Monday, January 24, 2011

Motivation Monday: 10 Mile Training, Week 1

Today I start training for the 10 mile Cherry Blossoms run that I'll be doing with Charbelle!! It has been nice to take some time away from training since the marathon in early October but I am definitely ready to be back on 'the grid'. I find that I sort of lack motivation/direction when I'm not training for anything!

I debated about which training plan to follow but decided to go with Hal Higdon's novice plan. Am I novice? No, not really, but I wanted to ease back into training so I decided to go with an easier plan. I can always modify it down the road if it seems too easy for me.

I will probably use this training plan as a guideline and will modify it to make it work for me. My goal is to run 3 days a week, strength train 1 day a week, and cross train 1 day a week. My rest days will be Monday and Friday. I hope that I can maintain this schedule + studying for the CFA + adjusting to a new position. If that all get to be too much, I will adjust things accordingly.

I don't really have a time goal for this 10 miler. I honestly just want to have a blast and take in the sights! I want to be able to chat along the way with Charbelle and feel good at the end of the race. 10 miles is a great distance - it's challenging, but it shouldn't wipe me out like longer distances. I have only done one other 10 mile race and my time for that was 1:36:10. Could I beat that time on April 3? Yes, probably... Will I be upset if I don't beat it in this race? I hope not - I honestly just want to get out there and have fun!


  1. Ah that race is on my running bucket list. :) Have a BLAST! I heard it's wonderful.

  2. I like ten mile races - they're great if you have plans later and don't want to feel like death for them!

  3. I have never run a 10 miler but it seems like the perfect distance for a race! Good luck with training!

  4. Good luck with the training! I have been looking at half-marathon training plans, and even though I'm not a novice either, I am thinking of going with one of those.

  5. good luck! can't wait to hear how the training progresses! will you be training some inside on a treadmill or are you braving the minnesota cold to be outdoors?

  6. Good luck and have fun! I know what you mean - it does seem easier to focus on working out when you have an end goal in mind. I'm sure you're going to do great! (In the training and in the race!)

  7. Good luck with your training! I know you'll do great! :)

  8. Boy, it sure helps to have a plan to get back on track! You are so motivated!

  9. I like the 10-mile to half-marathon distance. It's such a nice distance to run and train for!

    I think that your training schedule sounds great and being flexible with it considering all the other things you have going on is so important!

  10. So exciting! Good luck with the training. I'm sure you'll totally rock it :)

  11. Good luck with the training. I think that at this stage you've run so many races, of so many distances, that you know how to organise your training best. Go girl!

  12. I can't wait to hear more about your training! Running to have fun will be good, since you trained so hard for the marathon and got an AMAZING time.

  13. Our minds are in the same place ... I blogged about getting back into running today, too!

  14. I think that you have the right attitude :-) Having fun is most important.

  15. So excited to come see you run. Should I start planning a big sign now to hold along the race route?

  16. This race sounds fun and I think the novice plan is a great one considering you aren't trying to beat any times :)
