favorite page of the book. It can be found in the "Risk Love" section. I read this when I was in Bibelot & thought - I have to get this book...
'you are every whisper of a promise.
when i look at you i hear the laughter of my life,
i remember every dream i have forgotten just after awakening,
i believe in any possibility that i have once touched.
even when you are not with me,
you are part of the memories i make.
and now... i will be the soil of your rich harvest season. the season where the pain of the fallow and the burden of the bountiful come together. i am the orchard in which you walk and ponder and begin to hear the wind whisper of the immeasurable breadth of your strengths. i am the growing places in which you wander and begin to see the richness of your own knowing. it is in this place where you may both rest and soar.'