Friday, January 21, 2011

30 Before 30 Update

It's been awhile since I've re-visited this 30 before 30 list... Truth be told, I haven't accomplished a whole lot. BUT, I accomplished more than I would have had I not made this list so I still consider it a success. Here it is... I crossed off things that have been accomplished... items I am on track to accomplish are in green... items I am not on track to accomplish are in red... items that aren't feasible are in italics..

1. Work my way up to being able to do 20 real push-ups. I can only do 'girl' ones currently.
2. Run my 2nd full marathon (will be running this marathon!)
3. Join a local running club (tried this & did not care for running with others)
4. Go one month without eating out
5. Get a body fat assessment done, most likely in the 'Bod Pod'
6. Run a 5k in 27 minutes (PR is 30 minutes)

7. Learn how to roast a chicken
8. Make one new recipe/month
9. Host a dinner party
10. Find a cooking class/seminar to attend
11. Go to a knife skills class (at Kitchen Window)

12. List or rent out my condo on or before my 30th birthday
13. Set up a living will
14. Put at least $1,000/month in savings

15. Join the women's group at my church
16. Spend 1 hour in the Eucharistic Adoration Chapel each month
17. Go to a Cathedral Young Adults event

18. Learn how to knit socks
19. Learn to crochet
20. See a ballet or opera production (I will go to one in Paris on 2/15 so I am going to count this as it's close to my birthday!)
21. Do something with the photos from my France trip

22. Meet a blogger friend in real life!
23. Send one piece of snail mail/month
24. Buy a new set of dishes
25. Read 3 classic novels (I read The Bell Jar, I Capture the Castle, and A Christmas Carol)
26. Make over my blog
27. Do a hair workshop with my best friend Brooke.
28. Visit my grandma at least once every 3 months.
29. Climb Inspiration Peak in the fall when the leaves are changing
30. Visit the Duluth, MN area

I have accomplished or am on track to accomplish 13 out of the 30 goals. I am actually ok with this. Sure, I wish I was on track to accomplish more but had I not made this list, some of those goals wouldn't have been accomplished so I still consider this list a success.

Between now and my 30th birthday (or maybe on my 30th birthday) I want to Learn how to roast a chicken. I might need to enlist the help of my mom or brother... we'll see. Or maybe I will just figure it out on my own!


  1. I'd say you accomplished quite a bit! You should be super proud!

  2. Great list :) If I lived closer I would show you how you can roast a chicken with the Pampered Chef Deep Dish Baker :) HAHA.

  3. I don't know how to roast a chicken so I'm no help there but I do think you are doing well with your goals. It's hard to accomplish everything we want to all the time.

    Also, it's snowing here again- feel free to take back the snow at any time, I don't wanna get a lot haha.

  4. Love that you did an update on this - and love even more that you're okay with not having everything completed!

  5. You really got a lot done here - I'm impressed! If I did this my list would be completely stupid and the night before my birthday I would be frantically trying to learn to unicycle and eating banana splits. You know, the kind of goals I'd set. Maybe this is why I get nothing done...

  6. You have accomplished quite a bit! I have no clue how to roast a chicken either....would love to, but it's also super easy and cheap to pick an already roasted one from the grocery store!

  7. You've done well! Roasting a chicken is pretty easy and there are so many on-line web sites that have different ways to do it. I know you can do it! The items in red are great ones to try and accomplish! Good luck! You can always work on them even after your 30th!

  8. This is a great list, and you've accomplished a lot! I think your attitude toward your list and goals is wonderful.

    Oh, and I'm envious of your Paris trip! I've only been once for 3 days and would love to go back!

  9. I think you have accomplished a lot this past year!

  10. Think about all the amazing things you've done that AREN'T on your list also! Basically, you're fabulous and did really well with your goals :)

  11. I think you are doing well!

    Also, there is a really easy method for roast chicken on my blog. It is the easiest thing ever!

  12. saving 1000 dollars a month! I want your job :)

    Great job on what you have accomplished.

  13. Roasting a chicken is SUPER easy. You just put the oven at the right temp, clean out the chicken, rinse it, cover it with herbs/spices/butter whatever and throw it in the oven for a couple hours (depending on size). Seriously the easiest thing ever!

  14. You have crossed a ton of things off, good job! I love that your list is full of practical fun items. I put things like skydive and swim with sharks on will I ever accomplish that before I am 30?! Im going to add some "accomplishable" things right now :)

  15. Nice work! Anything is better than nothing and you have accomplished a lot. I'd love to do 20 pushups. Even when I'm really working on it, it seems 15 is like my maaaax.

    Ha...I'd like to save even just $1,000 per year. Right now we're just living pretty tight. Guess we need to change something about that. Find a better paying job is my strategy for that. I hate not having a savings to fall back on if we needed it.

  16. It's fun to read your list! Check out Ina Garten and Food Network -- she's done it on her show and it looks sublimely easy -- mostly, just making sure you cook it the right amount of time. I think she sticks a lemon or orange or garlic or herbs or something in the cavity, then roasts! And that's sounding pretty good. I wonder if a roast chicken is in my future. I'm getting hungry reading your posts!

  17. Roasting a chicken seems like something that should be so easy. Yet I've never done it. There's all types of recipes out, it seems silly that it's something I've never even attempted to do.

  18. Sounds like you are doing just fine. I think the point of these lists really are to just get us to do half of the stuff on them! So...bravo!!!
