Friday, August 5, 2011

Seven Links

Amber tagged me to do and I am finally getting around to it!  I think most have seen the explanation of this meme, so here goes!

1.  Most Beautiful:  On Singing Another Melody

There are no pictures in this post, but it's my most beautiful post in that it eloquently captured where I was at in my life at that point.  Here is a quote that particularly sums it up: 

"I sometimes feel like that ballerina - trapped in a music box, singing the same song, spinning in circles." 

It was a post inspired by a song by Regina Spektor and in that post, I announced I was returning to Paris to celebrate my 30th birthday. 

2.  Most Popular:  Giveaway Post

This is probably cheating as giveaway posts are very popular in general, but I freaking made someone a scarf and hat!!  I look back and think - how in the heck did I have time to do that?? 

3.  Most Controversial:  The e-Reader Debate

I am not a controversial blog poster...  Or a controversial person in general...  so my most controversial post was probably  the post about the e-Reader!

4.  Most Helpful Post:  ** insert crickets**  Date Night it the Kitchen

I am really not a helpful blogger.  Sorry peeps, if you are coming here for help, you are at the wrong blog.  ;)  But I know that Becky made this recipe, so I guess it counts as helpful as she learned a new recipe as a result!

5.  A Post Who's Success Surprised You:  10 Days of Thanksgiving

I've done this post series three times now and Erin and Becky ended up doing it with me!  It was the first time that I inspired others to do a post theme!

6.  A Post You Feel Did Not Get the Attention it Deserved:  Letter to Me

Maybe this one?  I thought it would be more popular as the letter I included is something that has hit home with me. 

7.  The Post you are Most Proud of:  Why

This is the post I wrote when the Barrister and I broke up at the end of 2010.  It was difficult to write, but I am very proud of this post (and all of my relationship posts) because I opened my heart and was very honest - which made me very vulnerable.  While I was vulnerable in opening my heart, this post also showed the strength I displayed in making the decision to walk away from a relationship that I knew in my heart was not the right one for me. 

I also could have chosen this post for most beautiful and for most popular.  I have come a long way since I wrote that post in January.  It's hard to believe it was just over 6 months ago.  My, how life has changed - for the better.  For the longest time, I had this quote as the background of my computer and wondered when I would find joy:

  Well, it's been found.  I actually never thought I could be this happy as a single person, but I am actually significantly happier than I was in my past relationships.  And that is a wonderful thing.
Tell me about a post(s) you would choose for any of these 7 categories - and the url so I can read the post(s)!


  1. I liked your 10 days of Thanksgiving post series, too. They made me stop and think. :D

    I think the post I'm most proud of writing was this one: It was really hard to write, as I was coming out of a really dark time and basically I find it hard to admit that things aren't always ok.

  2. This is a lovely heartfelt post and definitely inspirational for single women everywhere

  3. I love these posts that everyone is doing... maybe someday I will get around to it ;)

  4. Yes that totally counts - I love that risotto recipe! AND 10 days of Thanksgiving!

    I actually think I might do this meme soon myself - kind of fun!

  5. I really admired the post that you wrote when you and the Barrister broke up. I think that was when I was really starting to read your blog regularly, and I thought "Damn! This girl can write." I was also so impressed with your honesty.

    I was tagged to do the 7 links and I'm going to try to do it next week....

  6. I am glad you have found your joy. I think that I have actually read most of those 7 posts! It's been fun seeing you become happier as time goes by!

    I actually have a post drafted for this meme, but I will give you a sneak peek:

    A post I feel didn’t get the attention it deserved: I am Not a Plastic Bag. I wrote this when I was just writing to write and nobody read it and I didn’t care. But I had a lot of fun writing it and I thought it was well thought out and researched. I just didn’t have an audience then. C’est la vie!

  7. Great post, Lisa! It is heartwarming that you are happy "where you are"! That is so important, and when you are truly happy other people see & feel it! God Bless!

  8. I just went back and read your Paris post and your Why post. Both were so beautiful and touching! I'm so happy for you my friend :) XO

  9. This past year has been quite a year for you!! I love that you are in such a good, happy place in your life.

  10. I love this meme! I'd say a post of mine that didn't get enough attention was this one: mainly because I want to hear what other people think and how they feel about their job/career/ambitions!

  11. Okay--I love that you gave me a shout out for doing your 10 Days of Thanksgiving :) You know I LOVED that idea! And I just lost myself in re-reading the posts you mentioned. You know I love your words and the honesty with which you write! So glad that Paris brought us together!!!!

  12. you are a great writer, i can imagine it was hard to come up with just one post for some of these topics! if i had time right now i'd link, but i cannot..

  13. I am terrible at things like this, and have no idea what I would pick for any of those categories. If I had to do the 7 links post, it would probably take me days!

  14. Haha, I'm also not the blogger to look to for help- but that's okay :) I just enjoy reading about your journey and sharing in all the happiness you are feeling right now!

  15. I'm so glad you've found your happiness! :) Great meme, I really enjoyed revisiting these.

  16. I loved this meme and I'm a little surprised it didn't get more popular. I thought it was so interesting to go back and reflect on all the different posts I wrote. I'm so glad you decided to post it too, and I'm still hoping to read more people's versions!
